View Full Version : Oprah Winfrey Ripped By Ex Co-Star - 'She Would Have Been a Field N**ger'

Teh One Who Knocks
07-19-2013, 10:30 AM
By the TMZ Staff


Oprah Winfrey's former "Color Purple" co-star Rae Dawn Chong just UNLOADED on the talk show queen -- claiming O is a self-centered fat "biotch" who would have been a "house n**ger" back in the slave days.

Rae Dawn -- who's part black -- appeared on "Matty P's Radio Happy Hour" and talked about how her personal relationship with O went from good to really REALLY bad back in the 80s.

RDC says Oprah was "lovely" to her back on the set of Purple in 1985 ... but when Rae moved on to her next movie, "Commando," that's when she says O became "a total biotch."

"I starred in Commando. And she just wasn’t having me. She’s competitive. She didn’t like me. She just wasn’t having me."

It's clear, Rae doesn't like O either -- 'cause for the next several minutes of the interview, she ranted on and on about how much she hates Winfrey -- and stooped so low, she even took shots at her appearance and invoked slave imagery.

"If you look at the way [Oprah] looks, she looks like 60 years ago she would have been a house keeper luckily. She would have not been a house n**ger she would have been a field n**ger."

RDC continued the attack for several minutes. Among the lowlights:

-- "Shes so enormously insecure. If you wanna distill Oprah Winfrey down to like her most basic components. She wants to be beautiful."

-- "Imagine being [Oprah]. She has all of the world. All the power in the world ... and she only wants something that is only chemical, purely impossible."

-- "The thing that’s really great about Oprah that you cant take away from her is that she's a great brown-noser."

Rae concluded the interview with a compliment wrapped in yet another pitiful attack -- "No matter how vile she is, you kinda gotta go, 'hello hats off' like, you’ve done an amazing thing you have actually shifted the DNA of the universe."

07-19-2013, 11:32 AM
looks like she thinks oprah would have been a house one, not a field one :shrug:

07-19-2013, 11:40 AM
She was hot back in her 20s :tup: Not Oprah, the other chick

07-19-2013, 12:09 PM
She was hot back in the 20s :tup: Not Oprah, the other chick

fixed that for you :lol:

Noilly Pratt
07-19-2013, 03:49 PM
RDC's thought process this morning...

Q: How do I re-alight a dying career and achieve immortailty by having outrage / fame?
A: Call the most successful woman in the Universe a "field n**ger".

She ain't on Howard Stern, she's on Matty P. Who??

Calling someone names in public is a classless move.

07-19-2013, 07:58 PM
That's Tommy Chong's daughter. Wonder what he thinks about all this?


07-20-2013, 12:37 AM
sounds like she's giving a lot of shots for a non-event in terms of a dispute...

what did Oprah do to her? She 'was not having her' because Chong did a Arnie movie?

and what is her critique of Oprah? 'Oprah wants to be beautiful'

shame on her for that!!! :lol:

Teh One Who Knocks
07-25-2013, 10:32 AM
That's Tommy Chong's daughter. Wonder what he thinks about all this?


Tommy Chong - My Daughter Was Right, Oprah Would Have Been a Field N-Word
By the TMZ Staff


Tommy Chong is defending his daughter Rae Dawn -- telling TMZ she was just being honest when she said Oprah would have been a "field" N-word back in the slave days ... because that's just the way things were.

"If you think of what [Rae] said, she said back in the day Oprah would be working in the field because shes not that beautiful ... whereas if you're beautiful, you're part of the master's bedroom."

Tommy continues, "Knowing Oprah, she would probably read [Rae's comments] and just chuckle and probably agree with Rae Dawn ... she probably would be working in the field."

There's more ... Tommy says he doesn't think Oprah would have STAYED in the field during slave times, because she would have used her "charm and intelligence" to become a "house lady."

And even though Rae called Oprah fat and ugly and a "brown-noser" ... Tommy still thinks there's a chance Rae and O could work together again in the future.

Dude, how HIGH are you??