View Full Version : O'Keefe Strikes Again - Pentagon Insider Wants to Seize Guns & Impose Authoritarian Dictatorship

03-14-2024, 03:11 PM
Jason Beck aka "Aiden Gray", who works in Total Force Requirements & Sourcing Policy for Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin’s office, described his extremist ideology during what he thought was a date with OMG journalist James O’Keefe.

>writes congressional posture reports for high level pentagon officials
>“I think we should repeal the Second Amendment and
>take the guns all away! Whatever, just take them all.”
>wants a monopoly on state violence, …
>“We [the government], are the only ones with guns.”
>“pack the Supreme Court”
>“We need the majority in the court so they can’t stop the legislation [to ban guns],”
>“abolish the Senate” to pave the way for repealing the Second Amendment.
>called for the U.S. to have an open border.
>“Like, why do we need quotas? Why not just have an open border?”
>“There’s no Taliban coming in through Mexico. When has a terrorist ever come in?”
>Has had bottom surgery.
>It's painful.

