View Full Version : Biden administration must turn over emails that press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, Anthony Fauci, and other top officials sent to social media companies.

09-08-2022, 08:02 PM
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FB admitted on Joe Rogan the white house contacts them on "issues"

09-08-2022, 08:03 PM
Looks like they are trying to block this too

A federal judge has just ruled that the Biden administration must turn over emails that press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, Anthony Fauci, and other top officials sent to social media companies.
“This Court believes Plaintiffs are entitled to external communications by Jean-Pierre and Dr. Fauci in their capacities as White House Press Secretary and Chief Medical Advisor to the President to third-party social media platforms,” Judge Terry Doughty wrote in his order.
Jean-Pierre said she was unable to discuss the litigation in a press conference yesterday.
“As we said over and over again since the beginning of… COVID-19, it has been critical for the American people to have access to factual, accurate, science-based information,” she said.
The Biden administration has 21 days to turn over the correspondence.

09-08-2022, 09:09 PM
Hillary was just spotted sneaking into the server room.