View Full Version : Scandal of private 're-homing' for children: Texas girl tells how her new 'mom' slept naked with her when she was just 13 after she was traded online by her adoptive parents

Teh One Who Knocks
09-11-2013, 11:19 AM
By Daily Mail Reporter

On her first night living with her new 'mom', 13-year-old Anna Barnes was asked to sleep in her bed

She found the request weird, and even more so considering the woman was naked.

Anna had been sent to live with Nicole Eason and her husband Calvin at their mobile home in Westville, Illinois after her second set of adoptive parents found they could not longer care for her.


Anna's story came to light in a recent investigation by Reuters and NBC News into the process of 'private re-homing'.

It turns out that it is quite easy to pass custody of an unwanted child onto other people - and it's been happening a lot with foreign adoptees.

Their investigation found groups on websites like Yahoo and Facebook where adoptive parents advertised their children to be placed in new homes.

Since no money is exchanged, most of these people are performing legal transactions not deemed human trafficking.

'This is a bad analogy, but it's sort of like selling a used car,' Gary Barnes told NBC News. 'If you tell someone it breaks down everyday, nobody's going to buy it.


Gary and his wife Lisa took in Anna, an orphan from Russia, after her initial American parents gave her up.

11-years-old by the time that the Barnes took her in, Anna had deep-seeded issues they found impossible to resolve.

Anna was diagnosed with reactive attachment disorder and oppositional defiant disorder. She mouthed off at school and even got violent towards Lisa.

Eventually, the couple decided they were not the parents for the job and started looking for a willing couple to take Anna in.

They met Nicole Eason on a Yahoo group dedicated to re-homing.


Through conversations online, Nicole said she would love Anna 'no matter what mistakes she makes in life' and even promised to get the girl a puppy and buy her favorite candy bars.

The Barnes were comfortable transferring custody to the Easons when Nicole showed them a home study by a social worked that proved she had the proper parenting skills.

Nicole and her husband flew down to Texas in September 2008 and the whole transaction was finalized over dinner at a local chain restaurant.

But after having met the Easons, Anna didn't want to go. She says they made her nervous.

'I couldn't stop (crying)...I just kept telling them, "Please don't send me to them. Please I'm begging you. I will get down on my knees,"' she said.

But the Barnes drove off and left Anna to go live with the Easons in Illinois.

Her new home was in a mobile park in a small trailer filthy with dog urine and feces.


On her first night there, Anna remembers her new mom asking her to pick out a movie to watch from the couple's collection where she found pornography.

That night she was told to come and sleep with Nicole in bed and found that her adoptive mom was naked. She says she felt her kissing her throughout the night

On a following night she was again asked to join the couple in bed, this time to sleep between them, but Anna eventually refused.

'I was sandwiched in there, and I stayed there for about a total of 2 minutes, 47 seconds, and decided that it was getting weird,' she said.


After that she went and slept on the couch.

Thankfully, Anna's time with the Easons was short lived.

A few days later, when she was at her new school she saw a familiar face in the hallway - that of Gary Barnes, the dad who had given her up.

One of Nicole's former friends called the Barnes and told them she believed the Eason's home study was a fake - and it was.

She also told them that at least one of the children they got through re-homing was taken away from them and that she feared for Anna's safety.


He flew all the way up to Illinois to bring her back to Texas.

Back home, The Barnes filed a complaint against the Easons through the Texas Attorney General's office but so far authorities in Illinois and Texas have taken no steps to prevent the Easons from continuing to adopt. According to the investigation, the Easons have taken in children through re-homing six times.

Though Anna was filmed by NBC News at the Barnes' ranch in Texas, she says she stays with friends and is looking for a place to live.

She recently turned 18 and was accepted to Texas Tech University, though she doesn't think she'll be able to afford it.

09-11-2013, 11:39 AM
Wow, tough story.

09-11-2013, 12:14 PM

09-11-2013, 12:14 PM
holy crap :shock:

09-11-2013, 12:35 PM
There's a special place in Hell for people like these. Disgusting.

09-11-2013, 08:04 PM
so as long as there's no money exchanged, we can 're-home' human beings?

how about setting up an entity that matches the re-homees and parents that actually have been screened and want a child?

oh yeah, it's called adoption I forgot :doh: