View Full Version : Scientists Link Diamonds in Strange Quantum Entanglement

12-02-2011, 05:44 PM
Scientists have linked two diamonds in a mysterious process called entanglement that is normally only seen on the quantum scale.


Entanglement is so weird that Einstein dubbed it "spooky action at a distance." It's a strange effect where one object gets connected to another so that even if they are separated by large distances, an action performed on one will affect the other. Entanglement usually occurs with subatomic particles, and was predicted by the theory of quantum mechanics, which governs the realm of the very small.

But now physicists have succeeded in entangling two macroscopic diamonds, demonstrating that quantum mechanical effects are not limited to the microscopic scale.

"I think it's an important step into a new regime of thinking about quantum phenomena," physicist Ian Walmsley of England's University of Oxford said."That is, in this regime of the bigger world, room temperatures, ambient conditions. Although the phenomenon was expected to exist, actually being able to observe it in such a system we think is quite exciting."

Another study recently used quantum entanglement to teleport bits of light from one place to another. And other researchers have succeeded in entangling macroscopic objects before, but they have generally been under special circumstances, prepared in special ways, and cooled to cryogenic temperatures. In the new achievement, the diamonds were large and not prepared in any special way, the researchers said.
"It's big enough you can see it," Walmsley told LiveScience of the diamonds."They're sitting on the table, out in plain view. The laboratory isn't particularly cold or particularly hot, it's just your everyday room."

Walmsley, along with a team of physicists led by Oxford graduate student Ka Chung Lee, accomplished this feat by entangling the vibration of two diamond crystals. To do so, the researchers set up an apparatus to send a laser pulse at both diamonds simultaneously. Sometimes, the laser light changed color, to a lower frequency, after hitting the diamonds. That told the scientists it had lost a bit of energy.

Because energy must be conserved in closed systems (where there's no input of outside energy), the researchers knew that the "lost" energy had been used in some way. In fact, the energy had been converted into vibrational motion for one of the diamonds (albeit motion that is too small to observe visually). However, the scientists had no way of knowing which diamond was vibrating.

Then, the researchers sent a second pulse of laser light through the now-vibrating system. This time, if the light emerged with a color of higher frequency, it meant it had gained the energy back by absorbing it from the diamond, stopping its vibration.
The scientists had set up two separate detectors to measure the laser light — one for each diamond.

If the two diamonds weren't entangled, the researchers would expect each detector to register a changed laser beam about 50 percent of the time. It's similar to tossing a coin, where random chance would lead to heads about half the time and tails the other half the time on average.

Instead, because the two diamonds were linked, they found that one detector measured the change every time, and the other detector never fired. The two diamonds, it seemed, were so connected they reacted as a single entity, rather than two individual objects.

The scientists report their results in the Dec. 2 issue of the journal Science.
"Recent advances in quantum control techniques have allowed entanglement to be observed for physical systems with increasing complexity and separation distance," University of Michigan physicist Luming Duan, who was not involved in the study, wrote in an accompanying essay in the same issue of Science."Lee et al. take an important step in this direction by demonstrating entanglement between oscillation patterns of atoms—phonon modes—of two diamond samples of millimeter size at room temperature, separated by a macroscopic distance of about 15 cm."

In addition to furthering scientists' understanding of entanglement, the research could help develop faster computers called photonic processors, relying on quantum effects, said Oxford physicist Michael Sprague, another team member on the project.

"The long-term goal is that if you can harness the power of quantum phenomena, you can potentially do things more efficiently than is currently possible," Sprague said.

12-02-2011, 06:18 PM
awesome, just mind blowing.

12-02-2011, 06:20 PM
everything/one is connected :shock:

12-02-2011, 06:23 PM
everything/one is connected :shock:

Well, they engineered this connection. Had they just had two random diamonds, treating them roughly, no entanglement.

Its easy enough to state what they've done, but its very hard to understand. Things are not "connected" in standard physics. This is a very different and spooky idea.

12-02-2011, 06:24 PM
You cant travel faster then the speed of light in standard physics, but they have done it twice ;)

12-02-2011, 06:26 PM
Okay so they created a false environment of entanglement and proved that the two objects move together.How and why does entanglement occur naturally?

12-02-2011, 06:34 PM
You cant travel faster then the speed of light in standard physics, but they have done it twice ;)

I dont think that report is correct, BTW. The FTL neutrinos are an experimental error of some sort, that would be my bet (and most physicists).

If there were FTL neutrinos, we should be looking at a very different universe than we see. For example, supernovae are massive neutrino emitters, the biggest actually.

If neutrinos moved FTL, then they should arrive to us earlier than the other spectra of radiation from the supernova . . . coming great distances across the universe, you'd be looking at the neutrinos arriving months and even years sooner than the light, depending on how far away the supernova is, if they were moving at the speeds claimed by OPERA.

But they don't, they arrive at the same time as the visible light.

So we've got theoretical and practical reasons to say "I don't think neutrinos move that fast -- when was the last time you had your radar gun calibrated, officer?"

