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View Full Version : Santorum: Obama believes in 'phony theology' not based on Bible

Teh One Who Knocks
02-19-2012, 12:15 PM
By NBC's Andrew Rafferty

COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Rick Santorum took his rhetoric to a new level, trying to attack President Barack Obama over the controversy between religious freedom and contraception.

"It's not about you. It's not about you," Santorum said at a Tea Party rally, directing his comments at the president. "It's not about your quality of life. It's not about your job. It's about some phony ideal, some phony theology. Oh, not a theology based on the Bible, a different theology, but no less a theology."

At a media availability following his address to the Ohio Christian Alliance here, Santorum, the candidate with the momentum in the GOP race for president, faced a barrage of questions about the comments.

“The president says he’s a Christian, he’s a Christian,” Santorum maintained, but added, "The president has reached a new low in this country’s history of oppressing religious freedom that we have never seen before. If he doesn’t want to call his imposition of his values a theology that’s fine."

That was in response to being asked about the Obama campaign's reaction, calling Santorum's comments a new "low." "This is just the latest low in a Republican primary campaign that has been fueled by distortions, ugliness, and searing pessimism and negativity -- a stark contrast with the President who is focused everyday on creating jobs and restoring economic security for the middle class," Obama campaign spokesman Ben LaBolt told the New York Times.

“[O]bviously, he is now forcing people to do things that he believes that they have the right, that they should do," Santorum continued to say about Obama. "The Catholic church has a Theology that says this is wrong, and he’s saying no I’ve got a different, I’ve got a different -- you may want to call it a theology, you may want to call it secular values, whatever you want to call it, it’s a different moral values. And the president of the United States is exercising his values and trumping the values of the church. If you don’t want to call it a theology, I’m fine, you can
have them let me know what they want to call it, but it is a different set of moral values that they are imposing on people who have a constitutional right to have their own values within the church, and that’s not a new low. That’s a reflection of exactly what ... it is a new low."

He continued, "The president has reached a new low in this country’s history of oppressing religious freedom that we have never seen before. If he doesn’t want to call his imposition of his values a theology that’s fine, but it is an imposition of his values over a church who has very clear theological reasons for opposing what the Obama administration is forcing on them.”

Asked why he says Obama's beliefs are not rooted in the Bible, Santorum said, “He is imposing his values on a church that has theological reasons for and moral reasons for not allowing this type of care to be given through their institutions.”

Reporters followed up, asking if Santorum believes that makes him less of a Christian?

“No one’s suggesting that," Santorum contended. "I’m suggesting that -- a lot well obviously as we all know in the Christian church there are a lot of different stripes of Christianity, and so I’m just saying he’s imposing his values on the church and I think that’s wrong. ... The president says he’s a Christian, he’s a Christian.”

Asked why he's ramping up his rhetoric on this now, Santorum said, "I’ve been pretty clear that the left in America has their own moral code in which they want to impose on this country. You can call it a theology. You can call it a moral code. You can call it a world view, but they have their own moral code that they want to impose on everybody else. While they insist and complain that somehow or another that people of Judeo Christian faith are intolerant of their new moral code that they want to create here. I’m just saying they the ones who are intolerant in imposing their will on in this case the Catholic church.”

02-19-2012, 01:50 PM
watch out, people call you a kook when you speak your mind and there's truth to it...

Teh One Who Knocks
02-19-2012, 01:54 PM
Oh please, Santorum is nuttier than a fruitcake and three times as useless

02-19-2012, 02:06 PM
:lol: so does that mean if santorum somehow gets the nom you'll be voting for Obama? :rofl:


Teh One Who Knocks
02-19-2012, 02:07 PM
I'll take an Obama 2nd term with a republican House and Senate over Santorum in the White House any day of the week

02-19-2012, 02:19 PM
you do realize that means we have an obama "justice dept", Obama handing out the next two supreme court justice positions, an Obama controlled EPA, Moooo-shell approved lunches mandated for all, HHS secretary determining the 628 extra things your insurance company will have to provide for you regardless of the fact that you're not going to use 625 of them...


there's little more to the presidency than just sitting in the white house, dude. You have to be insane to think 4 more years of Obama will be no big deal.




werent you in the "we're all for getting obama out" group that said "dont whine and bitch about whoever the R nom will wind up being, because it wont be the disaster that is Obama"

I'm not a fan of the overt churchiness either, but I'm way more of a fan of overt churchiness that respects other people's views instead of a half assed fuckup who gives lip service to christian values but then pisses all over founding documents via his actions because "its for our own good"

I hope there aint too many other people out there that think this is no big deal. And we used to roll our eyes at our elders who said the country's going to hell in a handbasket!

