View Full Version : How Accurate Are Memories of 9/11

09-09-2011, 07:23 AM
This is an aspect of psychology that is hard to believe or wrap our heads around. It has been studied in many ways, for example, many of the memories we recall from childhood are remembered incorrectly or never happened at all which has been shown in numerous pieces of research. It's one of those things you see in online lists of "10 Strangest Psychological Effects" .

I was talking about 9/11 with co-workers yesterday and one told me "I was painting my house when the first plane struck and ran inside to watch the news." He's a smart guy and older than I, but I told him I doubted it: It was not even 9am Eastern Time, making it 6am here in Vancouver and a work day no less. He had to stop and think long and hard, and ended up agreeing that his memory must be wrong as he'd still be in bed.

Anyways.. I know this concept is strange, and maybe even upsetting given the context. But with an open mind, pretty fascinating.

Here is one article; another similar ones can be found here: http://www.fosters.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20110908/GJNEWS_01/709089731

How Accurate Are Memories of 9/11?

Recollections of the circumstances of how we first heard of the 2001 terrorist attacks may feel extraordinarily vivid and true, but they are flawed

By Ingfei Chen | Tuesday, September 6, 2011 | 12

9/11,memory FLASHBULB MEMORIES: A national study of 9/11 memories conducted by researchers at intervals of one week, one year and three years after the September 11, 2001​ attack included more than 3,000 people in New York City, Washington, D.C., Boston and elsewhere. Last month, the scientists did a 10-year follow-up, making the project the longest prospective study of how flashbulb memories change over time. Image: COURTESY OF NATHAN SIEMERS, VIA FLICKR

For most Americans, as the nation's thoughts turn to the 10th anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, memories of that day readily come flooding back. People can remember with great clarity what they were doing or to whom they were speaking when they learned of the crisis—whether via a sister's phone call or a first-hand glimpse of the World Trade Center on fire.

Decades ago, psychologists theorized that the brain imprints such details into its memory, like a photograph, when we learn of sudden, tragic national events. These highly emotional recollections were dubbed "flashbulb memories"—but the notion of photographic accuracy didn't bear out in later research. [For more about the psychology of 9/11, read the Streams of Conscious blog, "Forgetting About 9/11"]

How much can we trust, then, of what we remember of 9/11? Some answers are provided by a national study of 9/11 memories conducted by researchers at intervals of one week, one year and three years after the attack. The team surveyed more than 3,000 people in New York City, Washington, D.C., Boston, and four other cities in Connecticut, Missouri and California. Last month, the scientists did a 10-year follow-up survey—data yet to be analyzed—making the project the longest prospective study of how flashbulb memories change over time. Scientific American spoke with New York University psychologist Elizabeth A. Phelps, a lead investigator of the survey.

[An edited transcript of the interview follows.]

New York University (NYU) is only two miles from the World Trade Center site. What was it like when you got to your lab the morning of 9/11?
By then, the second plane had hit the towers. There was nobody else in the office at that point, but one person. I went to his office, which looked out at the World Trade Center, and we saw one tower go down. You just couldn't even believe it. And then it was kind of a weird day. Some people came into the office. You really couldn't focus on work. So eventually I went home, watched CNN and ended up trying to go give blood.

How did the 9/11 memory project come about?
Phone service was hit or miss that day, but John Gabrieli​, a friend and neuroscientist who was then at Stanford, managed to call me. He just wanted to make sure I was okay. We started talking about doing a study of 9/11, because every memory researcher knows about the classic studies of memories of the Challenger space shuttle explosion or the 1989 San Francisco earthquake. Then after a day or so, we decided to do it.

We worked very fast. John started putting the survey questionnaire together with Kevin Ochsner, a postdoc in his group. We got in touch with Bill Hirst, Marcia Johnson​, Chandan Vaidya and other researchers who joined the consortium. By September 18, we had survey tables in front of the NYU library and in Washington Square, and Bill [Hirst] had tables up around 14th Street, at the New School for Social Research. Right after 9/11, people in New York really wanted to be around other people and to do things that were helpful. And I think taking our survey was something that people thought would contribute to the greater good.

