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View Full Version : Man could not remember drunken attack on car

Teh One Who Knocks
09-01-2011, 05:28 PM
By Keighley News reporter

Daniel Burton was so drunk after having had about ten cans of beer on the day of Cowling Gala he could not remember kicking a car, Skipton magistrates were told.

Burton damaged the boot of the Vauxhall Astra parked in Keighley Road in the village and then got into a confrontation with a police officer and a community support officer.

The 21-year-old of Emsley Street, Steeton, pleaded guilty to criminal damage, possessing cannabis and assaulting PC Jonathan Stubbs and PCSO Jason Perkins on July 30.

He was sentenced to a six months’ community order with supervision and an order to attend a stop-binge-drinking programme.

He was also told to pay £300 compensation to the owner of the car and £120 compensation to the two officers as well as £85 court costs.

Alan Davis, prosecuting, said Burton became angry when accused of damaging the vehicle and at one point grabbed hold of PCSO Perkins. Burton left the scene and went to a house in Cowling where he was seen climbing out of an upstairs window by PC Stubbs who had been called to the incident.

Burton returned through the house and pushed the door against the police officer to prevent him entering, injuring his arm and leg.

John Mewies, for Burton, said his client’s behaviour was as a result of drink and he had no recollection of what happened. “He drank too much and ended up getting involved in this incident which he never intended to,” said Mr Mewies.

He said the cannabis was not Burton’s – he did not even smoke – but he was looking after it for a friend.

09-01-2011, 05:31 PM
10 beers and a blackout....what a newb

Teh One Who Knocks
09-01-2011, 05:36 PM
I would blackout after 10 pints of wheat beer....I dunno what it is about that stuff, but it kicks my ass. I dunno if it's the wheat or how it's brewed, but man, last time I had a bunch of wheat beer, it was like I drank 5 times as much beer.

09-01-2011, 05:39 PM
yeah, I guess there would be a big difference if it was 10 miller lites as opposed to 10 of something with a higher alcohol content

Teh One Who Knocks
09-01-2011, 05:44 PM

That was the stuff...man, I steer way clear of that beer now, :lol:

Can't afford to drink at that place anymore anyways, it's become a yuppie pub and the prices are all outrageous :roll:

09-01-2011, 05:49 PM
I would blackout after 10 pints of wheat beer....I dunno what it is about that stuff, but it kicks my ass. I dunno if it's the wheat or how it's brewed, but man, last time I had a bunch of wheat beer, it was like I drank 5 times as much beer.

back in the day, 12 Extra Old Stock at 6% would get me pretty pissed

09-01-2011, 05:50 PM
Coors Light is 4.2 that stuff is 5.1 so it will get ya quicker :)


Acid Trip
09-01-2011, 06:01 PM
I would blackout after 10 pints of wheat beer....I dunno what it is about that stuff, but it kicks my ass. I dunno if it's the wheat or how it's brewed, but man, last time I had a bunch of wheat beer, it was like I drank 5 times as much beer.

If you like wheat beer try Boulevard Wheat. Brewed in Kansas and very tasty.