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View Full Version : Maxine Waters urges Minnesota protesters to 'stay on the street' if Chauvin acquitted in Floyd case

Teh One Who Knocks
04-19-2021, 11:34 AM
By Brie Stimson | Fox News

U.S. Rep. Maxine Waters, D-Calif., showed up at an anti-police brutality protest in Brooklyn Center, Minnesota, on Saturday evening, saying demonstrators needed to "stay on the street," demanding justice until police reform becomes a reality.

"I’m going to fight with all of the people who stand for justice," Waters told reporters shortly before an 11 p.m. curfew. "We’ve got to get justice in this country and we cannot allow these killings to continue."
Asked about the Derek Chauvin murder trial in Minneapolis, Waters told reporters if the former police officer isn't found guilty of murdering George Floyd, "We've got to stay on the street and we've got to get more active, we've got to get more confrontational. We've got to make sure that they know that we mean business."

Waters said she was "hopeful" Chauvin would be convicted of murder, but if he isn't, "we cannot go away."
"We’ve got to fight for justice," she added, saying she is pressing for a police reform bill to be passed in Congress but said Republicans would likely stand in the way.

She reportedly said she plans to stay in Minnesota until Monday when closing arguments are expected in the Chauvin trial, according to New York Times reporter Nicholas Bogel-Burroughs.

"This is a very difficult time in the history of this country," Waters, 82, a member of Congress since 1991, told The Associated Press. "We have to let people know that we are not going to be satisifed unless we get justice in these cases."

As reporters gathered around her, Waters said the protesters ultimately needed to show up at the polls for candidates who align with their views.

"The way to get in control is not to allow them to win," Waters said of political opponents, in comments that aired on FOX 9 in Minneapolis. "You've got to register and you've got to vote and you've got to take the power."

Chauvin is accused of killing Floyd on May 25, 2020, by kneeling on Floyd's neck for several minutes. Defense witnesses have spoken of Floyd's health issues and drug use as other possible causes.

Others appearing in Brooklyn Center on Saturday included the Rev. Jesse Jackson. The crowd was demonstrating for the seventh straight night against the fatal police shooting of Daunte Wright, 20, during a traffic stop last Sunday.

The clashes have included demonstrators throwing objects at police. Police arrested more than 100 people Friday but it was unclear if any arrests were made Saturday.

The officer who allegedly killed Wright, identified as Kim Potter, resigned last week, as did the Brooklyn Center police chief. Potter claimed she accidentally grabbed her gun instead of a stun gun and shot Wright with the firearm. She faces manslaughter charges.

Waters reportedly left the protest shortly before the curfew took effect. A small crowd remained defiant after the curfew began.

04-19-2021, 11:41 AM
fuck you dumb cunt, you should be rotting in jail

https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/1503#:~:text=Whoever%20corruptly%2C%20or%20by%20th reats,before%20any%20United%20States%20magistrate

18 U.S. Code § 1503 - Influencing or injuring officer or juror generally

Teh One Who Knocks
04-19-2021, 11:45 AM
I'm waiting for the calls to have her impeached once the riots start after the verdict. Unlike President Trump, she is ACTUALLY inciting people to riot.

Teh One Who Knocks
04-19-2021, 12:43 PM
By Ryan Saavedra - The Daily Wire


House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) demanded on Sunday that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) take action against Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) over remarks that Waters made over the weekend, otherwise he will be forced to take action.

“Maxine Waters is inciting violence in Minneapolis — just as she has incited it in the past,” McCarthy said in a statement. “If Speaker Pelosi doesn’t act against this dangerous rhetoric, I will bring action this week.”
McCarthy’s remarks come after Waters attended a protest on Saturday night in Brooklyn Center, Minnesota, where police shot and killed a man last week after he tried to flee while being arrested. Waters’ remarks also come just days before a verdict will be reached in the Derek Chauvin case involving the death of George Floyd.

“We’re looking for a guilty verdict. We’re looking for a guilty verdict. And we’re looking to see if all of this [inaudible] that took place and has been taking place after they saw what happened to George Floyd,” Waters said. “If nothing does not happen, then we know, that we’ve got to not only stay in the street, but we’ve got to fight for justice, but I am very hopefully and I hope that we’re going to get a verdict that will say guilty, guilty, guilty. And if we don’t, we cannot go away.”

