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View Full Version : Dad caught masturbating at a busy bus stop for over an hour after work drinks

Teh One Who Knocks
04-13-2023, 01:59 PM
By George Mathias - The Daily Star


A tradesman was caught masturbating in broad daylight at a busy bus stop, following a late-night drinking session at his employer's house.

Kip Perrin, 49, has been charged with indecent exposure in a public space after being seen pleasuring himself at around 7am on Sunday, March 12.

The father-of-two was sitting on the ground near the Rockdale train station in Sydney, Australia, when a stunned passersby spotted him and reported the incident to the police, reported the Mail.

The authorities were quick to respond, and as soon as Perrin saw them, he got up, dressed himself, and walked off.

However, he later handed himself in after CCTV footage of the incident and a photo were released to the public to try and snare him.

The dad was spotted by the bus stop having gone for some after work drinks

On Tuesday, further details about Perrin's obscene act emerged as he pleaded guilty in the Sutherland Local Court.

Perrin works as a storeman on a huge motorway yet to be completed called the M6 tunnel project.

According to court documents, Perrin told the officers that he had spent Saturday night dining and drinking with colleagues from work, and then continued partying at his boss' place.

He left his boss' house at 2am and decided to take a break at a bus stop on his way home.


There he removed his shorts, sat on the ground before masturbating for over an hour.

Initially, Perrin denied the accusations.

When the police showed him CCTV footage of the incident, he said: "That's not me. I've never done that before, but that is me."

However, after reviewing the footage, Perrin plead guilty in court.

He will be sentenced at a hearing scheduled for May 23.

Such public onanism is not unheard of.


Last year, a man in the US was caught masturbating at a Starbucks on Miami Beach.

The man in question was spotted by several witnesses performing the act at the Starbucks around 9.30am.

"Get the f*** out! It's disgusting!" one witness was heard on video screaming at him.

The man could be seen wearing a white t-shirt, underpants, and white socks, while unapologetically pleasuring himself in front of an American flag in the shop - all while looking at the customers.

04-13-2023, 03:17 PM
Why bring up the American case? Is it a competition or something? "This bloke did this at a train stop, but hey, this American did it at a crowded Starbucks!"

lost in melb.
04-13-2023, 04:08 PM
Perhaps this guy is american as well. They have a reputation :dunno:

04-13-2023, 08:37 PM

He's all yours.

lost in melb.
04-16-2023, 02:46 AM