View Full Version : Penn State coach describes sexual assault in shower

12-16-2011, 07:38 PM
Tribune news services

12:30 PM CST, December 16, 2011

Penn State assistant football coach Mike McQueary testified Friday that he told administrators he saw Jerry Sandusky sexually molesting a boy but said he wasn't certain that it was intercourse.

McQueary said he watched for one or two seconds from about six feet away before turning away in disgust, not wanting to see more. "They looked directly in my eyes," McQueary told the court, the Allentown Morning Call reports.

“I heard rhythmic slapping sounds, two or three slaps that sounded like skin on skin. I was already alarmed, embarrassed.”

The boy was 10 to 12 years old and made no noise, McQueary said.

"I believed Jerry was having sexual intercourse with him, there was no protest or yelling, so can't say for sure," he said.

He said he was “shocked, horrified, not thinking straight. I was distraught.”

McQueary, 37, described the scene for the first time in public at a preliminary hearing for suspended athletic director Tim Curley and retired university vice president Gary Schultz.

The two are charged with lying to the grand jury whose findings have resulted in Sandusky's arrest on charges of sexually assaulting 10 boys over the years.

McQueary said he later called his father and told him: “I just saw coach Sandusky. What I saw was wrong and sexual.”

McQueary also talked to legendary Penn State coach Joe Paterno about the incident.

Asked if he used the phrase “anal intercourse” in describing what he saw to Paterno, McQueary said, “No, out of respect, I would not have done it.”

Paterno told him, “I'm sorry you had to see that” and that he had “done the absolute right thing,” McQuery said.

Paterno appeared “shocked and saddened” after hearing what McQueary saw, and “slumped back in his chair,” McQueary said.

Paterno, 84, who is undergoing treatment for lung cancer and recovering from a fractured pelvis, is unlikely to take the stand Friday. Prosecutors could simply read both Paterno's and McQueary's testimony into the record, so it's uncertain whether McQueary will take the witness stand.

McQueary took the stand Friday in a Pennsylvania courtroom during a preliminary hearing for two school officials accused of lying to a grand jury about the child sex-abuse allegations against Sandusky.

12-16-2011, 08:57 PM
Hmmm! Let's see....

At the time McQueary was 28 years old and in fairly good shape. Sandusky was @58 years old.

So, McQueary sees Sandusky sodomizing a 10-year-old boy in the shower of the PSU football lockerroom. I'm now 58 years old, only in fair shape, and if I saw an athletic 28-year-old man sodomizing a 10-year-old boy, I can GUARANTEE that my reaction would have been:
1. Call the police.
2. Look for the closest thing I could use for a weapon.
3. Use it until either the abuser fled; was dead, or killed me.

But what did this coward do? Called his daddy; left the lockerroom without making any effort to force Sandusky to stop; went to his daddy's house, and didn't report it to Paterno until the next day, which was a Saturday. Oh yeah, he got a promotion shortly afterwards from graduate assistant to assistant coach.

Paterno (a/k/a "JoeFraud") testified before the Grand Jury that he didn't tell the AD about it for two more days, because he didn't want to disturb the AD's weekend! Yup, this type of pesky crime might put a damper on the old weekend.

Remember, JoeFraud never threw Sandusky out of the office in the football office building that Sandusky was given as part of his retirement package back in 1999. Sandusky continued to use that office for nine years after what McQueary saw back in 2002 up to the day of his arrest. Sandusky was photographed on the sidelines of a PSU practice in 2007 with his arm around one of the named victims in the Indictment. Sandusky also stayed at the team's hotel at bowl games in Florida and Texas after 2002, each time with one of his "wards".

JoeFraud may have taken the minimal amount of action necessary to comply with his legal reporting requirements, but it's become pretty damn clear that he's morally bankrupt. It's also clear that perpetuating his whole bullshit "Happy Valley - Win With Honor" mystique was far more important to him than was the welfare of the victims Sandusky met after 2002.

JoeFraud and McQueary should both be tarred and feathered and run out of town.