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View Full Version : North Carolina Couple Sees Bigfoot

Teh One Who Knocks
02-21-2020, 12:08 PM
Cryptozoology News


Two people in North Carolina say they came upon a “huge Bigfoot”.

Denise Galindo told the BFRO that she and her husband were driving in Swain County at dusk when they saw the unidentified primate a few days ago.

“There was a very strange looking, what I thought was an odd looking man, and as we passed it, I said to my husband, ‘that is a strange looking person’, and as I looked into the rear view mirror, it stood up on the road and was watching us driving away, and that is when I realized what it really was,” she said.

Her husband, she reports, wanted to go back to investigate.

“As we approached that area, we saw it on the side of the road watching us. It was massive. My husband got out of the car to get a better look. We were about 100 yards away and nothing was obstructing our view. I yelled at my husband to get back into the car and I managed to turn my jeep around and I got the heck out of there,” she explained.

The creature was described as a 7 to 8 feet tall humanoid covered in long black hair.

BFRO investigator Matthew Moneymaker says he considers the two eyewitnesses credible and that “the report is legit”.

However, there was no explanation as to why the people reporting the sighting didn’t provide photographic evidence. This is particularly strange because they had the time to go back and see the alleged creature a second time.

lost in melb.
02-21-2020, 12:47 PM
They must have left their mobile phones at home :dunno:

Teh One Who Knocks
02-22-2020, 03:16 PM
They must have left their mobile phones at home :dunno:Not everyone carries a cell phone around with them 24/7 :nono:

02-22-2020, 05:25 PM
I saw this article was on BFRO.com, which for you civilians is the Big Food Research Organization. The site may look like it was built in geocities, but it's pretty legit, m'kay?