View Full Version : Man accused of public masturbation at Short Pump Wal-Mart

Teh One Who Knocks
12-13-2013, 12:16 PM
By Chris Thomas - NBC 12


Henrico Police need your help tracking down a man accused of masturbating in the Short Pump Wal-Mart parking lot. An outraged female customer made the complaint. She says it all happened around 11AM Wednesday.

"I don't even want to think about it," said Cyndi Stanley. "I would probably be moving my car. It's disgusting. I would not want to see it. I don't think any woman would want to see it."

Cyndi often drops off her granddaughter in that very parking lot.

"It's scary to not know who is going to be sitting next to you," said Cyndi.

The female says she was talking on her phone when she noticed a red car pull up beside her. She claims she looked over and to found a man allegedly pleasuring himself and making eye contact with her. The man sped off before she could notify police.

"This actually is a problem," said NBC 12 legal analyst Steve Benjamin who drafted this state code that makes it a Class-1 Misdemeanor for obscene sexual displays

"We had a problem where people were touching themselves over their clothing for sexual purposes," said Benjamin. "So the Virginia general assembly enacted legislation that made it a crime to even simulate sexual gratification in public."

Police say the suspect is a Black male in his late 30s with short hair and a scruffy beard. He was last seen driving a red 4 door late 80s to early 90s model car with either rust or primer patches on it.

12-14-2013, 07:38 PM

12-14-2013, 07:45 PM
"So the Virginia general assembly enacted legislation that made it a crime to even simulate sexual gratification in public."

Miley should get 20 years...