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View Full Version : Man Sues Wife for "Ugly" Children... And I Don't Blame Him

11-08-2013, 10:34 PM
Let's get a couple things out of the way right out of the gate:

"Ugly" is as subjective as the term "beautiful," so calling someone ugly, especially your own children, says a whole lot more about your ugliness than theirs.

Anyone who calls their children ugly is a spectacular jerk.

Anyone who places so much value in appearance needs therapy.

Are we all in agreement on these things before I jump into my unlikely defense of the husband and father I'm about to tell you about?

According to RT.com, Jian Feng, living in Northern China, filed for divorce from his wife after he found their newborn child to be "incredibly ugly." Feng said his wife tricked him into marriage by appearing to be a beautiful woman, when she was, in fact, ugly.

"I married my wife out of love, but as soon as we had our first daughter, we began having marital issues. Our daughter was incredibly ugly, to the point where it horrified me," the dad of three said.

Feng was so upset by his daughter's appearance that he accused his wife of cheating on him. It was only then that she revealed the truth: she underwent more than $100,000 in plastic surgery before she met him.

So Feng sued and won his freedom from the bonds of marriage and a $120,000 settlement.

Frankly, his wife dodged a bullet as well, because what a jerk.


You knew that big but was coming, didn't you? Let us set aside the fact that Feng is a jerk, a terrible father, and a revolting husband. Can we all acknowledge the simple fact that a large number of people marry with the thought of procreation at the forefront of their minds? Can we also agree that, while it feels a bit unseemly to acknowledge it, appearance plays into that decision?

Is keeping extensive plastic surgery a secret from a potential mate a deception worthy of fraud? People seeking an annulment can legally obtain one for the following reasons:

You married based upon misrepresentations of the other party about his/her sexual preference, wanting to have children, having sex, living together, or fraud in the inducement; i.e., you discussed an issue essential to the marriage before getting married and your prospective spouse deceived you on that issue.

You married based upon material omissions of the other party about needing a green card, needing a sponsor, needing your money, having a felony record, having serious debt or anything which if discussed you would not have married that person had you known the truth.

Surely concealment of getting so much plastic surgery that your spouse is shocked by the appearance of your children falls under this umbrella? Or are the choices people make regarding their own bodies information that only belongs to them? Could this scenario be compared to a transsexual who used to be a man? Isn't she obligated to tell any potential mates that she cannot naturally conceive children? Does the same argument hold in this case in China? Is an attractive person obligated to tell their mate their children may not look how they expect?

- By Monica Bielanko (babble.com)

11-08-2013, 10:38 PM
I had penis reduction surgery to find a woman that could handle me....:(

11-08-2013, 10:42 PM
"Our daughter was incredibly ugly, to the point where it horrified me"

I don't know what to make of this.....I still think he's a shitbag for judging his own child like that...after all, it is 50% his...

I do agree with the wife misrepresenting herself, but she hasn't reverted back to the old hag so the husband is really basing a court case on the child..

Noilly Pratt
11-08-2013, 10:42 PM
It is a misrepresentation, but before walking down the aisle, if you can, take a gander at the Mom or the sisters and you might get an idea. Plus, "ugly" or any trait for that matter can skip a generation - depending on who's genes win out.

A minor concern for me was that my kid would have the worst traits of both families (British teeth and overwhelming charisma from my side ;) and small ear canals and "buck" teeth from my wife's (pictures of her grandma looked like really bad horse's teeth.) Such has not been the case...thus far.

11-08-2013, 10:45 PM
"Our daughter was incredibly ugly, to the point where it horrified me"

That must be a really unattractive person..

11-09-2013, 01:04 AM
The story is an internet hoax... which is really funny since professional news organizations jumped all over it. It's supposedly been around since 2004, and it popped up last year, yet no one can confirm that it really happened.

Here's the pic that's been going along with the story lately:


It's actually an advertisement for a plastic surgery clinic in Taiwan.

11-09-2013, 01:16 AM
you really can't blame the guy...all his kids are taller than him and one has the hint of a mustache!

11-09-2013, 06:07 AM
The story is an internet hoax... which is really funny since professional news organizations jumped all over it. It's supposedly been around since 2004, and it popped up last year, yet no one can confirm that it really happened.

Here's the pic that's been going along with the story lately:


It's actually an advertisement for a plastic surgery clinic in Taiwan.

Not surprised. I tend to discount anything that is "Chinese news." This was interested from a philosophical standpoint.

11-09-2013, 07:11 PM
you really can't blame the guy...all his kids are taller than him and one has the hint of a mustache!


11-09-2013, 07:12 PM
hoax or not, them kids are cute....you gotta love em no matter what