View Full Version : Woman, 72, 'lured schoolboys to cottage for sex, cigarettes and Special Brew'

Teh One Who Knocks
10-24-2019, 10:56 AM
By Henry Holloway, Chief Reporter - The Daily Star


A woman lured schoolboys to her cottage to perform sex acts and drink Special Brew, a court heard.

Delena Wells is accused of performing a sex act on one boy and having repeated intercourse with another, heard Bristol Crown Court .

The woman – now 72 – is alleged to plied boys with booze and cigarettes before molesting them, reports Bristol Live.

She denies the allegations, which were said to have taken place in Clevedon, North Somerset, three decades ago.

The jury was told she invited the first boy to her cottage to drink cider, smoke and watch TV.

But, on one occasion, she then asked him to watch a sex video, before assaulting him.

Donald Tait, prosecuting, said: "The crown suggests that this lady, born in 1947, in her younger days was a sexual predator.

"In an interview, [the man] said he enjoyed the attention she bestowed on him.

"He said further sexual activity took place between them on perhaps hundreds of occasions. It stopped around about his 15th birthday.

"He was told, bearing in mind he was a boy, not to tell anyone about what was going on otherwise he would end up in prison. As a young lad he believed this."

The court heard after the boy stopped being in contact with Wells he confided with a number of people what had happened before reporting her to police.


The second alleged victim said he was at Wells' home when she talked about "girls being frigid but women not being frigid".

He said after drinking Special Brew they were on Wells' sofa when she molested him.

She then undid his trousers before performing a sex act on him, the court heard.

The alleged victim added: "I didn't try and fight her off," but said he was sick in the toilet after the encounter.


The second man also claimed that Wells later simulated oral sex with a horse's lead, which embarrassed him.

He denied making his allegation just to bolster the other boy's complaint.

His wife described him as honest and reliable and said he "just went quiet" over difficult issues.

Wells, now of Carterton, Oxon, denies indecently assaulting one boy and six indecent assaults on another.

The trial continues.

10-24-2019, 03:54 PM
The alleged victim added: "I didn't try and fight her off," but said he was sick in the toilet after the encounter.

From the "special brew" or from that dusty cooter

Teh One Who Knocks
10-24-2019, 03:56 PM
Probably both :puke: