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View Full Version : Pee-Wee football coach suspended for 'paying 11-year-old players to purposefully injure opponents'

Teh One Who Knocks
10-01-2012, 11:04 AM
By Daily Mail Reporter


The head coach of a California children's football team has been suspended amidst allegations he paid players to target and hurt opponents so badly they'd be unable to compete.

Officials suspended coach Darren Crawford of the Tustin Pee Wee Red Cobras along with the association's President Pat Galentine until the program can investigate and rule on the allegations.

Crawford allegedly offered players up to $50 for whoever made the 'hit of the game,' according to reports in the Orange County Register.

Players told reporters they would usually vote on who had the best hit after a game.

In one instance where no voting was necessary, a helmet-to-helmet collision with an 11-year-old running back for the opposing Santa Margarita player left the boy with a mild concussion.

In an interview prior to his suspension, Mr. Crawford denied the allegations as the fabrications of disgruntled parents forcing their children to lie.

'It's amazing what disgruntled parents will put their kids through,' Mr. Crawford said.

If the parents are angry its unlikely because Mr. Crawford's coaching methods didn't work.

Last year the Red Cobras finished their regular season undefeated on the way to the Pop Warner Super Bowl where they finally fell short, ending their year at 12-1.

Mr. Crawford's accusers say the coach came up with his unique motivation after vowing to avenge a bitter defeat at the 2010 Pop Warner Orange Bowl.

Former players said Crawford explained his system during an Oct. 27th film session at his home, where he told the team that the player with the most votes would win the money and that the most money would be won if the other team's best player was hurt too badly to continue.

The players were too eager for cash to worry about the proposal's sportsmanship. One told reporters: "I was so excited, I didn't think that much about it."

The Red Cobra's site promises parents a way to 'enable children to benefit from participation in team sports and activities in a safe and structured environment. Through this active participation, Pop Warner programs teach fundamental values, skills and knowledge that children will use throughout their lives.'

If the allegations are true, Mr. Crawford also helped players illegally alter their uniforms to make weight requirements.

Pop Warner officials say the investigation may take several weeks. The organization's Orange Empire Conference commissioner, Bobby Espinosa, said he found no evidence of a wrongdoing after reviewing allegations from six parents and four players.

The NFL suspended four players on the New Orleans Saints for a similar cash-for-hits scheme that ran three seasons from 2009 to 2011.

Former assistant coaches John Zanelli and three player interviewed said the bounties began four months before the Saints scandal made news.

10-01-2012, 02:47 PM
What a fucking douche coach! Sports is about joy of sports, not hurting your opponents on purpose. Way to encourage the kids to possibly end someone's hobby for 50 bucks.

10-01-2012, 03:53 PM

10-01-2012, 08:00 PM
my linebacker coach taught us to analyze, then paralyze....

we never got paid tho :sad2:

10-02-2012, 01:02 AM

10-02-2012, 01:34 AM
Never got paid for it either, but was always taught to hit as hard as I could.