My entire lab worked on the 9/11 project. At the time, it would have been hard for us to work on anything else. The streets were closed around NYU and the campus shut down. The study helped us stay busy and yet feel relevant to what was going on.

How does emotion in a traumatic event like 9/11 influence our memories?
Emotion kind of focuses you on a few details but lets you ignore other details. And if you are highly aroused by fear, that emotion helps you store things in your memory better, in a storage process called consolidation that depends on the interaction of the amygdala and hippocampus. But what we've known for a while is that emotion gives you a stronger confidence in your memory than it does necessarily in the accuracy. Usually, when a memory has highly vivid details and you're confident in those details, that means you're likely to be right. Confidence often goes hand in hand with accuracy. But when something is highly emotional, they often get separated.

So if you look at memory for 9/11, pretty much everybody would say, "I know where I was, who I was with," etc. etc. Everyone thinks, "Oh, I never would forget that." But we know from a lot of studies from the past 30 years that people aren't necessarily right. You can't even convince people that their memories are wrong. All you can say is that data would suggest your memory's wrong.

With emotional events like 9/11, I think we do have better memory for the important details [as compared with a neutral event]—we just don't have great memory for all the details. And we think we do, and that's the real contrast. Whereas, if I told you that you don't remember the details of your 26th birthday, you wouldn't be surprised, necessarily.

What exactly did you learn about the accuracy of 9/11 memories in the national survey?
It's important to mention that when we talk about "accuracy" here, we mean accuracy for details like, how did find you find out about 9/11, or who were you with? It's not the case that you don't have a fairly vivid image in your head of the planes crashing into the building. No one's forgetting 9/11 occurred.

Our measure of accuracy is consistency with what people told us in the survey the week after the attack. From that first survey to the second survey a year later, the overall consistency of the details of how they learned of 9/11 was only 63 percent. At the third survey, three years after the attack, consistency was 57 percent. So people were only a little more than 50 percent right for a lot of the details.

But they were particularly bad at remembering what their emotions were after 9/11—accurate only about 40 percent of the time, after a year. And yet overall, for all those details, people's confidence in their memories was, on average, greater than 4 on a scale of 1 to 5.

How well did people remember the facts about the attack itself?
They were better at memories for the facts of the attack than they were for their personal recollections. For instance, in recalling the number of planes involved, they were 94 percent accurate immediately afterward in the first survey, 86 percent accurate a year later, and 81 percent accurate three years later. But of course, those facts are supported by external reminders from media coverage.

An explicit example is that we also asked, "Where was President Bush when the attack happened?" Eighty-seven percent of people were accurate immediately after 9/11—but they dropped off to 57 percent and then went back up to 81 percent between the second and third surveys. We know that was due to a lot of people seeing or hearing about Michael Moore's film, Fahrenheit 9/11, which went over all the details that occurred.

Are there certain aspects of our personal recollections of 9/11 that look more reliable than others?
My research group at NYU has started to look at what kind of details are people better at and worse at in their emotional memories. Are there some details that are actually fine, that go along with the enhanced confidence you have in memory for details. And in a recent laboratory study—the paper is under review—we found that with memories for when and where, confidence does predict accuracy for emotional events, as well as neutral events. With when here, I mean the order of when one event happened relative to another event. We then went back to the 9/11 survey data, and we did see that memory was better for where than the other details. In recalling where they were when they learned of the attack, people were 89 percent accurate at survey two and 83 percent accurate at survey three.

Does it really matter if we don't have all the contextual details right in these emotional memories?
No. Again, I think we actually get better memory for the important details, but just worse memory for the other details. It's important to remember that the 9/11 attack occurred, right? I think—and it's just a theory—that part of why we have this super-enhanced feeling of remembering and sense of vividness for these highly emotional events is that knowing that they occurred matters a lot. Knowing the details about how they occurred, who told you about it, doesn't necessarily matter.

