View Full Version : Trevor Noah Slams Kanye West For Saying Black People Are 'Brainwashed' By Democrats

Teh One Who Knocks
10-30-2019, 11:56 AM
Ace Showbiz


AceShowbiz - Kanye West continues making headlines with his controversial statement. This time, the rapper and hip-hop mogul became a hot topic after claiming that Democrats had "brainwashed" black people into voting for them and forced them to "abort their children" during an interview with Big Boy.

He said in the interview, "Democrats had us voting for Democrats with food stamps for years, bro. … Guns in the 80s, taking the fathers out the home, Plan B, lowering our votes, making us abort our children," Kanye said, before adding, "We're brainwashed out here, bro. Come on, man. This is a free man talking."

Many people naturally sounded off after listening to the interview, including Trevor Noah who said that he was "like, are you s***ting me? Like, of all people, I'm not saying everything he's saying is wrong, but you are gonna say it?" He added, "This is what I don't like, is when Kanye West and people like him will say, 'Black people in America have been brainwashed...into voting for the Democrats, believing that they're victims, but we're not victims! We can vote for Republican! We can do whatever we want!' "

"Then I'm like, OK, let me get this straight: you're saying that every black person in America is brainwashed? You're saying that seventy, eighty percent of black people who are voting for Democrats, they're brainwashed?" he continued, before suggesting that Kanye could say that because he wasn't affected to the Republican policies.

Not stopping there, Trevor went on addressing Kanye's claims that Democrats forced black women to abort their children. "I refuse to live in a world where I go, 'Black women have been brainwashed.' No I don't think black women in America have been or can be brainwashed. I think, if anything, black women in America have the least leeway when it comes to messing around with their vote," he said, pointing out all the suffering that black women have to face after giving birth. Thus, voting for the right political party is such a huge deal for them.

"As a black woman, I cannot afford to mess around with this vote," he said. "That, to me, is not a brainwashed person. That's not a victim."


10-30-2019, 12:44 PM
Never heard of a "Trevor Noah".. So with that.. Who gives a fuck what this guy says..?

Hikari Kisugi
10-30-2019, 02:33 PM
You've never heard of Trevor Noah?
That surprises me, he is a very successful and funny comic.
He does really good stand up, should be on Netflix, he is from South Africa.
I believe he flies to the US to do one of your late night interview and comedy shows each week.
He's worth a watch.

Hikari Kisugi
10-30-2019, 02:34 PM
He was raised under proper apartheid in SA, so he understands 'actual' racism as he was a product of it.
His father white his mother black, he wasn't allowed to exist under their laws at the time.

10-30-2019, 03:13 PM
He was raised under proper apartheid in SA, so he understands 'actual' racism as he was a product of it.
His father white his mother black, he wasn't allowed to exist under their laws at the time.

If he is South African then what right does he have to criticize Kanye?

Hikari Kisugi
10-30-2019, 08:54 PM
I'm Irish, I get to criticize Kayne, he's a complete and utter bellend, and always has been, from way before he decided he was a God or a saviour, or some other shite, frankly anything antiblack or Trump related he says is almost discounted by what has gone before, he's so full of shit I wouldn't listen to anything he had to say.

10-30-2019, 11:56 PM
But how do you really feel?

11-04-2019, 04:48 PM
Hes a piece of shit that needs to go back to africa

Teh One Who Knocks
11-04-2019, 04:54 PM
Hes a piece of shit that needs to go back to africa

Trevor Noah hates America.

11-04-2019, 05:06 PM
I dont understand how anyone takes this jack ass seriously. He is from South Africa and is here on a green card. The twat waffle isn't even a citizen but wants to criticism the country he chose while enjoying its benefits. On top of that he is a comedian not a political journalist and his opinion should be treated as such.

11-04-2019, 05:20 PM
Him and Pierce Morgan can go ATM each other. Both those fucks can fuck off