When asked about what activists should do if Chauvin is not convicted, Waters said that they must “stay on the street.”

“And we’ve got to get more active. [We’ve] got to get more confrontational,” she said. “[We’ve] got to make sure that they know we mean business.”

The New York Post Editorial Board said that Waters was “trying to create a Civil War” and urged that Pelosi (D-CA) “should strip her of her committee assignments and move for a vote to remove Waters from office.”

Notable elected officials and political commentators also slammed Waters over her remarks:

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX): “Democrats actively encouraging riots & violence. They want to tear us apart.” “‘We gotta stay on the street,’ Waters was recorded saying, adding that protesters needed ‘to get more confrontational’ & they should ignore the curfew in place.”
Matt Walsh, podcast host: “Maxine Waters is trying to intimidate a jury to influence the outcome of a murder trial. Every elected Republican in the country should be calling for her immediate arrest and removal from congress.”
Steven Crowder, podcast host: “If Trump was removed from Twitter AND Facebook for ‘inciting violence’ then Maxine Waters needs to be federally charged and impeached.”
Bryan Dean Wright, Democrat and former CIA officer: “Maxine Waters is a threat to the Republic.”
Gerry Callahan, podcast host: “Donald Trump was impeached and banned from all social media platforms for less.”
Kurt Schlichter, attorney and columnist: “This is an insurrection.”
Tim Pool, podcast host: “Maxine Waters says that Chauvin premeditated the murder of George Floyd and that if Chauvin is not convicted [of] a crime he wasn’t charged with they should get ‘more confrontational[.]’ More confrontational than burning down buildings?”

04-19-2021, 03:37 PM
I'm waiting for the calls to have her impeached once the riots start after the verdict. Unlike President Trump, she is ACTUALLY inciting people to riot.

She started the LA riots, its her thing

Teh One Who Knocks
04-20-2021, 01:18 PM
By Brittany De Lea | Fox News

A lawyer defending Derek Chauvin, who is on trial for the death of George Floyd, cited Rep. Maxine Waters’, D-Calif., comments to Minnesota protesters over the weekend in court on Monday.

"And now that we have [a] U.S. representative … threatening acts of violence in relation to this specific case, it's it's mind boggling...," Attorney Eric Nelson said, as he attempted to argue that the jury may have been unduly influenced by external factors.

Judge Peter Cahill said that he wished elected officials would stop referencing the case "especially in a manner that is disrespectful to the rule of law" so as to let the judicial process play out as intended.

He added, however, that he did not believe the comments unduly influenced the jury as they had been told not to watch the news.

Waters urged protesters in Brooklyn Center, Minnesota, where Duante Wright was recently shot by a police officer, to "stay in the street" as she joined the protests on Saturday and violated the local curfew.

"We've got to stay in the street and we've got to get more active, we've got to get more confrontational," Waters said, referencing a scenario where Chauvin is not convicted. "We've got to make sure that they know that we mean business."

As previously reported by Fox News, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., said on Monday that she did not believe Waters needed to apologize for her comments. She also said she did not think they would incite violence as local communities deal with intensifying protests.

After three weeks of testimony, closing arguments began Monday in Chauvin’s trial.

It is not clear how quickly the jury will reach a verdict.

lost in melb.
04-20-2021, 01:21 PM
"We've got to stay in the street and we've got to get more active, we've got to get more confrontational," Waters said

This is not threatening acts of violence.

Now if she's addressing a large mob near the court on the day of the trial and after the rally tells them to go down and let the people inside know what's what, and the mob storms the court then that's a different matter ;)

lost in melb.
04-20-2021, 01:23 PM
Agreed :)

04-20-2021, 01:38 PM
This is not threatening acts of violence.

if you werent so soft and fragile, you'd have already seen the federal statue she violated

lost in melb.
04-20-2021, 01:40 PM
I'm beginning to reconsider. This could actively interfere with the case. The time for protests is after the trial. She should have kept her mouth shut.