02-19-2012, 02:20 PM

Teh One Who Knocks
02-19-2012, 02:21 PM
Whatever you need to tell yourself dude...those of us capable of independent thought don't vote for someone simply because there happens to be an (R) by his/her name on the ballot.

You do realize Obama is only a president and not a King, right? Just because someone is running as a republican doesn't automatically make them 'better'.

Dude, you and your logic is just as scary as the wingnuts on the far left.

02-19-2012, 02:52 PM
In most cases it doesnt - in this case, it absolutely does. Every single one of 'em that has stepped up to run would produce vastly better results than Obama. If you want to fool yourself into believing the TV that Obama will produce better results if only he had a republican controlled congress, go right ahead, but you're entirely ignoring basically all of the executive functions. Yeah he's not king but dude...supreme court alone, its going to be stacked Left for quite a while if Obama has the opportunity to select 2 more justices - what then of supreme court challenges to things like Obamacare or what not? Oh well, now Obama has rubber stamp support for damn near anything. Of course the individual mandate is constitutional. Ya know what, we dont need the second amendment really...and hey, the EPA is teh expertz on energy and the environment so let's give them even more regulatory power...and sir, that lunch you gave your child, its just not quite good enough, in fact, let's provide 3 meals a day for all public schools so that we can ensure a new generation of well fed kids...

Sorry man, I cant bury my head that deeply in the sand. If you want to, that's your prerogative - I was honestly just rather shocked and appalled to see you toss your hands and give up like that. Oh well, we're relegated to endless statism, crony capitalism, state control of everything but hey we cant call it communism, guess that sucks, oh well. Fuck no! Extrapolations may sound ridiculous - how many of you were like pffft, death panels, what idiot would come up with such a concept...until you look inside and see plenty of space for death panels if Obamacare somehow trumps the constitution, because we simply cannot pay for everything and will wind up with HHS deciding what you can even be cancer-screened for...

...it is exceedingly naive to believe that just because there is space for such a thing there in the law that a leader wont use it if the situation winds up calling for it.

no offense, but I thought you understood situations a little better than you're presently letting on.

Teh One Who Knocks
02-19-2012, 02:55 PM
You're the one that doesn't understand the situation and I weep for our nation because of it and the people that think the same way on both extremes.

02-19-2012, 04:15 PM
*holds up one hand* here we have the conjured threat of...overturning the supreme court on roe vs wade...

*holds up the other hand* and here we have the actual implementation of unconstitutional things.

real vs imagined - we're seeing it - but still, be more afraid of that ghost in the closet!

and if it werent bad enough,


"With more than 100 raids on pot dispensaries during his first three years, Obama is now on pace to exceed Bush's record for medical-marijuana busts. "There's no question that Obama's the worst president on medical marijuana," says Rob Kampia, executive director of the Marijuana Policy Project. "He's gone from first to worst."

He's an absolute hypocrite on weed, too.


I wonder if you'll still feel the same way after seeing brietbart's vids from obama's college days :lol:

02-20-2012, 01:24 AM
Santorum is a fucknut.

Teh One Who Knocks
02-20-2012, 01:58 AM
*holds up one hand* here we have the conjured threat of...overturning the supreme court on roe vs wade...

*holds up the other hand* and here we have the actual implementation of unconstitutional things.

real vs imagined - we're seeing it - but still, be more afraid of that ghost in the closet!

and if it werent bad enough,


"With more than 100 raids on pot dispensaries during his first three years, Obama is now on pace to exceed Bush's record for medical-marijuana busts. "There's no question that Obama's the worst president on medical marijuana," says Rob Kampia, executive director of the Marijuana Policy Project. "He's gone from first to worst."

He's an absolute hypocrite on weed, too.


I wonder if you'll still feel the same way after seeing brietbart's vids from obama's college days :lol:

Breitbart, yeah, there's an impartial source...he's about as "mainstream" as John Stewart :roll:

Dude, you are so blinded by your hyper-partisanship and hatred that talking to you is useless. You are as bad as the ultra-liberals here and you are perpetuating the "ghost in the closet" as much as the liberal left. Go back to listening to Glen Beck, Sean Hannity, and Rush, they seem to be the only people that speak "your language". If you want to be ignorant and support Santorum, that's your business, but don't try to insult me because I refuse to drink your kool-aid.

02-20-2012, 03:27 AM
Santorum creeps me right out.

