View Full Version : Spaceship Earth - Can we withstand the next 50 years?

11-03-2013, 08:41 PM
*posted this here for both serious thoughts and otherwise...

The Population Explosion or the Population Bomb or the Population Exponential Equation of Doom - by hal-9000

Based on 200 years of statistical data, we may experience a threat worse than nuclear war. Below is from Wiki, a simple table :


Year Billion
1804 1
1927 2
1959 3
1974 4
1987 5
1999 6
2011 7

What do you notice about the math? The world's population grows at a faster rate with each year. How many people can the Earth withstand? We don't know because the areas that suffer the worst and fastest growth are typically underdeveloped areas and countries. Most areas with the exception of developed Asian coastal areas, still have the geographical space to work with. What they don't have is the same access to food and medicine when compared to other parts of the world.

This population growth is attributed to advances in medicine, people becoming more informed/taking better care of their bodies, and generational genetics which simply means that each generation benefits from the two aforementioned factors. We witness an offshoot of this process every year when we see teens that are 6 feet tall with fully developed bodies, at younger ages. That's a direct result of genetics coupled with the type of foods we eat, medicinal advances. People are healthier out of the starting gate and that leads to longer lives, less chance of disease.

But how can that be if the world's fastest growth occurs in underdeveloped third world areas without access to these beneficial factors? :confused:

When looking at the world we divide it into the haves and have nots. I'm sure you've read some statistic or another saying that 5% of the world's population uses 75% of the resources, or similar. It is true unfortunately, although I don't suffer much guilt being part of the haves. We can't help or dictate where we're born, we can only change our location when we've become old enough to amass enough funds and/or skill to leave our original birthplace.

I do believe in cautionary tales featured both in literature and movies, illustrating the silent plague that is our ever growing population. To me, it's not a question of if, it's only a question of when. Simple math if you will. There are statistical counters showing how many people die in a minute and how many people are born. The born counter always has a larger number number than the death counter, and that counter keeps adding a stat, while knocking off a second, as we progress through the years.

Wait! There's good news! Biologists, geologists and other scientists estimate that every 25 million to 33 million years, that the Earth "purges" organic lifeforms from the planet and starts anew. These purges can be ice ages, excessive warming, tectonic plate shifting, meteor showers, disease, famine...it's a long list and some of the causes have nothing to do with Mother Earth..

So what do we do in the meantime? The data doesn't lie, we will have more and more passengers every year on this planet. Currently we're using resources faster than we're replenishing them. If you don't believe that last statement consider how long it takes to reseed and grow 100 acres of usable forest...decades. And then imagine how much lumber we chop down in one day worldwide... for uses like dwellings, construction, furniture, paper products...and that's only wood. Food is the resource that becomes worrisome and problematic.

Eugenics is a dark and dirty word. Yet some scientists believe that the Earth will have to enter this genetic lottery control method sometime in the next 2 decades. Other scientists think that it will take a restructuring of the entire population of the Earth. Everything from moving millions of people geographically, to taking away some of the 'have's daily portions...

Like most things in life...it's only a matter of time...:-k

11-03-2013, 09:11 PM
Like most things in life...it's only a matter of time...:-k

i go along with the fact ,the average person ie me or you can not do a great deal about it so just carry on partying and enjoying the time we have left

11-03-2013, 09:14 PM
the thing that I think about the most ... is that humans have only been on this planet for a veritable pinprick on the scale of Earth time...I'm sure you've all seen a graph, timeline or illustration of this

and that we're affecting the biosphere that we live on adversely, within such a short period of time..

I do consider the analogy that humans are like a virus on Mother Earth to be true....we stopped cooperating and living in harmony with nature centuries ago...now we're just taking and using...

There's a saying - Earth always recovers from any adverse force it encounters....will it recover from the wasteful scourge that is man?

If nature is a system of natural checks and balances, what happens when seemingly insignificant organisms get removed from the chain of life? There's a cautionary tale of a mite...that inhabits a fruitfly, that bats eat...telling us that if this mite goes extinct, the ripple up the food chain will be catastrophic for both flora and fauna on the planet.

and that's only one small insignificant example...can Mother Earth keep applying these evolutionary bandaids? Or will the system finally break into pieces because man feels that restocking lakes and reseeding forests is enough...for now?

11-03-2013, 09:15 PM
wow that was a lot of brainpower...Imma get a Wendy's double cheese because I'm famished :lol:

11-03-2013, 09:24 PM
yes in the time we;ve been here ,we've fucked shit up big time :lol:

11-03-2013, 10:05 PM
Too many couples have a litter of children nowadays (and most expect the state/government to pick up the tab) so it's not unexpected tbh. Maybe sci-fi will come in to real life in the years to come and people will have to apply for a licence before they can have children :lol:

11-04-2013, 04:43 AM
Can we survive?

Who do you mean by "WE"?

If you mean us, as in those on the north american continent, then yes. American, canada, and mexico are not very populated areas.

It's generally in the middle east and asia that these population booms are happening, and those countries can't possibly survive.

Noilly Pratt
11-04-2013, 05:08 PM
I think the whole world is living unsustainably. Looking on paper, it seems like the undeveloped countries are going to not survive but we in developing nations will...well I don't know.

We (UK, N. America and others) are so dependent on other "lesser" nations...but if they fail, we do as well.

To illustrate what I mean is, giving one example -- Some of our clothing comes from Bangladesh made by workers in deplorable conditions earning pennies where we would be earning dollars, and our food is often imported from developing nations...so if they tank, so do we.

We look at the bottom line...my standard of living is far better than my father's...I have 2 cars and he had 1 so I'm better off. All is good. "I'm alright Jack, keep your hands off of my stack" to borrow a line from a Pink Floyd tune. But there is less self-sufficiency. We're living more on credit, our house made of bricks has been traded for a house of cards.

Kind of why I've worked my butt off to clear all debts except for my house.

I wonder what my 10 year old daughter will see come to pass regarding all this...

11-04-2013, 05:10 PM
Soylent Green comes to mind for some reason :-k

Chuck was waayyyy ahead of his time..

11-04-2013, 05:59 PM
North america could be self sustaining, easily. We have enough farm land.

Asia would be fked, more specifically china. Russia would be fked.

South america would survive 100% better then most of us.

The middle east would be fking toast. :lol:


And it wouldn't come down to food. It would be the Fresh water supply.

Fresh water would be the first thing to go...just giving you a heads up.

11-04-2013, 06:24 PM
its why I bought a good water filter.

wait until it starts getting cold and we get maunder II.

11-04-2013, 06:52 PM
North america could be self sustaining, easily. We have enough farm land.

Asia would be fked, more specifically china. Russia would be fked.

South america would survive 100% better then most of us.

The middle east would be fking toast. :lol:


And it wouldn't come down to food. It would be the Fresh water supply.

Fresh water would be the first thing to go...just giving you a heads up.

I'm putting my money on that elusive huge EMP from the sun first :)

so the chain of events for doomsday is:

1. EMP
2. people take to the streets killing for food, water and gasoline
3. water runs out
4. food runs out
5. Snooki becomes attractive

11-04-2013, 07:07 PM
I'm putting my money on that elusive huge EMP from the sun first :)

so the chain of events for doomsday is:

1. EMP
2. people take to the streets killing for food, water and gasoline
3. water runs out
4. food runs out
4.5 All women on earth die, except 1
5. Snooki becomes attractive

Fixed ;)

11-04-2013, 07:26 PM

it'll be even worse if we get EMP then maunder II

11-04-2013, 07:55 PM
I'm going to buy one of those parcels of land on the moon and set up a tent

Then I'll sublet to anyone who wants to join me *BYOO*

*bring your own oxygen