Teh One Who Knocks
04-20-2021, 01:57 PM
By Ryan Saavedra - The Daily Wire


Some Democrat lawmakers are reportedly “so angry” with remarks Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) made over the weekend about the Chauvin trial that they are willing to back her GOP-led censure, which would strip her of her position as chairwoman of the House Financial Services Committee.

Waters said at a protest in Minnesota over the weekend that “protesters” were “looking for a guilty verdict,” and if they don’t get what they want, then “we cannot go away.” Regarding what “protesters” should do if they do not get the verdict that they want, Waters responded that activists have “got to stay on the street,” “get more active,” and “get more confrontational.”

Fox News reporter Chad Pergram reported that the anger among some Democrats “metastasized” after Judge Peter Cahill, who is presiding over the case involving the death of George Floyd, slammed Waters on live television during closing arguments on Monday.

“Some Democrats conceded privately they are not pleased with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) saying that Waters shouldn’t apologize,” Pergram wrote. “Fox is told that a lot of Democrats are angry at Waters, are concerned about the optics of potential violence being linked back to her and Democrats generally.”

Pergram noted that moderate Democrats were damaged during the election after far-left members of the party pushed the “defund the police” movement. The reason those Democrats are reportedly mad at Waters doesn’t appear to be based on any kind of moral conundrum they have with what she said, but rather because they are “concerned about the optics of potential violence being linked back to her and Democrats generally.”

Pergram noted that Democrats’ majority is so slim right now that they can only afford to lose two votes on their side. “One knowledgeable Democrat told Fox that some Democratic members are so angry at Waters now that they would relish the opportunity to censure her,” Pergram concluded. “So, McCarthy’s censure resolution may actually have legs.”

McCarthy said in a statement over the weekend that he would take action against Waters if House Speaker Nancy Pelosi refused to do so. On Monday, Pelosi said that she thought that Waters should not apologize, and White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki avoided directly answering whether Biden supported Waters’ remarks that protests should “get more confrontational.”

In a statement on Monday, McCarthy announced that he would seek to censure Waters:

This weekend in Minnesota, Maxine Waters broke the law by violating curfew and then incited violence. Increased unrest has already led to violence against law enforcement and her comments intentionally poured fuel on the fire. We’ve heard this type of violent rhetoric from Waters before, and the United States Congress must clearly and without reservation reprimand this behavior before more people get hurt. But Speaker Pelosi is ignoring Waters’ behavior. That’s why I am introducing a resolution to censure Rep. Waters for these dangerous comments, and I hope that all my colleagues – both Republican and Democrat – will stand up for peace on America’s streets.

Waters appeared to double down on her remarks during an interview on Monday, claiming without evidence that Republicans were attacking her because they were trying to raise money from the “KKK” and “white supremacists.”

Waters claimed that her comments about being “confrontational” were about “confronting the justice system” and “confronting the policing that’s going on.”

“I am not worried that they’re going to continue to distort what I say. This is who they are and this is how they act,” Waters said without providing any evidence that her opponents had distorted the comments that she made. “And I’m not going to be bullied by them.”

The Grio added:

If Chauvin is found guilty, however, Waters said it would signal activists and politicians calling for police reform are “making some progress and that everything that we have done, including the protests, has led us to a point where we’re being taken seriously and we’re being treated fairly.”

04-20-2021, 04:02 PM
That would be amazing, and well deserved

04-20-2021, 10:38 PM
Rioting,looting, burning cities to the ground, attacking anyone who doesn't LOUDLY state they are with you, throwing rocks at cops, Molotov cocktails, trying to burn them out of police stations and federal buildings, ambushing and killing police...etc,etc.....

....IS NOT ENOUGH! We have to be MORE confrontational!

Teh One Who Knocks
04-21-2021, 11:16 AM
By Ryan Saavedra - The Daily Wire


House Democrats blocked a censure of Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) on Tuesday that House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) introduced to hold Waters accountable for inflammatory remarks that she made over the weekend related to the trial of Derek Chauvin.

“Democrats held firm in their support for Waters with all party members voting to ‘table,’ or kill, the censure resolution introduced by Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, 216-210,” The Washington Post reported.

