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View Full Version : Cursing in the Marine Corps

08-08-2011, 05:24 AM
This guy is smart and well spoken. Good video. Kind of had bigger implications for how PC society as a whole is too.


08-08-2011, 09:10 AM
Random thoughts:

In the grand scheme of things, whether or not he's cussed at during training by his superiors is relatively meaningless. It doesn't make him tougher if people cuss at him. I think it's kind of childish to make an issue out of it, to be honest. If his superiors are told not to do it by their superiors, then they don't do it. Chain of command and all that. He should learn to respect that.

Sure, the parents that write their senators/representatives and blah blah blah need to understand that their son or daughter are no longer their children anymore, they're US government property. But don't disrespect them, son, those people are the US government's bosses, and ergo, your bosses as well. They pay your salary. Shut the fuck up and take it like the man you swore to become when you joined the military.

One could also argue that if our military is to represent the best of us, the elite, then (and this is not addressed in the video... I'm just throwing it out there) we should expect them all to behave in a gentlemanly fashion when appropriate. My Vietnam veteran father taught me that there's a lot more that goes into being a soldier than just learning how to kill. I'm wondering if the kids that go into the military today are figuring that out. Maybe they should.

When out there fighting in the name of our country, the enemy isn't going to be hurling cusses at you. You might not hear anything out of them at all before they sneak up behind you and cut your throat while you're sitting around wasting your attention on menial things like why your superiors couldn't cuss at you during training.

Don't waste your time worrying about someone's mother worrying about their son feeling stressed over somebody else cussing at them. I'm sure the military can easily find ways to stress him out 20 times worse without saying anything to him at all. And Mom will never know.

If other things pop into my head later, I'll post them.