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View Full Version : People are using toothpaste as lube – it’s a really bad idea, docs warn

Teh One Who Knocks
01-10-2020, 11:15 AM
Gemma Mullin, Digital Health Reporter - The Irish Sun


FOR some, buying lube can be an embarrassing and awkward experience.

But that doesn't mean you should turn to household products instead.

You'd think most of us don't need to be told that - yet experts have been forced to warn people not to use toothpaste as a lubricant.

It comes after a Reddit user revealed this week that he had tried it but had been left in agony.

The unnamed person penned a graphic post explaining how he had used it to masturbate with.

But it left him with a "stinging type of pain" which continued to hurt for several days.

Horrific injuries

He wrote: "It hurt when I moved my legs.

"Later that day when I went to use the toilet, when I took down my trousers I saw some discolouration.

"I had a look and all the skin was red and raw, with some parts of the skin beginning to scab."

People commenting on the post explained that it was likely he had suffered chemical burns from the toothpaste, which is a mild abrasive.

In July, another Reddit poster revealed he had also tried to use toothpaste as a lubricant, with a similar painful outcome.

But experts say it's a terrible idea and could actually cause painful burns.

Dr Diana Gall, a GP at Doctor4U, told The Sun Online: "Various claims have been shared on the internet about how toothpaste can enhance your sex life one way or another, but none of them are true and they can only do you harm instead.

"The ingredients for toothpaste include abrasives, bleaching agents and peppermint oil, which can all irritate the skin and cause redness and peeling.

"So if you apply toothpaste to areas of skin including those around your genitals, then it will in all probability cause chemical burns and the stinging pain from these burns can last for several days.

"You may also get some discolouration and scabs on your genitals.

"When it comes to lube, the safe and sensible option is to use a silicone or water-based lubricant product which is specially designed for sex.

"There are a vast range of these products to choose from and you can try different ones to figure out which you prefer and avoid nasty side effects at the same time."

Not a cure

It's not the first time people have been warned not to put toothpaste near their genitals.

Last year, it emerged men had been putting toothpaste on their todgers to help them last longer in bed.

A series of bizarre YouTube videos claimed it will "crush premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction without dangerous drugs - and you’ll last for 30 minutes longer".

But medics blasted the DIY trend as "worrying" and simply said it wouldn't work.

James O’Loan, a pharmacist at online doctor service Doctor-4-U, said: "I’d urge anyone thinking of trying this rather worrying ‘toothpaste’ technique to cease and desist - because it won’t do anything at all to combat premature ejaculation or erectile dysfunction, despite the claims being made in these videos.

"The peppermint oils and other chemicals in toothpaste, including bleaching agents, can be extremely irritating to sensitive skin.

"By putting it on your genitals you actually risk a mild burn, as well as blisters and scarring.

"And toothpaste should in no way be used as a lubricant, either."

Total myth

And it wasn't just the guys that were experimenting with the minty substance.

Women were said to be attempting to use toothpaste to try and tighten their vaginas.

Unsurprisingly, doctors warned that it's a bad idea - and could do some nasty damage.

Vanessa Mackay, consultant gynaecologist and spokesperson for the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists said: "It is a myth that toothpaste will tighten the vagina.

"Putting toothpaste into the vagina, or on the vulva, would not only be uncomfortable but it could also cause serious damage and disrupt the natural flora of the vagina leading to the potential for infections like bacterial vaginosis and thrush."

Some toothpastes contain small particles that could also cause painful microabrasions to the vaginal walls.

Meanwhile last summer, women were warned of the dangers of putting ice lollies in their vaginas to cool down.

Docs said it could cause infections, irritation and potential trauma down below.

Much like when you put ice on your tongue, a lolly could cause serious damage to the lining of the vagina too.

01-13-2020, 05:08 PM
Thats what used motor oil is for