12-04-2011, 05:07 PM
Sorta reminds me of this recent 'gem' - a dynamical casimir effect that produces streams of entangled virtual photons bounced from a "perfect electrical conductor" - which in this case is a superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID) that alters the phase of the wave as its a priori reflected from the surface of the squid - a billion+ times a second, ostensibly adding more energy to the wave to such an extent that on its way back it is accompanied by viable virtual pairs that stay manifested by the additional energy from phase alteration - and the pairs carry a signature that basically carries the squid-signature, telling of how they manifested.

So with a couple nice streams of entangled photons...get a big enough collection of them together and that is the theoretical basis for more large scale teleportation :mrgreen:


How to turn darkness into light


Quantum mechanics tells us that the vacuum is not empty but is filled with virtual particles that pop into and out of existence. Normally these particles are hidden from our view, but now a team of physicists has used the electrical equivalent of an ultrafast mirror to convert virtual photons into real electromagnetic radiation. Known as the dynamical Casimir effect, it was first predicted more than 40 years ago.

The static Casimir effect, put forward by Dutch physicist Hendrik Casimir in 1948, involves two perfectly reflecting parallel mirrors that, when placed in a vacuum, will be attracted to one another. This attractive force is caused by the radiation pressure exerted by virtual photons outside the mirrors and the fact that this pressure exceeds the pressure between the mirrors because of the limited number of modes of electromagnetic vibration that are permitted within this gap. In other words, the force results from a mismatch of electromagnetic modes in space.

The dynamical effect was proposed by Gerald Moore in 1970 and is caused by a mismatch of modes in time. The phase of an electromagnetic wave goes to zero at the surface of a mirror, if that mirror is a perfect electrical conductor. When the mirror is moved slowly through a vacuum, this zero point can move with the mirror. However, if the mirror is moved at a significant fraction of the speed of light, then the electromagnetic field does not have time to adjust but instead becomes excited and as a result generates real photons. Put another way, the mirror prises virtual photons (always produced in pairs) apart so that instead of rapidly annihilating, the particles are free to remain as real photons.
High-speed challenge

The static effect has been observed in many experiments carried out over more than a decade, whereas confirmation of the dynamical version has until now proved elusive, partly because of the challenges involved in moving a mechanical object at such high speeds. Christopher Wilson of Chalmers University of Technology in Sweden and colleagues have managed to get round this problem by rapidly varying the electrical properties of a mirror rather than moving it in space.

The researchers place a tiny device used for measuring extremely weak magnetic fields – a superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID) – at one end of an electrical transmission line. The idea is that the SQUID reflects the electromagnetic waves associated with virtual photons, with its inductance determining how imperfect a mirror it is. This imperfection is related to how large (i.e. different to zero) the waves' phase is at that point. Applying a varying magnetic flux across the mirror causes its inductance to oscillate, which allows the researchers to vary the extra distance that the waves need to travel beyond the mirror before their phase falls to zero. "It turns out that the equations are exactly the same as moving a physical mirror along that distance," explains Wilson.
Quarter the speed of light

By switching the magnetic flux billions of times a second, the researchers made the mirror vibrate at up to a quarter of light speed. As a result, they were able to detect microwave electromagnetic radiation at the far end of the transmission line. The radiation has the properties expected of photons produced via the dynamic Casimir effect. Its frequency is about half that of the mirror's oscillation frequency and the relationship between the strength of the magnetic flux and the intensity of the measured radiation is broadly in line with theoretical predictions. The team also found that the flux strength–intensity spectra contained duplicated patterns of noise, which is strong evidence that photons are being produced in correlated pairs.

While the research was not aimed at practical applications, Wilson says that their apparatus might conceivably provide a way of generating entangled photons for experiments in quantum information processing. He also believes that the work could help advance fundamental physics, pointing out, for example, that the Hawking radiation believed to be emitted by black holes involves the production and then splitting of pairs of virtual photons, one of which falls into the black hole while the other is then emitted as a real photon.
"Beautiful experiment"

John Pendry of Imperial College London, who is not a member of the team that carried out the research, describes the demonstration by Wilson and colleagues as "a beautiful experiment that explores in an entirely novel way the delicate features of Casimir forces" but adds that "the whole argument turns on whether you believe that wobbling the parameters of a SQUID really is identical to wobbling a real mirror".

Meanwhile, Giuseppe Ruoso of the INFN National Laboratory of Legnaro in Italy says that "if the result is confirmed by other independent measurements, it will mean another great step in understanding the nature of the vacuum, yet again confirming the validity of quantum mechanics". Ruoso is part of a group of physicists in Italy that is also trying to observe the dynamical Casimir effect, but doing so using repeated laser pulses to periodically vary the reflectivity of a slab of semiconductor inside a microwave cavity. "I don't see any practical applications on a short timescale, but I'm sure there will be some in the future given that the vacuum is the most abundant 'element' in our universe."

The research is reported in Nature.