View Full Version : China's new state security law could see UK citizens arrested for comments made in BRITAIN

Teh One Who Knocks
08-03-2020, 12:11 PM


HONG KONG'S draconian new security law extends to anyone on earth so even British citizens in the UK who "challenge China's authority" could be pursued for arrest.

BBC China correspondent Stephen McDonell "The new security law applies to anyone, anywhere in the world. So, if you have called for Hong Kong to be free, whatever your nationality, wherever you are, that could be punishable by a prison sentence in China." Many people point to the vagueness of what could be deemed an infringement of the law, it is open-ended and thus could be used to target any political dissidents that the Chinese authorities perceive are a threat.

Mr McDonell said: "Crucially it's so open-ended the Chinese government if it wants to could use the law to pick up anyone they like who challenges their authority."

The wording of the new law states: "Hong Kong Special Administrative Region shall enact laws on its own to prohibit any act of treason, secession, sedition, subversion against the Central People's Government, or theft of state secrets, to prohibit foreign political organisations or bodies from conducting political activities in the Region, and to prohibit political organisations or bodies of the Region from establishing ties with foreign political organisations or bodies."

BBC China correspondent Stephen McDonell described actions that were not previously illegal but can now be deemed a breach of the law.

He then went on to describe how the new security law allows the Hong Kong authorities, and in extension Beijing, the right to pursue those who infringe the law internationally.


A person may break the law by doing as little as sing certain political songs that the Chinese Communist Party deems as disrespectful.

Mr McDonell lists other actions that will be seen as infringements.

Wearing an item of clothing that could be perceived as advocating for Hong Kong's independence would be deemed a breach.

He said: "Chanting certain slogans, carrying certain banners, wearing certain T-shirts are illegal."

Across the world activists that encourage greater autonomy for Hong Kong will be met with a committed response from Beijing to track these individuals down until they are brought to justice in China.

Mr McDonell said: "You can't call for Hong Kong to have more autonomy.

"You definitely can't call for Hong Kong independence."

If someone is arrested for breaching the new Hong Kong security law they face courts with hand-picked judges.

BBC journalist Mr McDonell explained these judges, "are hand-picked by Carrie Lam, the Hong Kong leader".

He added: "She is someone who's essentially been installed by Beijing."

Shockingly those who protest against the crackdown on democracy in Hong Kong can be taken across the border into mainland China for trial where there is a near "100 percent conviction rate".

Now Hong Kong has seen Chinese state security agents that operate above the law of the city and can stop and question anyone they wish.


This has effectively turned the city into a state-controlled by the secret police.

Even books in libraries and bookstores that may encourage democracy and more autonomy for Hong Kong have been removed.

Now the hunt for those who have breached Beijing's new security law has begun.

Police in Hong Kong are demanding the arrest of six pro-democracy activists living in exile in the West, including the UK.

On Friday Hong Kong pro-democracy activist Samuel Chu, who is based in the US, announced on Twitter, "Today, I woke up to media reports that I am a wanted fugitive.

"My alleged crimes? 'Inciting secession and colluding with foreign powers' under Hong Kong's National Security Law.

"Except I am an American citizen and have been for 25 years."

The prominent anti-hunger campaigner added: "If I am targeted, any American or any citizen of any nation who speaks out for Hong Kong can and will be too."

08-03-2020, 12:33 PM
communism must die

lost in melb.
08-03-2020, 12:56 PM
I don't think it's much to do with communism, it's more of a capitalist dictatorship.

Can you honestly imagine China being any different though? These guys are on a run and they're going to keep the same system until their run no longer works.

(Good help us)

08-03-2020, 02:43 PM
I don't think it's much to do with communism, it's more of a capitalist dictatorship.
that the CCP allows certain things shouldnt be confused for the fact that they are indeed communist. that corrupt CCP members are allowed to pull a CIA and create corporations to run that they can make handsome profits from while fucking others for the glory of maochina isnt really much of a reason to call them capitalist...but I'm always welcoming of further explanation :)

Can you honestly imagine China being any different though? These guys are on a run and they're going to keep the same system until their run no longer works.

commies are commies and their "run" has been at the expense of other countries. I could imagine the chinese killing the CCP, but they'd need some help methinks.

the less communism in the world, the better, because commies wont stop until they own everything and can kill you for questioning it.

lost in melb.
08-03-2020, 05:08 PM
Technically it's not (commune)ism. Not sure what else there is to add :?

corrupt? lol, ok but not that much more. They are stiff competition and their growth has certainly been to our benefit. Cheap shit and plenty of it.

Their behaviour is more like an adolescent outgrowing it's boots and pushing boundaries (now that there's a power vacuum).

08-03-2020, 05:24 PM
Technically it's not (commune)ism. Not sure what else there is to add :?

corrupt? lol, ok but not that much more. They are stiff competition and their growth has certainly been to our benefit. Cheap shit and plenty of it.

Their behaviour is more like an adolescent outgrowing it's boots and pushing boundaries (now that there's a power vacuum).

right, I forgot "technical communism" has never ever been implemented on this earth :razz:

without our leaders selling us up the river to china, they never grow like they have to the extent where they're building ghost cities and issuing absolute shittons of loans just so countries owe them, and cheap shit is a double edged sword, because take those words apart and you have cheap, and shit :D I remember my brother when he was on a job over there, fuckers were building a concrete wall and they ran out of concrete, but hey that's no excuse to stop working, continue building that wall with bamboo!

the pivot to china was damn near explicitly at the expense of the USA, didnt work out that great for the average chinese, gave americans garbage in exchange for gutting almost their entire manufacturing capability, and as usual its the corrupt participants on the take.

anything that appears golden about China can be likened to their recent reveal that the CCP general who was allowed to make his own bank has turned 4% of china's gold reserves into gold plated copper, CCP are nothing but criminal grifters given seats of power because they can be controlled and used by higher powers.