View Full Version : A US federal agency is considering a ban on gas stoves

Teh One Who Knocks
01-11-2023, 10:37 AM
By Ramishah Maruf, CNN


New York (CNN) — A federal agency is considering a ban on gas stoves, a source of indoor pollution linked to childhood asthma.

In an interview with Bloomberg, a US Consumer Product Safety commissioner said gas stove usage is a “hidden hazard.”

“Any option is on the table. Products that can’t be made safe can be banned,” agency commissioner Richard Trumka Jr. told Bloomberg. The report said the agency plans “to take action” to address the indoor pollution caused by stoves.

The CPSC has been considering action on gas stoves for months. Trumka recommended in October that the CPSC seek public comment on the hazards associated with gas stoves. The pollutants have been linked to asthma and worsening respiratory conditions.

A December 2022 study in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health found that indoor gas stove usage is associated with an increased risk of current asthma among children. The study found that almost 13% of current childhood asthma in the US is attributable to gas stove use.

Trumka told Bloomberg the agency plans to open public comment on gas stove hazards. Options besides a ban include “setting standards on emissions from the appliances.”

Thirty-five percent of households in the United States use a gas stove, and the number approaches 70% in some states like California and New Jersey. Other studies have found these stoves emit significant levels of nitrogen dioxide, carbon monoxide and fine particulate matter – which without proper ventilation can raise the levels of indoor concentration levels to unsafe levels as deemed by the EPA.

“Short-term exposure to NO2 is linked to worsening asthma in children, and long-term exposure has been determined to likely cause the development of asthma,” a group of lawmakers said in a letter to chair Alexander Hoehn-Saric, adding it can also exacerbate cardiovascular illnesses.

The letter – Sen. Corey Booker and Sen. Elizabeth Warren among its signers – argued that Black, Latino and low-income households are more likely to be affected by these adverse reactions, because they are either more likely to live near a waste incinerator or coal ash site or are in a home with poor ventilation.

In a statement to CNN, the CPSC said the agency has not proposed any regulatory action on gas stoves at this time, and any regulatory action would “involve a lengthy process.”

“Agency staff plans to start gathering data and perspectives from the public on potential hazards associated with gas stoves, and proposed solutions to those hazards later this year,” the commission said in a statement. “Commission staff also continues to work with voluntary standards organizations to examine gas stove emissions and address potential hazards.”

Some cities across the US banned natural gas hookups in all new building construction to reduce greenhouse emissions – Berkeley in 2019, San Francisco in 2020, New York City in 2021. But as of last February, 20 states with GOP-controlled legislatures have passed so-called “preemption laws” that prohibit cities from banning natural gas.

“To me that’s what’s interesting about this new trend, it seems like states are trying to eliminate the possibility before cities try to catch onto this,” Sarah Fox, an associate law professor at Northern Illinois University School of Law, told CNN last year. “The natural gas industry… has been very aggressive in getting this passed.”

In a statement to CNN Business, the Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers said an improvement in ventilation is the solution to preventing indoor air pollution while cooking.

“A ban on gas cooking appliances would remove an affordable and preferred technology used in more than 40% of home across the country,” Jill Notini, industry spokesperson, said in a statement. ” A ban of gas cooking would fail to address the overall concern of indoor air quality while cooking, because all forms of cooking, regardless of heat source, generate air pollutants, especially at high temperatures.”

The American Gas Association pushed back against a natural gas ban in a blog post in December, saying it makes housing more expensive as “electric homes require expensive retrofits.”

However, Biden’s landmark Inflation Reduction Act includes a rebate of up to $840 for an electric stove or other electric appliances, and up to an $500 to help cover the costs of converting to electric from gas.

01-11-2023, 04:17 PM
I dont like cooking on electric

Teh One Who Knocks
01-11-2023, 07:27 PM

01-11-2023, 08:30 PM
How stupid can you get? This is ridiculous.

Teh One Who Knocks
01-11-2023, 08:34 PM
How stupid can you get? This is ridiculous.

