View Full Version : Some speculative possibilities dealing with the STOCK act and the house vote...

02-09-2012, 07:04 AM
Just a little speculative thought on my part about what could happen with the STOCK act over the next few days. First some facts:

1. Democrats have tried for years to bring something like this to fruition. And to be honest...it is a bill aimed at republicans. Make no mistake, this is a spiteful dagger originally conceived by a small group of dems, aimed right at the "K Street" corporate lobbying crowd and their conservative allies.
2. Republicans have tried to squash it. As recently as December, Spencer Bachus (the House Financial Services Committee Chairman) led the charge in this regard. Think about that.
3. Sufficient public interest finally surfaced to make this bill become a reality.
4. Republicans could not get past the public will, changed their tune and backed the bill, added some additional parts, and the conservative news media made it sound as if the republicans were valiantly attempting to fight corruption. You know...by backing a concept they had long fought to destroy.
5. It passed the senate by a vote of 96 (or 97?) to 3, a stunning statement. One of those voting against it, Richard Burr, has tried to pass tax credit legislation that would greatly benefit his own investments. :shock:

That is what has come to pass so far.

Now pure speculation on my part:

1. The republican controlled house now has the bill. I fear they will load it up with additions that will basically render the bill ineffective, or add unrelated riders of extremist policies. Probably both.
2. A vote will be taken. It will do one of two things:
a. pass.
b. fail. In which case they will have defeated something they never wanted.
3. If it passes...there could then be two possibilities:
a. It is green stamped by the president. In which case, this watered down, useless version will be hailed as a victory by republicans...and it will be a victory for them as they can continue doing business as normal.
b. Obama red X's it...because he cannot allow a watered down version, or worse, one that contains unacceptable extremist riders.
4. If Obama vetoes the 'new repub approved version'...the republicans get the bill out, as they've long wanted, and will claim Obama is corrupt and use it as a rallying point against him. It would be a double victory for them.

Wait and see. This is pure speculation, but a chain of events that could come to pass. Just watch and see if the republicans start the watering down process, or load it up with riders. If they do...wait for the other dominoes to fall...

02-09-2012, 08:26 AM
I don't doubt that one of these things will happen, but that's Washington politics. Both Dems and Reps are guilty of it. I personally identify more towards the conservative side, but that doesn't mean I support all the things Reps do.