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View Full Version : Big Pharma Pushes Drug to ‘Cure Racism’

03-16-2012, 05:09 PM

Medical establishment seeks to chemically castrate ‘aberrant thoughts’
Paul Joseph Watson
Thursday, March 15, 2012

As part of the headlong rush towards a Brave New World society, the establishment is feverishly pushing pharmaceutical drugs that chemically castrate an individual’s ‘aberrant thoughts’, with the latest proposal claiming that people can be given a drug to “cure” racism.

A study conducted by Oxford University experimental psychologist Dr Sylvia Terbeck into the heart disease drug Propranolol, published in the journal Psychopharmacology, found that the drug “may have the unusual side-effect of combating racism.”

“Volunteers given the beta-blocker, used to treat chest pains and lower heart rates, scored lower on a standard psychological test of “implicit” racist attitudes,” reports the Telegraph. “They appeared to be less racially prejudiced at a subconscious level than another group treated with a “dummy” placebo pill.”

The test subjects were shown images of people of different races along with positive and negative words. They were also asked to rate how “warm” their feelings were to different groups. Results showed that participants on the drug were more likely to be “biased towards being non-racist at a subconscious level” compared to those taking the placebo.

“Such research raises the tantalising possibility that our unconscious racial attitudes could be modulated using drugs, a possibility that requires careful ethical analysis,” said Co-author Professor Julian Savulescu, from Oxford University’s Faculty of Philosophy.

By arguing that the widespread use of antidepressants like Prozac has established the ethical foundation of using drugs to alter thought patterns and behavior, scientists contend that “manipulating morals” through “pharmacologically-induced altruism” should also be acceptable.

And they’re right – it is acceptable – but only if you wish to create a society along the lines of Aldous Huxley’s fictional scientific dictatorship in his 1932 dystopian novel Brave New World. In the book, the consumption of the drug soma is universally endorsed by the ‘World State’ in order to destroy individuality, which is frowned upon as a mental illness, and eliminate the need for personal allegiances to religion or anything beyond the state itself.

Drugging people to “cure” their racism would also empower the establishment to define what ideological or political thoughts are aberrant and dangerous. Of course, slavish devotion to the authorities would not be one of them.

“It is scary to think that it is considered morally obnoxious to call someone a derogatory name, but absolutely fine to drug people into complying with a political ideology. What ever happened to ‘I disagree with you opinion but I’d defend to the death your right to say it’?” writes D Holt.

As we highlighted earlier this week, it’s not just the pharmaceutical establishment pushing for this, top professors at major universities are also big advocates.
New York University bioethics professor S. Matthew Liao wrote a paper in which he promoted the use of pharmacological drugs to make people more environmentally sensitive so that they would be more likely to donate money to ‘climate change’ organizations like Oxfam. Liao said he had already received enthusiastic support for the idea from a major pharmaceutical company.

Although the more spiritually enlightened would argue that racism is a relic of humanity’s brutal past, it cannot be argued that before the influence of modern society, racism was merely defined as tribalism and was practiced globally as an innate survival mechanism.

To characterize racism as a mental illness that has to be targeted with pharmaceutical drugs would grease the skids for all manner of natural behaviors to be re-defined as aberrant. Indeed, we are already seeing attempts to define distrust of authority as a mental disease with the increasing prominence of “oppositional defiant disorder”.

Mandating that ‘thought crimes’ like racism be medicated out of existence represents the slippery slope towards the kind of scientific dictatorship beyond Aldous Huxley’s worst nightmares.

03-16-2012, 05:37 PM
Racism is taught/learned.....it's not a mental illness :facepalm:

03-16-2012, 05:54 PM
:lol: WTF man!

03-16-2012, 05:57 PM
I worked hard to get this attitude, they arent taking it away with some pill

03-16-2012, 05:58 PM
I bet some Chinese people made this pill...they're so industrious (and short) :)

03-16-2012, 05:59 PM

03-16-2012, 06:01 PM
Youa touch me? I get to touch you back :)

03-16-2012, 06:11 PM
Only thing that's going to cure mine is these cultural groups stop doing sterotypical predictable shit... Fuck a pill.. A pill to do what? make me ignore someone else's stupid actions?

03-16-2012, 06:19 PM
It reminds me of the town where 60% of the population is Hispanic and the police force came under fire for racial profiling...