Waters said at a protest in Minnesota over the weekend that “protesters” were “looking for a guilty verdict,” and if they don’t get what they want, then “we cannot go away.” Regarding what “protesters” should do if they do not get the verdict that they want, Waters responded that activists have “got to stay on the street,” “get more active,” and “get more confrontational.”

McCarthy announced on Monday that he was introducing a measure to censure Waters, which would have stripped Waters of position as chairwoman of the House Financial Services Committee.

“This weekend in Minnesota, Maxine Waters broke the law by violating curfew and then incited violence. Increased unrest has already led to violence against law enforcement and her comments intentionally poured fuel on the fire,” McCarthy said in a statement. “We’ve heard this type of violent rhetoric from Waters before, and the United States Congress must clearly and without reservation reprimand this behavior before more people get hurt. But Speaker Pelosi is ignoring Waters’ behavior. That’s why I am introducing a resolution to censure Rep. Waters for these dangerous comments, and I hope that all my colleagues – both Republican and Democrat – will stand up for peace on America’s streets.”

McCarthy said during a Fox News interview on Monday night that he thought that there was somewhere between 10 and 15 Democrats who would vote to censure Waters over her remarks.

Waters’ remarks sparked a stern rebuke from Judge Peter Cahill, who presided over the George Floyd case. Cahill told the defense that Waters’ remarks could lead to the “whole trial being overturned.”

“I’m aware that Congressman Waters was talking specifically about this trial, and about the unacceptability of anything less than a murder conviction, and talk about being confrontational,” Cahill said. “But you can submit the press articles about that. This goes back to what I’ve been saying from the beginning. I wish elected officials would stop talking about this case, especially in a manner that is disrespectful to the rule of law, and to the judicial branch and our function.”

“I think if they want to give their opinions, they should do so in a respectful and in a manner that is consistent with their oath to the Constitution, to respect a co-equal branch of government,” he continued. “Their failure to do so I think is abhorrent, but I don’t think it has prejudices with additional material that would prejudice history, they have been told not to watch the news. I trust they are following those instructions, and that there is not in any way a prejudice to the defendant beyond the articles that we’re talking specifically about the facts of this case. A Congress woman’s opinion really doesn’t matter a whole lot. Anyway, so motion for mistrial is denied.”

lost in melb.
04-21-2021, 11:44 AM
Well, they would. Whatever...

If the guilty verdict is overturned they know who to hold responsible...!

04-21-2021, 12:04 PM

04-21-2021, 12:15 PM
>he had severe heart disease
>he had an enlarged heart
>he had 75% to 90% occlusion of his three major coronary arteries
>he had untreated severe hypertension
>he had a previously recorded BP of 216/160
>he had a tumor (extra-adrenal paraganglioma) associated with hypertension/heart attacks
>his lungs were 2-3x heavier than normal (pulmonary edema)
>he had COVID
>he was a smoker
>he was nodding off/passed out when police arrived at his SUV
>he had to be physically nudged to be awoken
>he was in the SUV with his personal drug dealer(s)
>he had a white substance in his mouth
>he was saying he couldn't breathe before restraint
>the knee on the back of the neck is a technique used by the MPD and nearly every other law enforcement agency in the world
>it is used to prevent them thrashing about and harming others (and themselves)
>it is an extremely common method of restraining an individual's range of motion and view
>it did not occlude both (or even one) of the carotid arteries or restrict the airway
>it is well documented to be generally very safe
>EMS was called early but arrived late
>the hobble was not used to avoid further delaying medical care
>the hostile crowd distracted the police and the EMS didn't want to give on-scene medical care because it was not secure for their safety
>he had an oxygen saturation of 98% at the hospital
>the autopsy revealed no abrasions, bruising, hematomas, or fractured bones in the shoulder/neck area
>he had a number of drugs in his system, including fentanyl (depressant) and methamphetamine (stimulant/vasoconstrictor)
>he had a fatal amount of fentanyl in his system
>he swallowed drugs during his 2019 arrest
>fentanyl/methamphetamine pills were found in the back of the squad car, containing Floyd's DNA, also in the SUV