View Full Version : Florida Prisoner Suing Over ‘Cruel And Unusual’ Soy-Based Meals

Teh One Who Knocks
11-09-2011, 04:12 PM
CW44 TV News (CBS)

CLERMONT, Fla. (CBS Tampa) – A Florida inmate is suing the state’s prison system for pulling the pork from his meals.

Eric Harris, a 32-year-old convicted pedophile who is serving a life sentence, suggests Lake Correctional Institution’s policy of serving a vegan diet is seriously affecting the quality of his life sentence.

The Weston A. Price Foundation, a special interest group against soy products, will pick up the case’s legal expenses, and announced it has class-action ambitions including other prisoners, prison guards and taxpayers.

The foundation began receiving complaints from Florida prisoners in 2009, when cooks replaced 60-70 percent of meat in meals with soy substitutes. They claimed to suffer from a myriad of health problems, including chronic constipation followed with debilitating diarrhea and vomiting, passing out, heart palpitations, and rashes.

Harris said it’s cruel and unusual punishment.

Joellen Rackleff, a Department of Corrections spokeswoman, said meals are half soy and half poultry. Serving all meat means the $47 million food budget would double.

Currently, Florida feeds inmates three meals per day for $1.70 per inmate. Rackleff said the department should be mindful of taxpayers who pick up prisoners’ bills when making their meals and offers alternatives to soy.

U.S. courts have said in the past that prisons have to serve nutritious meals, not pretty ones or those that comply with a prisoner’s idea of home cooking.

Rackleff said meals meet those standards and comply with federal nutrition guidelines.

11-09-2011, 04:13 PM
Feed him to the Lions.

11-09-2011, 04:28 PM
:wah::violin: - commit the crime - do the time

11-10-2011, 04:41 AM
let the dude eat razor blades if he is so pissed off... shouldn't have fucked those kids, huh jackass?

11-10-2011, 05:14 AM
Throw him in solitary, beat him daily, and let him eat nothing but other prisoner's feces. See how he likes the vegan diet after that.

11-10-2011, 06:17 AM
Less meat is actually healthier. Though, some people have SERIOUS issues with soy, maybe they need to have a doctor look into that.

They'd be lucky if they DID get a proper vegan diet.

Mind you, all this has done is reduce the meat content by mixing real meat with soy substitutes. They have NOT been given a vegetarian or vegan diet, by any means.