View Full Version : Sarah Lawrence College dad arrested for running sex cult out of daughter's dorm room, police say

Teh One Who Knocks
02-12-2020, 10:46 AM
By Barnini Chakraborty | Fox News


The father of a former student at Sarah Lawrence College in New York was arrested Tuesday after he was accused of running a sex cult out of his daughter's dorm room.

Lawrence Ray, 60, an ex-convict whose best man at his wedding was former New York Police Commissioner Bernie Kerik, was charged with nine counts of sex trafficking, extortion, forced labor and money laundering, authorities said.

He was arrested at his home in Piscataway, New Jersey. He would face life behind bars if convicted.

Investigators said at a morning news conference that Ray drained $1 million from the bank accounts of college kids, while subjecting them to psychological torture. The cult included forced labor, prostitution, and mentally and physically abusing his male and female victims, prosecutors said.

"Ray put a knife to one male victim's throat, brandished a knife and threatened to dismember another male victim, grabbed a third male victim around the neck until he passed out, slapped a female victim and grabbed another female victim by her head before shoving her to the ground," Geoffrey Berman, the United States attorney for the Southern District of New York, said. "After enduring Ray's abuse, seven of his victims falsely confessed to having harmed or attempted to harm Ray. Ray, who sometimes recorded these false confessions, then used these false confessions to extort money from his victims."

Investigators said some of Ray's alleged victims "drained hundreds of thousands of dollars from their parents' savings accounts at Ray's direction" while others opened lines of credit or solicited contributions from acquaintances.

"Ray used fear, violence and coercion to induce one young victim to engage in commercial sex acts to repay debts she did not actually owe," Berman said. She reportedly worked as a prostitute for more than four years while giving Ray the proceeds from her forced prostitution, exceeding more than $500,000.

"Beginning when she was just a college student, Ray sexually groomed this victim, collecting sexually explicit photographs and other personal information he then used to coerce her into engaging in commercial sex acts," Berman said, adding that Ray also used physical violence.

"Ray tied this victim to a chair, placed a plastic bag over her head and almost suffocated her," he said.

Prosecutors alleged that Ray also used violence, food and sleep deprivation against three female victims and forced them to perform extensive physical labor on a family member's property in North Carolina, "sometimes forcing them to work in the middle of the night, all for no pay."

"The conduct alleged here is outrageous," William Sweeney, assistant director-in-charge of the FBI in New York, said. "It makes you angry. If you're not angry, you don't have a soul."

The investigation that led to the latest charges against Ray was prompted by an article in New York magazine called "The Stolen Kids of Sarah Lawrence" that takes a look at what happened to the college students Ray is accused of manipulating.

In it, Ray's daughter, Talia Ray, had been in charge of organizing housing for a group of her friends during their sophomore year at Sarah Lawrence. They settled on Slonim Woods 9, a two-story brick dorm in the middle of campus.

In September 2010, Talia told her roommates at the private Westchester County university that her father was getting out of prison and needed a place to stay. They agreed and soon Ray became a very dominant part of their lives, presenting himself as a "father figure," preaching about his "personal philosophy" and conducting bizarre therapy sessions.

In a statement to Fox News, Sarah Lawrence College called the charges outlined in the indictment "serious, wide-ranging, disturbing and upsetting."

College officials said they had conducted an internal investigation following the allegations in the New York magazine article, but "the investigation did not substantiate those specific claims."

They added that the Southern District of New York had not contacted them, but they "will, of course, cooperate in their investigation to the full extent of the law if invited to do so."

Ray previously had played a role in a scandal involving Kerik, a former police driver for Rudy Giuliani, President Trump's personal lawyer, while he was mayor. Kerik became New York City’s corrections commissioner in 1998 and then its police commissioner from 2000 to 2001, serving during the 9/11 attacks.

Kerik had been on the shortlist for President George Bush's homeland security secretary in 2004 but his name was withdrawn quickly as the nominee following a background check.

Two days later, The Daily News reported that Ray, who had been the best man at Kerik’s wedding, had come forward with evidence that Kerik failed to report thousands of dollars in gifts he’d received while working for the city. At the time, Ray was under indictment in a $40 million stock scam.

Kerik ultimately served nearly four years in prison for tax fraud, making false statements and other charges related to gifts he accepted from companies looking for favors, including a construction firm that wanted his help getting a city license.

In an email to Fox News, Kerik said he hadn't spoken to Ray in nearly two decades, adding that he wished the FBI and the Justice Department "realized what a conman he was prior to making him a superstar witness against me."

"In their zeal to destroy me and my family, they ignored his lies, deceit and inconsistencies," Kerik said. "Hopefully, this indictment will be the end of his reign of terror on everyone he has conned, manipulated, or deceived, and the children he has hurt."

The Associated Press contributed to this report.


