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View Full Version : Theme Park to Breathalyse Riders

Teh One Who Knocks
09-25-2012, 09:32 PM
The Short List


It seemed like a good idea until that second loop-the-loop when your stomach left you - quite literally this time. Just pity the poor girl behind you who got the remnants of last night's kebab shot towards her at 100mph.

Now Thorpe Park has decided to take action, after a spate of 'sick shutdowns' caused by students suffering from the night before. The past 7 days - the first week of University for many students across the UK - has seen a 250% increase in rides being stopped after vomiting and officials have decided enough is enough.

They plan to breathalyse guests, with those over the limit of 35mg per 100ml directed away from the main stomach-churners. The hungover many will then be directed towards the park's new attraction, The Swarm, which is apparently perfectly suited to clearing the head via production of adrenaline and oxygen blasts. This will then leave them in a better state to enjoy the rest of the rides.

We still reckon a day in front of the Discovery Channel and a large amount of Nurofen are still the way to go, but it's worth a go isn't it?

09-25-2012, 09:47 PM
I sat beside a guy who honked on The Zipper. We were on acid, had drank a fair amount of straight whiskey and ate some Alpha-ghetti if I remember correctly :lol:

09-25-2012, 11:54 PM
thats why red just watches

Acid Trip
09-26-2012, 02:03 PM
People who get high don't have hang overs, don't puke due to motion, and don't puke when they smoke too much.

Just sayin...

09-26-2012, 02:15 PM
People who get high don't have hang overs, don't puke due to motion, and don't puke when they smoke too much.

Just sayin...

We should start a 'just get high' campaign.