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View Full Version : MIT students develop wearable cooling device that could make air conditioning obsolete

Teh One Who Knocks
11-06-2013, 12:50 PM
By Drew Prindle - Digital Trends


We come across quite a lot of cool technology, but it’s not every day that we find something that can literally cool you down.

Developed by four engineering students at MIT, Wristify is a prototype wearable device that leverages the physical phenomenon known as the Peltier effect to reduce your body temperature.

The Peltier effect, named for French physicist Jean Charles Athanase Peltier who discovered it in 1834, describes the phenomenon of heating or cooling caused by an electric current flowing across the junction of two different conductors. As the current moves from one conductor to another, the transfer of energy causes one side to heat up and the other to cool down.

Wristify is basically a series of these junctions (called a Peltier cooler) powered by a small battery and attached to a wrist strap. When placed against the skin, the device makes you feel cooler by reducing the temperature of your wrist a few fractions of a degree per second for a couple seconds at a time. Over the course of a few minutes, this process will cause you to perceive a whole-body cooling of a couple degrees Celsius.

The team developing the device is still tinkering with it to figure out the optimal cooling cycle, but at this point in time they say the most effective method is to cool your wrist by 0.4 degrees Celsius (0.7F) per second for five seconds, and then turn off for 10 seconds.

The chief benefit of this device is that it offers a more personalized approach to temperature control, one that’s vastly more efficient than current heating and cooling methods. It takes millions of watts to raise or lower the temperature of an entire building, but Wristify can run on a small lithium battery. If everybody had one of these things on their wrist instead of relying on air conditioning or heaters all the time, the potential energy savings could be massive.

Of course, it’s still just a prototype, but the idea recently won the $10,000 top prize in MIT’s annual Making And Designing Materials Engineering Competition, and the team plans to put all that cheddar toward further development of the device.

11-06-2013, 01:51 PM
now do yall believe I can do this? :lol: without this device, of course...the concept is little different, except I use the outer sides of the body to do the heat shedding :razz: hell if I can put ohmmeter prongs on my hands and move the needle with bursts of energy-intent...aint no different ;)

Acid Trip
11-06-2013, 02:31 PM
now do yall believe I can do this? :lol: without this device, of course...the concept is little different, except I use the outer sides of the body to do the heat shedding :razz: hell if I can put ohmmeter prongs on my hands and move the needle with bursts of energy-intent...aint no different ;)

I have no doubt you can. I've seen monks soak a towel in cold water, put it over their shoulders, then meditate and you could see the steam coming off the towel/monk. The towel would be dry to the touch within 30 minutes.

11-06-2013, 02:56 PM
that's actually a training part of the shaking medicine practice I do. I've done it out in the cold before, but never been ballsy enough to try wet towels. teach said they would have one monk watch over everyone doing the practice - and when your towel was dry, he came over and re-dipped it in the bucket for you :lol:

(that stuff was developed in tibet)

11-06-2013, 05:36 PM
electrical current.... sweaty body

no thanks :hand:

11-06-2013, 06:03 PM
:lol: when the voltage & amps are low, what's the problem? your body is a constant flux of electricity.

11-06-2013, 07:46 PM
I had one of those Dr Ho's electrical pad units where you stuck the two leads onto your neck or back...

the pads were crappy and had some sort of sticky gel on them....so one day the lead was not firmly attached to my skin, I was a little sweaty and BAMMO,
my ears were twitching like fukn Dumbo and I'm sure the hair on my ass stood up :shock:

11-06-2013, 07:48 PM
mine was the ALPHA version of this fancy one :x


11-06-2013, 07:59 PM
:rofl: you have to position those properly on the inflection point of the muscle...and man, if the contact isnt made well and the potential doesnt go into the muscle, it frickin shocks you and hurts instead of getting directed into the muscle and producing a contraction :lol:

I remember back long ago when a buddy of mine first got that igia electro sage and we made him put the shit on either side of his forehead....I never seen someone flip out so fast in my life :rofl: instant entire body convulsion, it was absolutely hilarious

11-06-2013, 08:08 PM
:lol: you suck

okay, so picture this.....I get the unit and it comes with an instructional video. I put the video aside because I'm not a moron, then proceed to connect one lead to the front side of my neck and the other lead behind my ear. (I had some severe orofacial neuraglia combined with TMD symptoms in my neck and facial muscles)

I turn the machine on and then start up the video just to make sure I'm doing it properly. My eyebrows start tweaking, my neck constricts and I almost piss my pants from pain.

I see the TV through my tear-filled eyes that Doctor fucking Ho is warning me stringently - DO NOT EVA...CONNECT ELECTRODE TO FRONT OF FACE OR NECK...VERRY BAD!

no shit :lol:

11-06-2013, 08:26 PM
better story..

I work with a ghey deaf guy, who's a bit of an athlete. He snowboards, hikes and skis cross country. I'm telling him about my Doctor Ho experience and he says he bought the same thing.

now picture this -

He raises an eyebrow, leans close to me and whispers - Have you ever tried them on your balls?

NOOOOOOOOOOOOO! you pervert :lol:

11-06-2013, 08:48 PM
:lol: you suck

okay, so picture this.....I get the unit and it comes with an instructional video. I put the video aside because I'm not a moron, then proceed to connect one lead to the front side of my neck and the other lead behind my ear. (I had some severe orofacial neuraglia combined with TMD symptoms in my neck and facial muscles)

I turn the machine on and then start up the video just to make sure I'm doing it properly. My eyebrows start tweaking, my neck constricts and I almost piss my pants from pain.

I see the TV through my tear-filled eyes that Doctor fucking Ho is warning me stringently - DO NOT EVA...CONNECT ELECTRODE TO FRONT OF FACE OR NECK...VERRY BAD!

no shit :lol:

HAHAHAHAHAA awesome...I would have paid to see that :lol:

11-06-2013, 08:55 PM
it's funny because we were recently chatting about my acupuncture at physio and my guy using a TENS system to throw electricity through the needles..

I used to think Dr Ho's machine was horrible body sorcery but it turns out he was ahead of his time with the idea..

that little Dr Ho's machine used to make my shoulders convulse quite strongly....when it was working properly :lol:

Acid Trip
11-06-2013, 08:59 PM
:lol: you suck

okay, so picture this.....I get the unit and it comes with an instructional video. I put the video aside because I'm not a moron, then proceed to connect one lead to the front side of my neck and the other lead behind my ear. (I had some severe orofacial neuraglia combined with TMD symptoms in my neck and facial muscles)

I turn the machine on and then start up the video just to make sure I'm doing it properly. My eyebrows start tweaking, my neck constricts and I almost piss my pants from pain.

I see the TV through my tear-filled eyes that Doctor fucking Ho is warning me stringently - DO NOT EVA...CONNECT ELECTRODE TO FRONT OF FACE OR NECK...VERRY BAD!

no shit :lol:


11-06-2013, 09:01 PM
I was in so much pain 2001-2005 I was willing to try anything

:lol: and I did

11-07-2013, 01:27 PM
it's funny because we were recently chatting about my acupuncture at physio and my guy using a TENS system to throw electricity through the needles..

I used to think Dr Ho's machine was horrible body sorcery but it turns out he was ahead of his time with the idea..

that little Dr Ho's machine used to make my shoulders convulse quite strongly....when it was working properly :lol:
yeah, all about how accurately its directed. with acu needles its pretty friggin precise. with them pads...you have an exponentially larger surface area.