But the enhanced confidence that we have in the memory lets us rely on it and act quickly. You want to be confident of that previous memory, the main point of which was that there was this terrorist attack that could threaten my life and now I have to be wary of things that might be similar. Because you don't want to have to go, "Gee, does this remind me of anything...?" before you act on those types of threats in the future.

09-09-2011, 11:32 AM
I remember that shit like it was yesterday. yup, work day, but no work for me, and a good buddy of mine told me about it...shortly after the first...

hell a couple of my other friends jumped in the car and drove to nyc to see it up close, came back with a spicerackjar full of dust.

Teh One Who Knocks
09-09-2011, 11:34 AM
This is an aspect of psychology that is hard to believe or wrap our heads around. It has been studied in many ways, for example, many of the memories we recall from childhood are remembered incorrectly or never happened at all which has been shown in numerous pieces of research. It's one of those things you see in online lists of "10 Strangest Psychological Effects" .

I was talking about 9/11 with co-workers yesterday and one told me "I was painting my house when the first plane struck and ran inside to watch the news." He's a smart guy and older than I, but I told him I doubted it: It was not even 9am Eastern Time, making it 6am here in Vancouver and a work day no less. He had to stop and think long and hard, and ended up agreeing that his memory must be wrong as he'd still be in bed.

Anyways.. I know this concept is strange, and maybe even upsetting given the context. But with an open mind, pretty fascinating.

I have no doubt that as time progresses that some people don't remember things correctly, even when it comes to something as 'memorable' as the 9/11 attacks. Of course it's different with everyone, especially when you ask them about certain landmark events in history. I still remember the stories my grandfather told me about how he remembered everything about Pearl Harbor Day and where he was down to the most minute detail. Granted, I was just a kid when he was telling us the stories, but I don't think anything was 'mis-remembered' about it. Same with my parents when JFK was shot and killed.

As for me, I think the two biggest events that stick out in my mind are (A) when the shuttle Challenger exploded on lift-off in 1986 and (B) the 9/11 attacks. I can clearly remember everything about both those days, which is funny because sometimes I can't remember what I did yesterday. :lol:

I guess it's just different for everyone.

09-09-2011, 02:11 PM
I had a day off work as we had a footy game against Swindon was watching the developing events on tv

Acid Trip
09-09-2011, 02:27 PM
Some people change their story to make it sound like they saw it all. It's called fitting in and it happens all the time.

Where was I on 9/11?

I was lacing up my Army boots getting ready to head to class (I was in Army ROTC in college) and turned on the TV to check the news. The first thing I saw was footage of the first tower burning and 30 seconds later a plane flew into the second building. I watched for about 5 minutes and then headed out.

On my way to class I got a call from my company commander saying classes were cancelled but that our ROTC group was going to meet at the gym where we do PT. We got a very serious "We may be going to war" speech from the Colonel. We were to block out the next two weekends for field training and range qualification. I'll never forget seeing the 2nd plane or the Colonels speech.

09-09-2011, 03:37 PM
I remember I was getting ready for early morning band class and my dad called and said 'turn on the news.' Most of that day at school was spent watching television by the students and faculty. And I don't doubt even an ounce that anyone here is forgetting what they were doing.

Still... I think it's interesting that according to these studies, if you grabbed a big group of your friends, roughly a third of them would be misremembering what they saw and how they felt that day, but almost all would feel extremely confident about their memories:

Our measure of accuracy is consistency with what people told us in the survey the week after the attack. From that first survey to the second survey a year later, the overall consistency of the details of how they learned of 9/11 was only 63 percent. At the third survey, three years after the attack, consistency was 57 percent. So people were only a little more than 50 percent right for a lot of the details.

But they were particularly bad at remembering what their emotions were after 9/11—accurate only about 40 percent of the time, after a year. And yet overall, for all those details, people's confidence in their memories was, on average, greater than 4 on a scale of 1 to 5.