Deputy Bill said - 84% of the crime committed in this town is perpetrated by Hispanic born people.I'll stop harassing them when they stop committing crimes

(ties a little into what Muddy mentioned up there)

03-16-2012, 06:21 PM
It reminds me of the town where 60% of the population is Hispanic and the police force came under fire for racial profiling...

Deputy Bill said - 84% of the crime committed in this town is perpetrated by Hispanic born people.I'll stop harassing them when they stop committing crimes

(ties a little into what Muddy mentioned up there)

That's exactly my point... The statistics speak for themselves... And I don't hate any group of people.. But I'd be totally fuckin naive and a complete pussy to not recognize statistically WHO is doing WHAT.

03-16-2012, 06:23 PM
us white folk gotta stick together :thumbsup:

sorry :lol: , I'll go now

03-16-2012, 06:24 PM
That's what every other friggin' group in the world is doing..

Teh One Who Knocks
03-16-2012, 06:26 PM

03-16-2012, 06:51 PM
This is completely racist...bear with me.At almost every drive thru and fast food place we have immigrants working there.I understand it's difficult coming to a new country and learning the language and culture.

At work, we had a chat about how many times our food orders were wrong.Our combined percentage worked out around 60%.May seem like small potatoes reading that, but why do I have to suffer because someone else won't or can't understand part of their job? They are getting paid for the duties..

03-16-2012, 06:54 PM
this one guy we worked with Aaron, and his mayonnaise :rofl:

he hates mayo and always asks for them to not put it on....and inevitably whatever he buys has mayo on it :lol:

I told him to get his sammy or whatever, eat part of it, fake like he's choking and then speak to the manager about his mayonnaise allergy....(he doesn't have one)

03-16-2012, 06:56 PM
ok back to the pills...

I read that people are not inherently born with a racist gene.It is a learned behavior as we get older based on your environment.

So if this is true, how would a pill erase years of learned behavior?

Teh One Who Knocks
03-16-2012, 07:00 PM
This is completely racist...bear with me.At almost every drive thru and fast food place we have immigrants working there.I understand it's difficult coming to a new country and learning the language and culture.

At work, we had a chat about how many times our food orders were wrong.Our combined percentage worked out around 60%.May seem like small potatoes reading that, but why do I have to suffer because someone else won't or can't understand part of their job? They are getting paid for the duties..

Same way here dude...go to almost any fast food joint drive-thru and it's always a Mexican with the worst English and thickest accent you can imagine. It's a crap shoot on getting your order right :|

Richard Cranium
03-16-2012, 07:22 PM

03-16-2012, 07:35 PM
Same way here dude...go to almost any fast food joint drive-thru and it's always a Mexican with the worst English and thickest accent you can imagine. It's a crap shoot on getting your order right :|

At our Tim Horton's drive-thru's we have an electronic board now that prints out your order as you give it to the person on the intercom.

So I order a large triple, triple coffee (very common beverage) and a small ham and swiss sandwich.Very simple, basic order right?

So how come I look in the bag and have a bagel and large white milk? :lol: :lol:

03-17-2012, 03:29 AM

Medical establishment seeks to chemically castrate ‘aberrant thoughts’
Paul Joseph Watson
Thursday, March 15, 2012

As part of the headlong rush towards a Brave New World society, the establishment is feverishly pushing pharmaceutical drugs that chemically castrate an individual’s ‘aberrant thoughts’, with the latest proposal claiming that people can be given a drug to “cure” racism.

A study conducted by Oxford University experimental psychologist Dr Sylvia Terbeck into the heart disease drug Propranolol, published in the journal Psychopharmacology, found that the drug “may have the unusual side-effect of combating racism.”

You know, if the Infowars people just took a chill pill, they might even be sane.

This isn't being done by "Big Pharma" -- it was a research project at Oxford University.

Propranolol is a very commonly prescribed Beta blocker, best known in the US as "Inderal"

Beta blockers generally "cool" all kinds of aggression-- they're used for folks with panic attacks, PTSD, and stage fright.

I very much doubt that Inderal has any greater effect on "racism" than does anything that calms people down -- I'd suspect a Xanax or valium would work just as well, probably even a high carb "comfort food" meal -- smoking a joint certainly would dial down the hate, I'd bet. Stuff that gets you "up" on the other hand makes you more aggressive . . . I'd bet that amphetamines, anabolic steroids, maybe even caffeine (?) would make you respond "angrier"