View Full Version : Russia issues warning to US, NATO as military tensions with Ukraine reach dangerous levels

Teh One Who Knocks
01-26-2022, 11:45 AM
By Lawrence Richard | Fox News


Russia’s top diplomat on Wednesday promised to take appropriate measures if the West’s response to Moscow’s security demands is not found to be constructive.

The U.S. agreed with Russia that it would answer questions regarding NATO's military presence in the region. The Kremlin has criticized the West of a military expansion that raises security concerns for Moscow, Reuters reported. The report said Ukraine had no objections to the U.S. responses.

"If we do not receive a constructive answer from the west on our security demands, Moscow will take appropriate measures," Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said in a statement, Reuters reported.

Russia is seeking sweeping security measures and the guarantee that Ukraine will not be allowed to join the transatlantic NATO alliance.

The statement comes after Ukraine approved a list of actions the US has promised to take to avert a military crisis.

Ukraine Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba said his country was completely behind the US and President Biden regarding the negotiating effort, Reuters reported.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has a "menu of options" for taking hostile action toward Ukraine, Fox News contributor Daniel Hoffman said to Fox News Digital on Tuesday.

"He could blockade the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov," Hoffman said, highlighting the 100,000 Russian troops Putin has stationed at the border with Ukraine. "He could launch a full-throttle assault on Kyiv, which we would obviously see. He could also use his Spetsnaz guys, special forces guys — and they're inside Ukraine already — to topple this Zelensky government. That's also an option."

"I have a high level of confidence Putin will do something," Hoffman added. "As far as what that is, I'm not even sure if Putin has decided yet."

The White House has previously urged Americans to leave Ukraine.

01-26-2022, 12:25 PM
This is a red line for Russia, like missiles on Cuba was a red line for us.

01-26-2022, 12:39 PM
Putin is a very vocal critic of how the Soviet Union fell. When they lost all of those countries that made up the Eastern Bloc, they lost a good portion of their economy and status in the world. He wants to go back to the glory days of the Cold War when the USSR had control of the majority of Eastern Europe. And this a perfect time to do it, because we elected the Appeaser in Chief 2.0.

If we capitulate to Putin's demands, he'll take Ukraine anyway.

Welcome to Cold War 2.0.

lost in melb.
01-26-2022, 12:49 PM
Putin is a very vocal critic of how the Soviet Union fell. When they lost all of those countries that made up the Eastern Bloc, they lost a good portion of their economy and status in the world. He wants to go back to the glory days of the Cold War when the USSR had control of the majority of Eastern Europe. And this a perfect time to do it, because we elected the Appeaser in Chief 2.0.

If we capitulate to Putin's demands, he'll take Ukraine anyway.

Welcome to Cold War 2.0.

I don't think he wants to return to the glory days. He just doesn't want NATO sniffing up Russia's butt. Ukraine is a buffer and should remain so.

01-26-2022, 01:12 PM
I don't think he wants to return to the glory days. He just doesn't want NATO sniffing up Russia's butt. Ukraine is a buffer and should remain so.

I tend to agree with this.

01-26-2022, 04:12 PM
Putin is a very vocal critic of how the Soviet Union fell. When they lost all of those countries that made up the Eastern Bloc, they lost a good portion of their economy and status in the world. He wants to go back to the glory days of the Cold War when the USSR had control of the majority of Eastern Europe. And this a perfect time to do it, because we elected the Appeaser in Chief 2.0.

If we capitulate to Putin's demands, he'll take Ukraine anyway.

Welcome to Cold War 2.0.

If anyone will just roll over ...its sleepy Joe

Teh One Who Knocks
01-26-2022, 04:26 PM
If anyone will just roll over ...its sleepy Joe

He's a giver :tup: He gave Afghanistan back to the Taliban, he's gonna give Ukraine to the Soviets Russia, and then to cap it off, he'll give Taiwan to the Chinese. :)

Teh One Who Knocks
01-26-2022, 04:27 PM
I don't think he wants to return to the glory days. He just doesn't want NATO sniffing up Russia's butt. Ukraine is a buffer and should remain so.

Not much of a buffer if the Russians take control of Ukraine though, is it?

01-26-2022, 04:28 PM
Sounds about right, he will also give your hard earned money to those who chose not to work

lost in melb.
01-26-2022, 11:53 PM
Not much of a buffer if the Russians take control of Ukraine though, is it?

That's up to Russia. The idea that the US or NATO is going to send in troops and go to war with Russia is laughable. Over a corrupt little pissy pot like Ukraine?

Overtaking and controlling Ukraine would be an absolute nightmare for Russia. First, there is a cost the military invasion, and then all of the guerrilla warfare etc. to follow. And then utterly punishing sanctions by the West the likes of which Russia has never seen.

01-27-2022, 01:18 AM
The idea that the US or NATO is going to send in troops and go to war with Russia is laughable.

They need our troops over there so that the terrorists that they have been bringing into the US will have less resistance.