02-12-2020, 01:00 PM
I'm always sensitive to anybody exploiting young girls etc but what was up with them agreeing to let their roommates' dad come stay with them right out of prison?

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02-12-2020, 01:15 PM
Wasn't he connected with Nxivm? The group that supplied some of Epstein's victims. Who in turn gave favors to the Clintons.
I see a possible suicide to be announced.

02-12-2020, 01:32 PM
This is fucked up. I am not sure how that many college students get victimized and nobody speaks out.

Teh One Who Knocks
02-12-2020, 01:39 PM
This is fucked up. I am not sure how that many college students get victimized and nobody speaks out.

Same with any cult I guess? How do any of those freaks ever end up with as many followers as they get?

Teh One Who Knocks
03-03-2020, 11:05 AM
By Ben Feuerherd - New York Post


Accused Sarah Lawrence sex trafficker Lawrence Ray made nearly $2 million in just two years by forcing one of his victims into prostitution, federal prosecutors alleged in court Monday.

Ray, who was ordered held without bail at the hearing in Manhattan federal court, kept records of the ill-gotten cash, a federal prosecutor said.

One typed document shows that the unidentified woman handed over $700,000 in 2017, according to prosecutors. In 2018, the same woman turned over more than $1 million to the accused sex trafficker, a second ledger shows. Prosecutors believe the woman was seeing more and more clients to meet Ray’s demands.

The ledgers marked dates and amounts that prosecutors have matched to text messages sent by Ray and his associates.

The cash payments were collected by a female associate of Ray’s and deposited into bank accounts that he had access to, prosecutors said in court.

The 60-year-old former friend of disgraced NYPD Commissioner Bernie Kerik allegedly created a Nxivm-like sex cult to prey on his daughter’s classmates at Sarah Lawrence College — all while allegedly extorting the classmates.

Ray’s alleged conduct came to light in a 2019 New York magazine article, which sparked a federal investigation and led to his arrest in February.

His defense attorney on Monday blasted the article as “salacious” reporting that led to sensationalized coverage of his case.

It also emerged Monday that Ray was found in bed with another alleged female victim when federal agents arrested him in Piscataway, NJ, on Feb. 11.

Ray, who was the legal “guardian” of that woman, had groomed her and subjected her to extreme physical and mental abuse, prosecutors charged.

He forced that unidentified woman — a former college roommate of his daughter — to have sex with other men while he filmed, and berated her while he filmed her sobbing, prosecutors said.

Authorities also recovered video of Ray grabbing her by the hair and physically throwing her out of the New Jersey house, prosecutors alleged.

Prosecutors said Ray deprived that woman and another alleged victim who lived in the Piscataway house of sleep and food — abuse that “broke their spirits.”

They noted the accused sicko had installed a lock on the house’s refrigerator door and subjected them both to harsh verbal abuse.

At Monday’s bail hearing, Ray’s court-appointed defense attorney pleaded with the judge to release him on bail, arguing he had family to stay with in Staten Island and a friend who offered to put him up in New Jersey.

Judge Kevin Fox sided with prosecutors, who highlighted the amount of evidence they had in the case and urged Ray to be kept behind bars.


Teh One Who Knocks
04-08-2022, 01:23 PM
by LARRY NEUMEISTER | Associated Press


NEW YORK (AP) — A man who moved into his daughter's college dorm and charmed her schoolmates with claims of influence and wisdom was convicted Wednesday of charges that he exploited the close-knit group, using threats and violence to enrich himself with millions of dollars as he ruined their lives.

Lawrence Ray, 62, was convicted at a trial where weeks of testimony chronicled his psychologically manipulative relationship with young people he met in fall 2010 at Sarah Lawrence College, a small New York liberal arts school. Ray moved into his daughter's dorm after finishing a prison stint for a securities fraud conviction.

Sentencing was set for Sept. 16 on charges including racketeering, conspiracy, forced labor, sex trafficking and obstruction of justice. Ray, who stood with his arms at his side and faced the Manhattan jury as guilty verdicts were returned on 15 counts, could face up to life in prison. One charge carries a mandatory minimum 15-year term.

After the verdict was read, Ray was returned to custody, where he had been since his early 2020 arrest.


His lawyers declined comment outside court and did not return email messages seeking comment.

In a statement, U.S. Attorney Damian Williams said Ray had changed "a group of friends who had their whole lives ahead of them."

"For the next decade, he used violence, threats, and psychological abuse to try to control and destroy their lives," Williams said. "He exploited them. He terrorized them. He tortured them. Let me be very clear. Larry Ray is a predator. An evil man who did evil things. Today's verdict finally brings him to justice."

Jurors concluded deliberations less than a day after receiving the case following a monthlong trial that featured testimony from numerous victims who usually referred to Ray just as "Larry." Some testified that Ray had made them believe they had poisoned or otherwise harmed him and they needed to pay him back.

