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View Full Version : Dramatic shift: 1 in 6 young Americans now identify as LGBT

Teh One Who Knocks
02-25-2021, 01:01 PM
by Peter Heck - Disrn


Gallup's most recent update on LGBT identification in America shows a massive increase in the number of young people who claim an LGBT identity. Almost one in 6 adult members of Generation Z (which would include those aged 18 to 23) claim to be something other than heterosexual.

With 15.6% of the entire Gen-Z demographic self-identifying as LGBT, that accounts for an enormous increase over the "traditionalists," sometimes referred to as the "Greatest Generation," that registered at just 1.3% LGBT.


Within this large LGBT contingent of Generation Z, almost three-quarters claim that they are bisexual, by far the largest subset within the LGBT acronym. When extrapolated outward, that means that just over 11% of all Americans aged 18-23 claim to be bisexual. Another 2.1% claim to be gay, 1.4% lesbian, 1.8% transgender, and 0.4% some other gender.


Sociologists and political observers debate what has caused the rather sudden uptick in non-traditional, heterosexual self-identification. LGBT activists say it is because society's increasing openness and tolerance of alternative sexualities has made "coming out" a much less daunting prospect. They believe that the strikingly low number of older Americans identifying as LGBT is tremendously understated.
On the other side, conservatives and traditionalists suggest that LGBT activism has become so chic in pop culture that it has created a sexuality fad that provides a sense of belonging to young people who are eager to find meaning and a cause. They believe that the strikingly high number of young Americans identifying as LGBT is tremendously overstated.


02-25-2021, 03:28 PM
They're trying to counter the whole gays & pedos reproduce by touching kids thing - if we propagandize em enough and have enough trannies read them bedtime stories at the library, then maybe we'll have more that "naturally occur" instead of pedos having to touch them for conversion.

Teh One Who Knocks
02-25-2021, 03:33 PM
The thing is now, especially for the younger generations, is that it's "trendy" to self identify as something other than normal.

02-26-2021, 02:22 AM
LGBT activism has become so chic in pop culture that it has created a sexuality fad that provides a sense of belonging to young people who are eager to find meaning and a cause. They believe that the strikingly high number of young Americans identifying as LGBT is tremendously overstated.

I told you so, years ago.

The Monk
02-26-2021, 02:55 AM
Keep this up and population growth will plummet!

02-26-2021, 04:37 AM
seems like they must all die early too :shrug:

lost in melb.
02-26-2021, 12:05 PM
Look at the right 2 columns though? There may not be such a great shift at all, but rather an openness to admit it.


The Monk
02-27-2021, 03:55 AM
It may be okay for women but for a bloke???? Who really wants a sore bum? :lol: