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View Full Version : Pensioner fed up with cyclists pours DOG POO on Cambridge University professor pedalling past her home

Teh One Who Knocks
11-12-2013, 12:01 PM
By Jessica Best - The Mirror


A pensioner left fuming at cyclists using the shared path outside her home took revenge - by covering a biker with dog poo.

Battling Susan Currall, 75, hit out when Cambridge don Michael Ramage narrowly missed her on his bike.

She swung a full poop-a-scoop bag at him and it split, covering the architecture expert in excrement.

Currall, a former British Embassy worker, called the academic "a big bully" and told him "go cry to your mummy".

She was charged with assault and ordered to appear before magistrates in Cambridge where she admitted the offence.

The court heard that Currall has been waging a long-running feud with cyclists over the shared path outside her home in the city.

Monica Lentin, mitigating, said the pensioner "felt anxious" walking along the path because of cyclists speeding past.

She said: "I think many people who are pedestrians in Cambridge would agree that having cyclists and pedestrians together doesn't work.

"The pedestrians do feel extremely harassed and I feel the same way myself.

"What makes it worse is you get lots of young men with powerful bikes riding at speed without any conscience that older people can't get out of the way easily.

"These young people come hurtling towards her and they do not give way to her."

She added: "She did not see him coming in the opposite direction and he was not stopping for her which certainly in the olden days, a man on a bike would have got off and let her through."

American-born Mr Ramage, 40, who is a fellow at Sidney Sussex College, said the incident on September 12 had left him shaken.

"I've encountered her with my kids and it's upsetting for them," he said.

"Hopefully the sentence will mean something to her and change her behaviour so I think I'm happy from that point of view."

Currall was ordered to pay £25 for Mr Ramage's dry cleaning plus £100 court costs and given a one-year conditional discharge.

After the case she said she did not intend the bag to split and said the fact she had ended up in court was "ridiculous".

She said: "The council seems to be pursuing a policy that bicycles are king here in Cambridge and have rights over everyone else."

Currall also has two cautions for common assault and criminal damage from 2007.

11-13-2013, 09:48 PM
I agree with the woman...we have two paths in most parts of our cities but when it's a single path, the cyclists are idiots

they scream - ON YOUR LEFT....then drive by on the right