View Full Version : MSNBC guest: High gas prices will force Americans to accept ‘the truth’ of green energy

Teh One Who Knocks
03-09-2022, 11:41 AM
By Kristine Parks | Fox News


As gas prices hit an all-time high this week, MSNBC parroted White House talking points lecturing Americans to buy more electric cars.

On "Katy Tur Reports" Tuesday, Roben Farzad, a public radio host and NPR and MSNBC contributor, suggested this crisis was in part due to Americans not learning any "lessons" from the high gas prices of 2008, by continuing to buy large trucks instead of electric vehicles.

"Look around you, Katy. Everybody is driving a big pickup truck, SUVs, gigantic SUVs are back in vogue. We talk a big game, but this happens time and time again to the U.S. consumer," he griped, adding that he didn't want to come across as "some blue checkmark lecturing people in a time of pain."

Farzad faulted consumers for complaining about gas prices.

"Time and time again, the United States consumer is saying, ‘Well, I'm in pain. What can we do?' And we seemingly take the easy answer out every time," he told Tur.

The MSNBC host agreed that green energy wouldn’t help us in this current crisis, but she called it "crazy" that we rely on foreign oil instead of using green energy.

"You know, It might not help anything in the immediate future going green, but isn't this — is this to you another indication that this is just crazy that we're still reliant on this product that we have to get, from—even if you had to get it from an ally, you have to get it from somebody else, and we need it here. It's a national security issue," Tur argued.

Her guest suggested Americans would have to "feel pain" at the pump to reconsider their transportation and turn to the "truth."

"And perhaps if you let the market work in this respect people will feel pain. They'll take a second look at that Ford F-450 gigantoid truck, they'll reconsider a Tesla. You'll see hybrid innovation. I mean this did on the margin help energy efficiency and MPG on fleet the last time around and the longer this sustains, the bigger the hurt is, the more you are going to see people make fundamental decisions about their commute, about mass transportation, about airlines. This kind of forces the truth with respect to our energy conversation," Farzad said.

Vice President Kamala Harris and Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg took heat this week from conservative critics for also pushing for electric vehicles and Green New Deal policies. Biden economic advisor Brian Deese said the only way to make the U.S. energy independent was to reduce our fossil fuels to "zero."
President Joe Biden made the same case in a Tuesday address, saying high gas prices should "motivate us to make the transition to green energy."
While the mainstream media follows the White House’s lead in pushing for more expensive electric cars and green energy as Americans are already struggling to pay bills due to inflation and higher gas prices, they continue to dismiss Republicans' calls for ramping up domestic energy production of oil and gas.

lost in melb.
03-09-2022, 02:01 PM

03-09-2022, 04:10 PM
Dumbest shit I ever heard

Teh One Who Knocks
03-09-2022, 04:39 PM
Everybody just needs to go out and spend $30K to $50K and get themselves electric vehicles, problem solved :hand:

03-10-2022, 01:52 AM
fuck you joe

03-10-2022, 02:06 PM
Everybody just needs to go out and spend $30K to $50K and get themselves electric vehicles, problem solved :hand:

Mines on order now..! /s