09-09-2011, 04:34 PM
It makes sense that even with such a potent memory that it might get eschewed over time. Definitely a fascinating study!

As for me, I was in high school. I don't remember what time it was, but I was in gym class when we heard about it. We were in the weight room, and our teacher switched the tv onto the news. The entire class stopped working out and huddled around at watched the broadcast of them replaying the plane crashes into the Twin Towers over and over in stunned silence. As soon as the bell rang, everyone was in a frenzy talking. A lot of us were military kids, so our first thought was family members' impending deployment. One of my teachers... can't remember who... stopped a big group of students on the stairs and made the announcement that we were to get our things from our lockers and get ready to get on the buses to go home.

09-09-2011, 08:00 PM
I usually start at 9am for work and was late that day...I never usually eat breakfast or watch TV in the morning.I was sitting at the table watching the news and eating cereal.
My Dad asked me what was so engrossing and just as I said - I think a bomb went off in NYC, the first tower collapsed on live TV.

Drove in late to work and one of our clients was Westjet airlines.Boss took me aside and said - There's a no fly policy being instituted across North America.Keep this under your hat
but I suspect that wasn't a bomb in the WTC.We will be filling no Westjet orders today...

Strange and absolutely minor part about the surrealism, was that our warehouse is under a flight path for the airport and the sky was clear for over a day...very quiet

09-09-2011, 10:16 PM
I was on the internet. A (mostly English membership) newsgroup I was in sent out a few emails saying things such as 'omg, hope you are all OK in America'. After a few of those I started to grow curious and flipped on the TV. The second tower was already hit at that point, and in fact I think they had both already come down. I called my Mom in from the porch where she was doing a puzzle and we sat and watched, trying to figure out what had happened.

I remember one very odd thing, so odd it stood out to me at the time and I even discussed it with my Mom as we watched the TV...the news people kept speculating that it was Bin Laden, and I was wondering how they could know who was responsible when it was clear from what was being said that people didn't even realize this was an act of terror until after the second tower was hit. There was a sense the first strike was an accident until the second came and showed that something sinister was afoot. So how, minutes later, did they know who was responsible? If I was more into conspiracy, that would be the thing that would give me the greatest cause for alarm.

Later that morning I called up someone I loved, who lived in New Zealand, and told her how I felt. Times of tragedy and fear call for one of two reactions, hate or love. I'm glad, looking back, that I chose love.

To be honest though, it was the mostly forgotten DC sniper attacks in 2002 that caused me the most terror. 9/11 was such an odd fluke it barely registered in my mind. But, for a few weeks those sniper attacks kept happening. I watched the news transfixed by this every time someone was shot. I kept thinking "Is this the way it will be from now on? Always living in fear?". Thinking about it now, it's quite obvious that for a lot of people the singular 9/11 incident had already made them fearful. But, the insidious repetitive nature of those beltway shootings, combined with the almost otherworldly lack of evidence, was what shook me up.

It was to my mind very comforting not only when they caught those guys, but explained their method of using a trunk with a hole...it demystified the whole process and eliminated the fear I was feeling.

Southern Belle
09-09-2011, 10:55 PM
I was at work on a construction site. Working in the office at the moment and an electrical general foreman came out in the hall and said something about the World Trade Center being attacked. Everybody in the office started looking online. Then somebody said something about it on the jobsite radio and people started coming into the office and logging on to computers to see what was going on.
In the next day or so in the main office, a tv was set up to monitor news.

I cried every day for weeks.

09-09-2011, 11:06 PM
i remember it started about 1300-1330 uk time i'd manage to knock off work early ,i did the morning cracked the job out and went home ,i was crashed on my bed half asleep half happy to be home for once when i was just watching the news and then it all started kicking off big time ,watching the plane go in then the next was twisted ,seeing them folk jump out of floor such and such was mad ,the next day when i went back to me office talking with the boss ,him working out i wasn't working but not giving a shite ,for us (me and the circle i knew)working or not didn't matter ,