View Full Version : 'All-ages' Pride Party in Tempe features songs about anal sex, demands attendees vote Democrat

Teh One Who Knocks
06-05-2023, 06:54 PM
The Post Millennial


An all-ages Pride Party in Tempe, Arizona over the weekend featured performances by drag queen Barbra Seville along with the salacious RealXMan, who rapped for children about gay and anal sex. Drew Hernandez Frontlines reporter and TPUSA contributor, captured the event, during which adults attended with children.
Drag queen Barbra Seville instructed attendees as to how to vote, saying that Arizona's "anti-gay" bills need to be overturned. The law in Arizona prohibits child sex changes. Arizona also acted to save women's sports and make boys and men ineligible from competing on women's sports teams.
Seville instructed attendees to vote for Democrats, and a lesbian city councilwoman also made her case for having more LGBTQ people run for office.

"I have to ask, I'm obligated to ask, are you registered to vote? Are you registered– and no shame if you're not," Seville said, encouraging people to register for the next election.

"It's not too late for the next election and turn the tide of all of that hate, the anti-gay nonsense in the state house, the anti-gay nonsense in the Senate, the anti-gay nonsense in Florida in the United States.

"It's insane!" Seville continued, "It's insane. Over 500 laws have been introduced across the country. Today the anti-drag bill in Tennessee was voted unconstitutional by the appeals court. So that's pretty incredible."

Seville said that he had the "opportunity to go downtown to Phoenix to the state capitol and testify on behalf of drag entertainers and gender expression and LGBTQ people" and that the elected officials are "not exceptional people."

"The people that we send to those places are not exceptional people," Seville said. "They are not. They're not exceptionally smart or driven or talented. They just have one more vote than the next person.

"And I'll tell you what, in the Senate, one party is one number ahead. One, they have one member more than the other party, and they're making all the rules. So if we could just elect one more person with views and opinions and commitments to us, like, like some other people do, we can call the shots and we can protect, we can protect LGBTQ youth," Seville went on, insisting that those in attendance vote Democrat.

"We can protect trans people, we can wake up protect people of color, we can make housing a priority. We can we can tackle things like guns in schools, but we can't do it unless you all get involved. And register to vote."

When activists, politicians and pundits complain about "anti-trans" or "anti-gay" bills, they are objecting the lawmakers banning sex changes for children and keeping women's sex-segregated spaces safe for women and girls.

The terminology is the point, to make it seem that LGBTQ people are being discriminated against, when in reality children are being protected from drastic medical interventions in service to the lie that they can change sex.

The Pride Party for all ages was promoted by the city of Tempe.

"Join Downtown Tempe on June 3, 2023, from 7 – 10 p.m. for an unforgettable night of celebration and love at Downtown Tempe’s Pride Party! Partygoers will enjoy a silent disco, food, beer and wine, along with other surprises to make sure your night is one to remember," the city wrote in anticipation of the party.

"So put on your best outfit, grab your friends and get ready to dance under the stars while enjoying the incredible Downtown Tempe vibe. Drag queens, DJs and other performers will be there to keep the party going all night long! Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity to come together and celebrate Pride."

lost in melb.
06-06-2023, 04:29 AM
Well, what songs do they have on the radio that kids listen to? :)

06-06-2023, 07:43 PM
Well, what songs do they have on the radio that kids listen to? :)


lost in melb.
06-06-2023, 07:46 PM

Nuclear family rules :cheer: