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View Full Version : Amanda Knox seeks book deal to tell murder trial story

12-06-2011, 02:41 PM
Amanda Knox has hired a top lawyer and literary agent to help her sign a book deal, a spokesman for the family says.

Washington DC-based Robert Barnett will represent her in talks with publishers.

He has helped broker book deals for US Presidents Barack Obama, Bill Clinton and George W Bush, as well as former British Prime Minister Tony Blair.

The 24-year-old was cleared in October of killing her roommate, British student Meredith Kercher, in Perugia, Italy, in 2007.

Knox, who served four years of a 26-year sentence, has not granted any interviews since returning to her hometown of Seattle, in Washington state.

Mr Barnett is a high-powered attorney and behind-the-scenes operator who also negotiated former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin's contract with Fox News.

He will speak for Knox during negotiations with publishers and help her evaluate other opportunities, according to Knox family spokesman Dave Marriott.

Experts say she could land a seven-figure book deal for her story.

Knox's parents reportedly spent huge sums of money on lawyers and publicists, as well as travel and living costs, during the fight to free their daughter.

Although Knox was cleared of murder, she was found guilty of defaming bar owner Patrick Lumumba, whom she accused of Ms Kercher's death.


12-06-2011, 02:43 PM
something just doesn't sit right with this case ,maybe this book should wait till they find the killer:-k

12-06-2011, 02:59 PM
Id rather her do a spread for ALS...

Teh One Who Knocks
12-06-2011, 03:18 PM
Good for her

something just doesn't sit right with this case ,maybe this book should wait till they find the killer:-k

Pretty sure they already had the killer, but they cut a deal with him when he implicated Knox and her b/f as the actual killers

12-06-2011, 03:32 PM
Good for her

Pretty sure they already had the killer, but they cut a deal with him when he implicated Knox and her b/f as the actual killers


You know, Randy Guede the much older African drifter, whose footprints in Kercher's blood were everywhere.

Sherlock Holmes not needed. . .

I think part of the problem was that Knox was so cute . . . the Italians whipped up these crazy stories of her as a temptress and a devil (the prosecutor actually said that); it certainly got a lot more buzz than "the guy covered in the victim's blood killed the victim", which kinda ranks as "well, yeah".

The curious thing is Knox's boyfriend, Sollecito. I can see the Italians getting a bit nuts over her, a foreigner, an American-- but they railroaded an Italian kid from a good family too . . . somehow that didn't get nearly as much attention as Knox.