View Full Version : Life on Mars: ‘Amazing E-SHAPED’ alien structures spotted on Red Planet

Teh One Who Knocks
05-02-2019, 11:32 AM
By Tom Fish - The Express


EVIDENCE of alien life on Mars has been spotted in NASA video of the Red Planet, a conspiracy theorist has claimed.

Eminent astronomer Giovanni Schiaparelli turned his telescope to the Red Planet in 1877 and believed he saw canals and continents. And humans have hunted for evidence of alien life on Mars ever since. Now a conspiracy theorist believes he has finally produced compelling proof found in NASA footage from the Red Planet.

Self-confessed UFO expert Scott C Waring outlined his outlandish theory on his popular etdatabase.com site.

Waring wrote: “I found some really amazing structures in the southern part of Mars.

“The structures appear to be above the ground tunnel like… almost as if a dome was stretched out.

“One of the structures is in the shape of a capital E. This must be a structure in the shape of alien writing.

“The word might have a religious or cultural meaning.”


US space agency NASA have explained the bizarre structures have as pits formed by frozen carbon dioxide.

However, purported alien expert Waring discounts this description, writing: “I don’t believe that as we cannot believe everything they say.”

He added: “We all know that NASA cannot be trusted to tell us the truth.

“The structures do appear ancient, but are still in extraordinary condition and might be a good location for a future Mars base one day since the structures are already completed.

“It looks like these black structures have been made above the surface of Mars.

“But NASA are trying to make us believe they were made below the surface, which is not possible.

“These are not craters and nor are they frozen pools of water, as there is no water there.”

The structures resemble a lower case E or a three written backwards.



However Waring goes further, outlining how others are shaped “like an eye, head, an arm and a part of body.”

The extraordinary claims posted to YouTube have attracted scores of comments online.

User God's Love wrote: “Very interesting Scott, looks to me like those things are on a dry sea/lake bed, looks like they may have been seed pods of some kind, notice that some are round while others are opened up or tried to.”

And Darin Dacey added: “They look like ‘matter’ populated toroidal fields. The epitome of the cosmos.”

05-02-2019, 01:42 PM
Please remove access to these photos of Mars from these theorists.

05-02-2019, 03:49 PM
Structures found in nature that look like a ____ = Waring - These are buildings, don't trust NASA :rofl:

Teh One Who Knocks
05-02-2019, 03:55 PM
NASA = Government = Liars