View Full Version : Paedophile caretaker found living in primary school cupboard with 4,000 child porn pictures on laptop

Teh One Who Knocks
01-04-2013, 12:00 PM
The Mirror


A caretaker lived in a cupboard in the primary school where he worked - with a huge stash of child porn pictures.

Gavin Clark, 41, had secretly set up home in the school cupboard for several weeks last Spring after he divorced – and quietly carried on with his job.

A court heard that it was only when he signed off sick and asked to collect “personal items” that his deception came to light.

Shocked head Steve Portas discovered he had made the storage area a hideaway at the 360-pupil Eaton Primary School in Norwich, Norfolk.

Clark’s computer, which police later found contained 1,749 indecent images of children, was in the room.

Some were duplicated on the laptop, memory stick and SD card, making a total of 3,931 images.

Norwich crown court heard 491 images were in the two most serious categories and showed children under-13.

However, there is no evidence to suggest that the offences involve any children at the school.

Clark, who has been jailed for a year, told police he had found the pictures on a discarded memory card, away from the school premises.

He had then transferred them “by mistake” on to his laptop.

Judge Mark Lucraft said the number of images in the most extreme categories was an aggravating factor.

He added: “The reasons for your behaviour are very difficult to discern.”

Ian James, defending Clark, said there was “nothing sinister” in the fact the laptop was at the school.

But he added that arrest and prosecution had been an “extremely salutary lesson”.

He added: “He feels very conscious of the way in which he will be perceived by right-minded members of the public.

“He feels sad that by behaving in this way he has deprived himself of work he enjoyed very much.”

Clark, who earlier admitted three charges of possessing indecent images of children, faced a further 13 counts of making indecent images.

These will lie on his file.

Speaking after the sentencing Det Con Pippa Hinds said: “Abusing his position of trust, he stored this material within an environment where young children were present.

“His calculating approach to the crime using the cupboard demonstrates how he thought he could evade the police and prosecution.”

Clark, formerly from Norwich, was placed on the sex offenders’ register for 10 years and slapped with a five year order, restricting his use of devices capable of accessing the internet and storing digital images.