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View Full Version : Man pops Xanax, crashes car, and tells police “I have a problem, that’s why I’m in AA”

Teh One Who Knocks
10-23-2020, 12:41 PM
Bella Schedio - Scoop Nashville


30-year-old Shepard Watson was charged with a DUI and implied consent after police asked if he believed he was intoxicated and unable to safely operate a vehicle and he stated, “I mean, scientifically I’d say yes.”

On October 18th, Shepard Watson crashed his car into a guardrail on I-65 S. Several people called, stating Watson was driving recklessly. One caller remained on scene and confirmed Watson was the driver of the vehicle. Police noted Watson’s pupils were pinpoint, he was standing unsteadily and was not able to speak coherently.

When medics arrived they dosed him with Narcan for a suspected overdose and began transporting Watson. He became belligerent while on the ambulance and NFD Medic 9 requested backup to their location.

Officers found Watson in the parking lot of Fonda El Cubilete, located at 423 Harding Place, and detained him. He was read his rights Watson waived them because he wished to speak with officers. He stated “I took a Xanax bar earlier. It used to be prescribed but it’s not anymore. I had a spare, so I popped it at half-time during the Titans Game.” He advised police he was operating the vehicle at the time of the accident and was doing so because he was angry at his spouse due to an argument. When asked if he believed he was intoxicated, he responded with “I mean, scientifically I’d say yes.” He proceeded to state “I have a problem, that’s why I’m in AA.” He refused to submit a blood/breath sample after being read the implied consent form and acknowledged the ramifications.

Shepard Watson was arrested and charged with driving under the influence and implied consent. He was freed on pretrial release.

10-23-2020, 01:05 PM
With that mug I woulda gone with alien abduction. :alien: