View Full Version : Bus driver in banana attack nightmare

11-19-2011, 09:22 PM
Warning: Anyone giving me shit from now on will be subject to assault by banana.

A woman ran onto the bus, and threw a half-eaten banana into bus driver Zekerija Velagic's eye. The 46-year-old woman from Skåne has now been fined for the incident, reported newspaper Aftonbladet.

The woman claims that bus driver Velagic stopped only inches away from hitting her and her daughter, whom she was teaching to drive. When she ran onto the bus to give the driver a good talking-to, the banana simply slipped out of her hand.

"I've been dizzy since March, and my hands shake. Since my muscles are weak I drop things easily. I was holding the banana whilst standing there gesturing, and suddenly it flew away. But it hit the interior of the bus," she said, according to Aftonbladet.

Zekerija Velgic had a different version of the events. When he stopped at the bus stop to drop off passengers, the woman ran onto the bus, started yelling, and hit him with the banana without warning.

Later that day he experienced pain in his eye, and visited the doctor, who concluded that he was suffering from vitreous detachment.

"She hit me right in the face with the half-eaten banana. I had banana all over me, on my tie, my shirt and my eye," he said to Aftonbladet.

"It felt offensive, when 30 passengers saw the whole thing," he continued, and told the newspaper that he initially considered quitting as a bus driver after the incident.

The juicy affair ended up in Lund District Court, which ruled in the bus driver's favour after a witness - sitting on the front row of the bus - supported his version of events.

"I feel unprotected legally," said the disappointed woman about the court's ruling.

"It's unreasonable that a banana could cause this much damage. However, bus drivers should get their act together and not just thunder on with a 14 metre long bus. This could've ended in disaster," said the woman, who according to Aftonbladet will be appealing the court's decision.

11-20-2011, 07:12 PM

11-20-2011, 08:54 PM

Exactly. Happy...but dangerous.

Bananas are like beach balls and BB guns...you'll put your eye out.