01-27-2022, 01:25 AM
Man... I think coordinated incursions by Russia and China would through the whole world out of balance. And we'd be flat-footed. If you're so inclined, it's a pretty ballsy immediate power shift.

lost in melb.
01-27-2022, 01:42 AM
They need our troops over there so that the terrorists that they have been bringing into the US will have less resistance.

I'm hesitant to ask, but who is they? (If it's a conspiracy theory feel free to spare me).

Man... I think coordinated incursions by Russia and China would through the whole world out of balance. And we'd be flat-footed. If you're so inclined, it's a pretty ballsy immediate power shift.

We could only pick one fight. Choose carefully!

01-27-2022, 02:57 AM
We could only pick one fight. Choose carefully!

Therein lies the rub. What master do you serve? Or conversely, how does the master behave when attacked from multiple fronts? We have warred in multiple theaters before... can we still? Should we still?

lost in melb.
01-27-2022, 03:48 AM
Therein lies the rub. What master do you serve? Or conversely, how does the master behave when attacked from multiple fronts? We have warred in multiple theaters before... can we still? Should we still?

I think, based on past experience, chose the fight where you'd get support and your resources won't go to waste. Chose to support the indigenous populace who would lay down their own lives for their own freedom - and would appreciate and return the favour as best that they could.

01-27-2022, 03:50 AM
I think, based on past experience, chose the fight where you'd get support and your resources won't go to waste. Chose to support the indigenous populace who would lay down their own lives for their own freedom - and would appreciate and return the favour as best that they could.

That's old school WW2 sensibilities. Do the same rules apply?

lost in melb.
01-27-2022, 03:58 AM
That's old school WW2 sensibilities. Do the same rules apply?

Well, it kind of worked didn't it?

I am talking about boots on the ground and also I'm talking about an either/or situation. If you don't have the resources to fight them all pick the fights that you care about.

I confess there is a strategic interest element as well. Keeping Ukraine might be more aligned strategically. Does it matter if China takes Taiwan? Not so much. Hardly a staging-post for further conquest. I would still pick Taiwan though. Though Asian, they align more with the West somehow.

You've posed questions so far. What do you think is strategically important over the next decade or so? (Never mind who's President, they come and go)

01-27-2022, 06:10 AM
The Germans are being absolute clowns... they offered 5000 helmets??

They won't provide the Ukrainians lethal arms citing 'past atrocities.' Pretty rich coming from the Germans.... couldn't have anything to do with being hopelessly dependent on Russian energy right? I mean, Germany is only the world's 4th largest arms dealer including to Egypt and Pakistan... this decision is totally unbiased...

Teh One Who Knocks
01-27-2022, 01:56 PM
The Germans are being absolute clowns... they offered 5000 helmets??

They won't provide the Ukrainians lethal arms citing 'past atrocities.' Pretty rich coming from the Germans.... couldn't have anything to do with being hopelessly dependent on Russian energy right? I mean, Germany is only the world's 4th largest arms dealer including to Egypt and Pakistan... this decision is totally unbiased...

‘What Kind Of Support Will Germany Send Next? Pillows?’: Kyiv Mayor Mocks Germany For Promising 5,000 Helmets To Ukraine
By Virginia Kruta - The Daily Wire


Kyiv Mayor and former world champion boxer Vitali Klitschko mocked Germany after the nation offered to send 5,000 helmets to Ukraine — where the possible threat of an imminent Russian invasion looms.

According to a tweet posted early Wednesday, German Defense Minister Christine Lambrecht announced the plan to provide Ukraine with 5,000 helmets.

Minister Lambrecht today informed the Defense Committee in the German Bundestag about her plans in the legislature. She also made it clear that Germany stands closely on the side of [Ukraine]. We will deliver 5000 helmets to Ukraine – equipment that is needed.

“We will deliver 5,000 helmets to Ukraine also as a very clear signal, we stand by your side. That is gear, these are not weapons but it helps, it gives support,” Lambrecht added.

Sergei Sumlenny, an expert on Eastern Europe, wondered why Germany would not offer weapons if they truly wanted to support Ukraine in the event of a possible invasion. “Germany’s Defence Minister said, Germany sends 5,000 military helmets to Ukraine. It’s better than nothing, but still raises many questions. If Germany acknowledges the need for equipment in front of Russian invasion, why not to send arms as support for the legitime self-defence?” he asked.

Politico Europe’s Hans von der Burchard also noted the shift, adding that Germany was “now willing to export protective military equipment — concretely 5,000 helmets — to Kyiv. Still no lethal weapons. Defense ministry spokesperson could not say whether the helmets are a donation or have to be paid by Ukraine.”

But Kyiv Mayor Klitschko mocked the move, calling it a joke and saying that it had left him “speechless,” according to a report from Reuters:

“The behaviour of the German government leaves me speechless. The defence ministry apparently hasn’t realized that we are confronted with perfectly equipped Russian forces that can start another invasion of Ukraine at any time,’ he told top-selling Bild daily.

“What kind of support will Germany send next?” he joked. “Pillows?”

Up to this point, Germany has blocked military aid to Ukraine — going so far as to force any planes carrying such aide from Great Britain or other allies to avoid German airspace and go around.

Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo called the German response “feckless,” saying that if they persisted in allowing Russia to control access to energy through the Nord Stream 2 pipeline, they would ultimately pay the price for that.

“The Germans have been incredibly feckless here. We need an ambassador there that is prepared to defend America’s interest and convince the German government to do the right thing not only for Ukraine and Europe but for Germany as well,” Pompeo told Fox News host Martha MacCallum. “They’ll suffer under this threat for decades to come. When you shut down your energy systems and say we’re going to rely on Russia, I’m sure that Vladimir Putin and his successor too, will see this risk. It’s outrageous for the Germans to not let equipment move across the country. The United States needs to demonstrate its leadership in the way that President Biden said he would.”

02-04-2022, 03:02 AM

02-13-2022, 07:27 AM

US Soldiers in Ukraine Pulling Out Amid Warnings of Imminent Russian Invasion

U.S. troops in Ukraine are pulling out as U.S. officials are growing increasingly concerned of an impending Russian invasion.

160 Florida National Guard soldiers, the only known U.S. troops in the country, are being repositioned elsewhere in Europe, Pentagon press secretary John Kirby said in a statement released Saturday morning.

Those troops, assigned to the 53rd Infantry Brigade Combat Team, were a part of a previously planned training mission with Ukrainian forces, mostly operating far from the country's border where Russian President Vladimir Putin has amassed some 130,000 troops. U.S. troops from different units have been rotating to train Ukraine's military since 2015, with the Florida soldiers arriving in November as Russian forces were amassing.

Biden has pledged that U.S. troops will not fight in Ukraine, which is not a member of NATO. But the news comes as thousands of U.S. soldiers, alongside troops from other European powers including the United Kingdom and France, mobilize to bolster NATO's eastern flank.

The Biden administration continues to escalate its warning about the likelihood of war.

A senior State Department official told reporters Saturday that it is "past time" for Americans to leave Ukraine, saying routine embassy services, such as help with passports, in Kyiv will be suspended on Sunday as key personnel evacuate.

"It appears increasingly likely this situation is heading toward active conflict...there are limits of what we can do in a war zone," the senior State Department official told reporters.

On Friday, President Joe Biden ordered an additional 3,000 paratroopers from Fort Bragg, North Carolina to Poland. Those forces, along with the original 1,700 mobilized earlier this month, are expected to be in place within a few days. Roughly 1,000 U.S. troops with the 2nd Cavalry Regiment, a Stryker squadron based out of Germany, are in the midst of deploying to Romania.

02-15-2022, 08:15 AM
More tension today, sounds like several Russian units moved into attack positions.

Interesting live thread here collecting relevant tweets and news articles if anyone else is following this closely: https://www.reddit.com/live/18hnzysb1elcs/

Teh One Who Knocks
02-15-2022, 12:22 PM
By Yaron Steinbuch - New York Post


Russia said Tuesday it is pulling back some of its troops from Ukraine’s borders as it slammed reports of an invasion as “ostentatious hysteria” by the West.

“We’ve always said the troops will return to their bases after the exercises are over. This is the case this time as well,” Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov said, according to Reuters.

However, it was unclear how many units were being withdrawn after a build-up of an estimated 130,000 Russian troops to the north, east and south of Ukraine.

Peskov also accused the US of fueling the crisis by warning repeatedly of an invasion — to the point where Peskov said President Vladimir Putin had joked about it.

“He asks (us) to find out if the exact time, to the hour, of the start of the war has been published. It’s impossible to be understanding of this manic information madness,” he said.

The Kremlin spokesperson took particular issue with moves by several Western countries, including the US and Canada, to relocate their embassies away from the Ukrainian capital Kyiv.

“This is some sort of ostentatious hysteria, which of course is not based on anything,” he said, Agence France-Presse reported.


Meanwhile, foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said earlier that Moscow will continue its dialogue with the West on security matters and is ready for separate talks on intermediate-range nuclear missiles.

But he also dismissed reports that Russia is planning to invade Ukraine as “information terrorism.”

The troop pullback from the Ukrainian border would be the first major step toward de-escalation in weeks of crisis with the West.


Footage published Tuesday by the Russian Defense Ministry showed some tanks and other armored vehicles being loaded onto railway cars.

Still, Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba said Kyiv would only “believe in de-escalation” after it sees Russia’s pullout, the Interfax Ukraine news agency reported.

“We continuously hear different statements from the Russian federation, so we have a rule … we believe what we see. If we see the pullout we will believe in de-escalation,” the report quoted him as saying.


Britain, which with the US has led the warnings of imminent action, reacted cautiously Tuesday.

“The Russians have claimed that they have no plans for an invasion, but we will need to see a full scale removal of troops to show that is true,” Foreign Secretary Liz Truss told LBC radio.

Although Russia has denied ever planning to attack Ukraine, it has demanded legally binding guarantees from the US and NATO that Kyiv will not be allowed to join the military bloc.


Washington and Brussels have so far refused to issue such pledges.

On Monday, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky declared a national “Day of Unity” for Wednesday — the day purportedly set for an invasion.

02-15-2022, 12:38 PM
"Some" and pulled back to where? I'll believe it when it's completely deescalated.