View Full Version : Ocasio-Cortez Complains About Ivanka Trump’s Job Credentials, Gets Mocked In Response

Teh One Who Knocks
07-01-2019, 11:29 AM
By RYAN SAAVEDRA - The Daily Wire


Socialist Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) was widely mocked over the weekend after she took a shot at the job credentials of President Donald Trump's daughter, Ivanka Trump.

Ocasio-Cortez, a former bartender and waitress, was not happy that Ivanka Trump accompanied the president on his trip to the G-20 summit and was included in photographs alongside other world leaders.

"It may be shocking to some, but being someone’s daughter actually isn’t a career qualification," Ocasio-Cortez tweeted. "It hurts our diplomatic standing when the President phones it in & the world moves on. The US needs our President working the G20. Bringing a qualified diplomat couldn’t hurt either."
Fox News reported that prior to joining the administration, Ivanka Trump was an executive vice president with the Trump Organization and served as CEO of her own clothing and accessories empire.

During the G-20 Summit, Ivanka Trump "represented the U.S. in meetings with leaders from China, Japan, Russia, India and Australia," and also "led the U.S. delegation in a special discussion on women’s economic empowerment," Fox News added.

Before leaving for the trip, Ivanka Trump noted that the United States was the only country that was bringing a completely female team to negotiate at the G-20.

"The United States is the only country in the G20 with an entirely female negotiating team representing President Trump and advancing his priorities," Ivanka Trump tweeted. "Looking forward to heading to Japan tomorrow! #G20Japan #WGDP"
Ocasio-Cortez was subsequently mocked for attacking Ivanka Trump's job credentials as many people pointed out that her most recent job was being a bartender.

Piers Morgan tweeted: "Could be worse... Ivanka could have been a bar-tender 18 months ago."
Paris Dennard tweeted: "Remind us how being a bartender qualified you to be a member of Congress creating laws, voting on bills that impact Americans & the world. Let’s not go there & start comparing your resume to @IvankaTrump’s experience & resume. She also takes no salary. Way to support women..."
John Thomas tweeted: "I didn't realize being a bar tender was a qualification to be a member of Congress?"
Joel Pollak tweeted: "It's OK, you see, for women to undermine other women *if they are Republicans*."
Carol Roth tweeted: "Well, if anyone would know about getting a job with lack of qualifications..."
Jason Rantz tweeted: "Modern day feminism: tearing down an accomplished woman because she doesn't hold your ideological views. But, ya know, she's not a bartender so what the hell does Ivanka know anyway?"
Jessie Jane Duff tweeted: "This is rich. A woman who was a bartender degrades a woman who had a thriving career prior to joining Office of Economic Initiatives. Ivanka's initiatives created millions of opportunities for workers by legislative & Admin action. How many jobs did AOC initiate? Zero. #Amazon"

07-01-2019, 11:39 AM
The bartending thing was the first thing that popped in my head when I read about AOC bitching about Ivanka's qualifications. Sometimes I really love people on the internet.


Teh One Who Knocks
07-01-2019, 11:59 AM