View Full Version : Man accused of failure to appear claims U.S. court has 'no jurisdiction' over him

Teh One Who Knocks
02-25-2012, 04:36 PM
By LAUREN SIEVERT - The Middletown Press

MIDDLETOWN — A Hartford man charged with unsupervised children alleges the court has “no jurisdiction” over him during his appearance Wednesday.

Ahmad William Storey, aka Ahmad Shariff Rakim El Bey, 32, address unknown, is also charged with second-degree failure to appear through Middletown District Court.

In court on Wednesday, Storey refused to stand at the defendant table in the courtroom, instead standing behind the barrier to the seats for the public. When Judge Lisa Morgan asked him for his name, he refused to identify himself. When Morgan told him his case would not be heard without him identifying himself, Storey started spelling his name, saying “capital A capital H…..” once he got through half of his name, Judge Morgan stopped him and asked “Are you Ahmad William Storey?” to which he replied “no.” Storey would not further identify himself, and Judge Morgan told him to take a seat until his lawyer got there, at which point Storey left the courthouse.

His lawyer, attorney Deron Freeman, arrived a few minutes later. Freeman advised Judge Morgan that he would like to be relieved of the case, and was told he would have to file a motion to withdraw his appearance. Freeman said his client is part of a religious organization, and he has had limited “sane” contact with him for some time.

Prosecutor Barbara Hoffman requested Storey be ordered rearrested, but Morgan continued the case until March 28 to give Freeman time to file the motion for withdrawing his appearance. There was mention in court of a competency evaluation possibly being ordered.

According to court documents, Storey is a member of the Moorish Holy Temple of Science of the World, and alleges that the court, both the district and United States, have no jurisdiction over him, due to his religious affiliation. In a document provided to the court, Storey alleges “AHMAD WILLIAM STOREY is a US vessel operating in commerce.” The document also alleges that the charges are the jurisdiction of the “Admiralty/Maritime jurisdiction”

Storey is facing charges in Hartford and Manchester courts as well, including larceny, drug sales, reckless driving, operation of a drug factory, and other motor vehicle related charges.

02-25-2012, 05:53 PM
Hey if corporations are considered people, he should be able to argue the reverse.

Southern Belle
02-27-2012, 12:19 PM
Some years ago when "somebody I know" was involved with a tax protest organization, lack of jurisdiction was a common ploy to avoid tax court.