02-20-2012, 12:06 PM
:roll: whatever - I've been asking what the hell is Santorum doing on the stage from the getgo and I've said he should have dropped out how many times now?

but I make a point that him being president will still be light years better for the country than Obama and I'm a neocon?? :lol:

yeah, who's got preconceived notions? :razz:

you guys are unreal - you say "oh the TV doesnt control me, I make up my OWN mind" :lol: and nobody had any real issue until the TV tells you Santorum is going to ban contraception and make abortion illegal, most of you go OMGZ! they're riiiight!!!



02-20-2012, 12:51 PM
You folks can debate this endlessly, but the bottom line is that if Santorum gets the GOP nomination, Obama wins in a landslide.

I'm a Republican from PA, and I'll never vote for Santorum for anything.

Teh One Who Knocks
02-20-2012, 01:00 PM
You folks can debate this endlessly, but the bottom line is that if Santorum gets the GOP nomination, Obama wins in a landslide.

I'm a Republican from PA, and I'll never vote for Santorum for anything.

What's sad is, in a year when it should be a cake walk to the White House for the republicans, the masses, in their infinite idiocy, are supporting possibly the most un-electable candidate out there at the present time. :|

All you hear them doing is bitching about "look, we had a moderate candidate in 2008 and look how that went!" If they think that election was bad, I wanna see them explain away the 2012 election if Santorum wins the nomination and loses 48 or 49 states in the electoral college.

02-20-2012, 05:34 PM
What's sad is any republican who enters the race knows he or she will get the full anal probe examination and any speck of dirt is reason for vitriol and ridicule, and all you have to have is a D after your name to get widespread support from media, unions and leftists - so we had but few fiscally conservative choices, now its gotten to the point that "the most conservative in the race" is a big social conservative - and let's make sure we trump and mention 1000 times over the socially conservative part, nevermind the fiscal part, nor the fact that this isnt the side that is forcing their whims upon everyone - right in the middle of the other side forcing their whims upon everyone, no less!!!

I'd rather see romney/paul than santorum. And of course I think Newt is still the "best surviving option."

Teh One Who Knocks
02-20-2012, 05:37 PM
and let's make sure we trump and mention 1000 times over the socially conservative part


He's doing that himself FFS, it's not the fucking media doing it. He's the one who keeps sticking his face in front of every camera he can find telling everyone how backwards he is on social issues and that he's proud of it. He makes it sound like he's running for city council in Salem, Massachusetts in the late 1600's, not President of the United States in the 21st century.

02-20-2012, 05:40 PM
Maybe it would be time to revamp the whole voting system over there... do it like we do and actually vote for the person and not rely on those electorial thingies and what not. While at it, revamp the whole friggin' political system. :tup:

02-20-2012, 05:53 PM

He's doing that himself FFS, it's not the fucking media doing it. He's the one who keeps sticking his face in front of every camera he can find telling everyone how backwards he is on social issues and that he's proud of it. He makes it sound like he's running for city council in Salem, Massachusetts in the late 1600's, not President of the United States in the 21st century.

wtf have you been watching, I see him mention economics shit like every time I see him. lately we see him denigrate black liberation theology, now holy cripes he's an authoritarian that will make us all barefoot and pregnant!

*shrugs* whatever dude, go ahead and keep claiming the TV dont dictate what you see think feel and hear!

Teh One Who Knocks
02-20-2012, 05:55 PM
*shrugs* whatever dude, go ahead and keep claiming the TV dont dictate what you see think feel and hear!

Whatever dude, go ahead and keep thinking whatever Hannity and Rush tell you is really happening

See, I can be condescending and flippant just like you :tup:

02-20-2012, 06:01 PM
wtf have you been watching, I see him mention economics shit like every time I see him. lately we see him denigrate black liberation theology, now holy cripes he's an authoritarian that will make us all barefoot and pregnant!

*shrugs* whatever dude, go ahead and keep claiming the TV dont dictate what you see think feel and hear!
And so TV doesn't dictate how you feel and think? Or atleast have an effect? Cuz you get all your ides, info and everything straight from the source, right? Not through media... And you never take things to the extreme, like a proper partisan, and accuse the other side of whatever happens to be the topic that day. Y'all have lost the sensible middleground. It is either far left, or far right in everyone's mind. No one is even ready to think otherwise.

02-21-2012, 03:26 AM
I love it when nuts call you nuts for calling them nuts :dance: or ya know, calling something contradictory. or calling a spade a spade. dammit, you're just fkn rude for even mentioning the obvious, speaking plainly...yep, I must be craaazy :bong: my girl said to me out at lunch this weekend, its funny watching you and your best friend out somewhere. you two will sit there and say the most obvious shit to each other and laugh about it.

to which I pointed at the ceiling and went with a old boston accent, yeahp, theah's the centa beam...