You sound like a shill for Big Electricity [-(

01-12-2023, 07:17 AM
I hate this nanny state shit.

Cooking with gas is the absolute best. It just feels so much more intuitive adjusting the heat when you're cooking with fire than trying to figure out what the hell heat you're going to get with electric or induction. We're looking at houses right now and it's a massive selling feature to me if it has gas. These glass/induction tops suck to cook on, they're always dirty and scratched, fuck all that.

01-12-2023, 04:40 PM
I hate this nanny state shit.

Cooking with gas is the absolute best. It just feels so much more intuitive adjusting the heat when you're cooking with fire than trying to figure out what the hell heat you're going to get with electric or induction. We're looking at houses right now and it's a massive selling feature to me if it has gas. These glass/induction tops suck to cook on, they're always dirty and scratched, fuck all that.

You don't like to do at home hibachi?


Teh One Who Knocks
01-13-2023, 11:25 AM
By Jeffrey Clark | Fox News


New York Democratic Congresswoman and environmentalist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez again weighed in on the heated gas stove debate on Instagram Thursday.

"I do think it’s funny the absolute, utter Republican meltdown where they're like ‘you can take my gas stove from my cold dead hands,’ or, ‘how dare you talk about gas stoves, you have a gas stove.’"

Conservative commentator Matt Walsh joked Monday, "You will have to pry my gas stove from my cold dead hands" after it was revealed that the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission was considering a ban on gas stoves, reportedly out of concern for the environment and people's personal health.

Ocasio-Cortez defended her use of gas stoves in a recent Instagram story.

"First of all, I rent, period. Second of all, it doesn’t even matter. Because, by that logic, these are the same people who would have said we should have never gotten rid of leaded gasoline just because someone may have driven a gasoline car."

"Science evolves and gives us new knowledge with time," she added.

The Congresswoman also explained the "science" behind her public attacks on gas stoves.

"There is very concerning science about some of the emissions from gas stoves," she said, "especially around the cognitive development of young children, asthma, cancer, et cetera."

It is a claim that has dominated the mainstream media but appears to have little actual evidence backing it up. A Consumer Product Safety Commission spokesperson told Fox News Digital that there "is a significant body of work" on the supposed danger of gas stoves, but refused to cite any sources.

"This is a decision about what may be sold and regulations in the far future. Okay? So everyone just take the temperature down a little bit."

"No secret government agency is going to bust down your door and take your gas stove away," Ocasio-Cortez told Republicans.

She has been widely criticized by scientists, doctors, actors and her fellow members of Congress on Twitter for suggesting that gas stove use is linked to brain damage, especially after a photo of her in front of a personal gas stove went viral online.

Texas Congressman Ronny Jackson and a number of other users shared the photo, noting the irony of Ocasio-Cortez’s attacks on gas stove use.

".@aoc says gas stoves cause ‘reduced cognitive performance’ - yet she uses a gas stove? Is this a self diagnosis? AOC, as a medical doctor, I can tell you this: what’s wrong with your head IS NOT caused by stoves. Something WAY BIGGER is causing your decreased cognitive function!"
Ocasio-Cortez also gave her fans and detractors alike some advice on how to use gas stoves safely.

"Maybe if you cook and you don't have the exhaust hood on, maybe you turn that on. Maybe if you're in a place where it's amenable, and you're cooking, open a window if it's not freezing out or there's another issue."

01-13-2023, 11:42 AM
She's a moron.

Teh One Who Knocks
01-13-2023, 12:23 PM
She's a moron.

She's our Better, bow down to her wealth of knowledge :nono:

01-13-2023, 12:28 PM
She's our Better, bow down to her wealth of knowledge :nono:

Knowledge, my ass. I've said this once and I'll say it again. She needs to get her money back from the"education" she received from Boston University, because she's an idiot that believes stupid shit.

lost in melb.
01-15-2023, 03:37 AM
Good girl. Extra thrustings due. :yumyum: