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View Full Version : Couple caught having sex in library's teen lounge area

Teh One Who Knocks
04-15-2011, 09:59 PM
By Glenn Counts - The Charlotte Observer

A couple was caught having sex at a children’s library on Tuesday.

ImaginOn is a library and a children's theater. Hundreds of children visit the venue every day.

Police say a 20-year-old man and 18-year-old woman were caught having sex in the teen lounge around 3 p.m. Tuesday. The lounge is not walled off and there isn’t anything to keep kids from walking into the area. Fortunately, there were not any children in that area when the incident happened.

“That’s disgusting,” says parent Camisha Lewis. “That’s really nasty. I wouldn’t want my child to see that.”

Officials with ImaginOn responded to questions about the incident with a brief email response.

"First, no children or members of the public witnessed the incident – the only witnesses were a Mecklenburg County Security officer and a Library staff member. The incident was discovered by the security officer as part of a regular patrol, and was handled quickly, appropriately and professionally in accordance with security procedures.

"Due to the security officers’ patrolling patterns, the incident was discovered within one minute of it occurring. The Charlotte Mecklenburg Police Department was there within five minutes of the incident’s discovery. At that time, the individuals were issued a citation by CMPD, were immediately banned from all Charlotte Mecklenburg Library facilities by the security officer, and were removed from the facility.

"Everything was handled according to procedure, contributing to our overall goal of providing facilities that are safe and accessible."

Both the man and woman involved were given citations for indecent exposure.

“I don’t think they should spend time in jail, but they should get a stern talking to,” says parent Nadia Labell.

She brings her children to ImaginOn often and is very upset with the two suspects and their lack of judgment.

“Somebody should let them know, you can’t be doing that,” Labell says.

Since the two suspects were only given citations they will just have to pay fines and will not face any jail time . They have both been banned from all Mecklenburg County libraries.

04-15-2011, 10:01 PM
*puts back copy of The Little Engine That Could*


04-15-2011, 10:54 PM
See Jane play with Dick's balls!

04-16-2011, 10:42 AM
Hangs head low....Um, I actually had sex in athe middle school library once. My GF at the time worked there for an extra credit...We were in High school, both under 18 ...

04-16-2011, 03:38 PM
well technically she is a teenager