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View Full Version : People Can’t Decide If It’s ‘Cute’ Or ‘Pathetic’ That This Woman’s Man Can’t Grocery Shop Without Pictures

Teh One Who Knocks
07-18-2019, 10:16 AM
by Patricia Grisafi - The Daily Dot


A viral tweet about a visual grocery list has sparked a debate about whether it’s cute or pathetic when men struggle to do basic tasks.
In the tweet, alongside a video of a specially-made visual shopping list made for her partner, user @Rato_K writes, “he struggles so much with grocery shopping, so pictures have to accompany the list or it’ll just be a mess. cutest thing.”


The shopping list is pretty detailed. This woman lays it all out there—the type of pasta, the kinds of tomatoes, the color of the pepper—she even tells him where to find items in a follow-up tweet.


When they talk about women’s unseen labor, this is what they’re referring to—a carefully curated and illustrated list for a man who is unable to figure out what linguini looks like even though it’s in a box labeled “linguini.”


Some people seemed to agree that this was, in fact, a cute and relatable thing:
But the tweet sparked a debate over whether or not men who can’t do simple tasks are cute or incompetent man-babies, but mostly, people were not amused by the idea of a grown-ass man unable or unwilling to run basic errands.
Some users were confused whether this woman had sent her child or her partner to the grocery store.
One woman shared her abysmal experience with sending men out for groceries:
Other users observed that people make running errands needlessly complicated so they are never asked to do them again:
To be fair, some individuals who struggle with learning disabilities often need visual cues to help them complete tasks.
In that case, this list is a lovingly supportive way to help a partner with a disability, and we should all feel bad for poking fun at it.

07-18-2019, 12:15 PM
He doesn't "struggle" with it, he just can't be fucking arsed shopping.

07-18-2019, 01:57 PM
I think he suffers from mental retardation.

07-18-2019, 05:04 PM
His thing seems extreme yet my Dad once asked me to get him some Polysporin for a cut. I had never bought it before and thought there was just the one type, like the old school tube we had in the bathroom.

Arrive at the store and there's seven varieties :doh: :oops: