View Full Version : YouTubers who attempted to spend night in PA Target face up to 7 years in prison

Teh One Who Knocks
03-11-2022, 12:14 PM
By Pilar Arias, Fox News


A night of fun in a Pennsylvania Target store has led to YouTubers “Saucy and Honey” facing criminal charges that could result in up to seven years in prison.

West Whiteland Township police say 25-year-old Johnson Larose and 24-year-old Charlotte Fischer were arrested after hiding inside a Chester County Target store and filming the encounter for their social media channel Feb. 21.

Officers were called to the location for a tripped alarm. They searched the building, but didn’t find anyone.

“The next day police say Target employees found surveillance video showing a man and a woman wandering around the store for hours with their phones out. The intruders didn’t take anything during their time inside the store,” FOX 29 Philadelphia reported.

“It became a little bit bigger of an investigation, trying to find out what they were doing, was there something criminal?” police detective Scott Pezick said.

The couple documented the “24 hour overnight challenge in Target” on their page for their 17,800 subscribers. The nearly 26-minute video shows the pair building a fort to hide behind as the store closed and then wandering around aimlessly.

The two claimed they stayed inside the Target all night, but police say they left through an emergency exit around 3 a.m., which is what tripped the alarm. They returned to the store around 8 a.m. in the morning to resume the video.

The situation, which could have ended much differently, used up police and Target resources.

“When you go to burglary call you have a heightened sense of awareness. Suddenly, you see somebody in there, or maybe they get spooked and run, our officers are well-trained, but it’s not a great situation for anybody,” Detective Pezick said. “They weren’t out to harm anybody, but we want to make sure this doesn’t happen again.”


Authorities say Larose and Fischer are facing third-degree criminal trespassing charges. They have been released on $25,000 unsecured bail and have been banned from Target stores across the Keystone State. They are expected in court again March 24.

“I mean, no regrets just living life and having fun, it’s kind of sad that all of this came out of it, we were expecting a fine nothing crazy,” Fischer told FOX 29.

lost in melb.
03-11-2022, 12:22 PM
Don't understand the 7 years, given you could walk out with merchandise for free.

03-12-2022, 10:39 AM
Don't understand the 7 years, given you could walk out with merchandise for free.

That's the maximum penalty for Criminal Trespass in Pennsylvania. Unless these two are multiple repeat-offenders, in all likelihood the charge will be reduced to a misdemeanor and they'll be given some sort of probation.

03-12-2022, 02:05 PM
throw the book at these fucks to make a point and try and curb these stupid ass 'social media challenges' :2cents: