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View Full Version : Raunchy teen lollipop photos fall under First Amendment: Judge; Girls sue over sports suspension

Teh One Who Knocks
08-25-2011, 10:18 PM


An Indiana judge has made a school board look like a bunch of suckers.

Three female teen athletes had their First Amendment rights violated when they were banned from extracurricular volleyball after raunchy slumber party photos, including pictures of the girls sucking on phallic-shaped lollipops and simulating sex with each other, ended up on MySpace, Facebook and other social media outlets.

The school principal told the girls that they had violated a school code by bringing discredit or dishonor to their school and were suspended from volleyball games and practice activities for the remainder of the year after the incident.

A parent of another student brought the photos to the principal's attention and demanded that action be taken against the girls.

Judge Philip Simon concluded that the photographs, although juvenile and silly, were covered under the category of free speech and therefore protected by the Constitution.

The girls claimed the photos were meant to be "funny" and shared with their friends only.

The judge agreed.

"Ridiculousness and inappropriateness are often the very foundation of humor," he wrote. " The provocative context of these young girls horsing around with objects representing sex organs was intended to contribute to the humorous effect in the minds of the intended teenage audience.

But he strongly disagreed with the school's assertion that the photographs qualified as "sexual misconduct" under Indiana law, since there was no actual nudity.

The judge made the point that the girls posted the photos on Facebook for their friends to see – not to display to the entire school.

"It is undisputed that the photographs did in fact make it into the school," Philips wrote. "While this may be true, it's beside the point. [The suspended students didn't bring] the material into the school environment. Others did."

Simon concluded that what happened at a sleepover party was allowed to stay there but that the principal not be subject to damages "because, though mistaken, his judgment could reasonably have been thought to be consistent with the students' rights."

"I wish the case involved more important and worthwhile speech on the part of the students, but then of course a school's well-intentioned but unconstitutional punishment of that speech would be all the more regrettable," the judge concluded.

"Not much good takes place at slumber parties for high school kids, and this case proves the point," he said.

A lawsuit filed by parents of the suspended girls against the school district is still pending.

08-25-2011, 10:24 PM
a young girl sucking provocatively on a phallic shaped lollipop is funny??

No, it's an invitation for pervs to find out your home address.

08-25-2011, 10:49 PM
Indiana eh? :-k

08-25-2011, 10:57 PM
I rest my case.


Teh One Who Knocks
08-25-2011, 10:58 PM
a young girl sucking provocatively on a phallic shaped lollipop is funny??

No, it's an invitation for pervs to find out your home address.

Yeah, as much as I am all for personal freedom, these are minors and that was definitely inappropriate. It's BS that they're trying to claim they only did it 'for their friends to see'. If they didn't think these would get out, then they are completely stupid.

What's worse is the fact the parents are filing a lawsuit on their kids behalf. What kinda parents would think these are the types of photos their 15 or 16 year old daughter should be taking? :confused:

08-25-2011, 10:59 PM
I rest my case.


Lazy shit, don't rest it there! :x

08-25-2011, 11:04 PM
Lazy shit, don't rest it there! :x

Re-opening under cross...:lol:

08-25-2011, 11:06 PM
Re-opening under cross...:lol:

Re-opening? Don't open it, just get it off my fkin foot! :(

08-25-2011, 11:06 PM
Yeah, as much as I am all for personal freedom, these are minors and that was definitely inappropriate. It's BS that they're trying to claim they only did it 'for their friends to see'. If they didn't think these would get out, then they are completely stupid.

What's worse is the fact the parents are filing a lawsuit on their kids behalf. What kinda parents would think these are the types of photos their 15 or 16 year old daughter should be taking? :confused:

How true.The parents are completely supporting this action by their underage daughters.And initiating and paying for the trial.

I'm hardly old fashioned but if my underage daughter posted similar pics anywhere on the net, it would be - you stay in 6 nights per week honey and on the 7th you go to church.

08-25-2011, 11:07 PM
Re-opening? Don't open it, just get it off my fkin foot! :(

Now I rest my case....on Loser's head! :dance:

case - Canadian word for ass

08-25-2011, 11:12 PM
Now I rest my case....on Loser's head! :dance:

case - Canadian word for ass


Here, this is american for "Your ass smells!"


08-25-2011, 11:16 PM

You ever see that movie...I think it was one of the Harold and Kumars.Some guy is in the 7/11 showing how you can get a free slurpee.He sticks his finger up his ass and then holds the slurpee (with the finger extended a little) towards the clerks face and says - Hey man! My slurpee smells like ass, I want a new one


08-25-2011, 11:20 PM

Yea, but the better movie scene was "stink palming" in Mallrats :puke:


08-25-2011, 11:22 PM
I explained how to get free food to one of my East Indian buds at work today using the finger technique....he was howling :lol:

REALLY? You really do that??

yes Raj, I do :lol:

08-25-2011, 11:23 PM
bwuahahahaha :twisted:

08-26-2011, 01:33 AM