One woman testified that she became a sex worker to try to pay reparations to Ray after becoming convinced that she had poisoned him. She said that, over four years, she gave Ray $2.5 million in installments that averaged between $10,000 and $50,000 per week.

Another woman who was educated at Harvard and Columbia and was about to become a medical doctor in 2012 testified that her career and life were derailed when she met Ray and became romantically involved with him. She said he sometimes demanded that she have sex with strangers and film it for him.

Ray's lawyers maintained he was victimized by former friends who fabricated their stories.

Ray did not testify. Twice, the trial was interrupted as he was taken to the hospital in an ambulance for undisclosed illnesses.

Several students testified that they were drawn into Ray's world as he told them stories of his past influence in New York City politics, including his role in ruining the career of former New York City Police Commissioner Bernard Kerik after serving as the best man at his wedding years earlier. Ray had, in fact, been a figure in the corruption investigation that derailed Kerik's nomination to lead the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.

Some of the students agreed to live with Ray in the summer of 2011 at his Manhattan one-bedroom apartment, where his sinister side emerged as he started to claim that the students had poisoned and harmed him or his property.

To make amends, they testified, they did what he asked, including turning over money. One man said he gave Ray over $100,000.

Prosecutors said the money was never enough. Through threats and violence and videotaped "confessions," Ray tightened his hold on the young people, including forcing them to do landscaping and other work at the Pinehurst, North Carolina home of his stepfather for weeks in 2013, they said.

The abuse culminated in October 2018 when Ray for hours repeatedly abused the woman who gave him her proceeds from sex work, forcing her to be tied naked to a chair while he berated her, choked her with a leash and made her fear for her life by putting a bag over her head, prosecutors said.

Ray carried out his crimes with help from his daughter and Isabella Pollok, a woman who has pleaded not guilty to criminal charges, prosecutors said. Her trial is set for later this year. The daughter has not been charged.

04-08-2022, 02:37 PM
poor guy

04-11-2022, 03:55 PM

Teh One Who Knocks
01-20-2023, 12:26 PM
By Ben Feuerherd - New York Post


Convicted sexual predator Larry Ray faces sentencing Friday for abusing a group of Sarah Lawrence college students after luring them into a sadistic sex cult and terrorizing them for nearly a decade.

Ray, convicted by a Manhattan federal court jury in April 2022, is looking at a maximum sentence of life in prison before Judge Lewis Liman, who presided over the month-long trial last year.

Federal prosecutors requested Ray be thrown in prison for the rest of his life, arguing in a court filing last week he took “sadistic pleasure” in his victims’ pain and made millions by forcing one of them into prostitution for years.

“Lawrence Ray’s crimes were heinous,” a trio of prosecutors wrote in the sentencing submission.

“Over a period of years, he intentionally inflicted brutal and lifelong harm on innocent victims that he groomed and abused into submission. Once he had established control over his victims, he exploited them for his own profit through extortion, sex trafficking, and forced labor,” they added.



Ray was introduced to his victims when he moved into his daughter’s on-campus dormitory at Sarah Lawrence College in 2010 after he was released from federal prison in an unrelated case.

The fiend dazzled the impressionable coeds with tales about his supposed involvement in overseas military operations, his meetings with world leaders and his apparent long-running feud with former NYPD Commissioner Bernard Kerik.

A number of the students moved into a one-bedroom Upper East Side apartment with Ray after the school year finished, where he exerted physical and mental control of them and began his campaign of sexual and physical abuse.

At trial, prosecutors called a parade of witnesses to testify about Ray’s guilt, including victims who provided horrific details about the abuse they suffered under Ray’s control.

One victim, Claudia Drury, described how Ray forced her into prostitution after he played bizarre mind tricks on her, convincing her she had poisoned him and damaged his property.

Drury worked seven days a week meeting high-class clients and steered some $2.5 million in earnings to Ray during her years as a prostitute, she testified.


In a particularly disturbing encounter with Ray, Drury told jurors he tortured her in a hotel room one night, cuffing her to a chair and suffocating her with a plastic bag until she feared she’d die.

In a statement after Ray was convicted, US Attorney for the Southern District of New York, Damian Williams, lauded that Ray had finally been brought to justice.

“Let me be very clear. Larry Ray is a predator. An evil man who did evil things. Today’s verdict finally brings him to justice,” Williams said.

“This verdict would not have been possible without the victims who testified in court. We are in awe of their bravery in the face of incredible trauma,” he added.

lost in melb.
01-20-2023, 01:15 PM
She reportedly worked as a prostitute for more than four years while giving Ray the proceeds from her forced prostitution, exceeding more than $500,000.
I'll be curious to see a pic of her :)

01-20-2023, 11:29 PM

Teh One Who Knocks
01-21-2023, 10:04 PM
He got 60 years.

01-21-2023, 10:46 PM
He got 60 years.

Is he eligible for parole? I hope not. If he's not, he'll die in prison.