View Full Version : Did Kim Jong Un feed his uncle to dogs?

01-04-2014, 01:42 AM

It sounds like something out of a Quentin Tarantino movie. Rumours are flying that North Korean leader Kim Jong Un ordered his uncle, Jang Song Thaek, and five aides executed by being stripped naked and placed in a cage with 120 attack dogs.

This is all according to Singapore's Straits Times, which quotes a 12 December story in the Chinese government-controlled paper Wen Wei Po.

"The horrifying report vividly depicted the brutality of the young North Korean leader," Ching Cheong writes in the Times. "The fact that it appeared in a Beijing-controlled newspaper showed that China no longer cares about its relations with the Kim regime."

The Telegraph's Tim Stanley cautions that this story is "tempting" - probably too tempting to be true.

"The thing about North Korea is that it's so mad, so gruesome that it's difficult not to believe whatever tall story you hear about it," he writes. "Kim Jong Un ate a baby? The army uses kittens for target practice? Kim Jong Il's reanimated corpse stalks the countryside scaring children? It all seems possible."

He warns that it's important to look at the agendas of the people who are spreading this story:

The Straits Times is a respectable and widely read publication, but it's often been accused of being the mouthpiece of Singapore's ruling party and is staunchly anti-communist - so political bias is possible. Finally, we can't dismiss the possibility that China itself has fabricated or at least encouraged the story to send a message to Pyongyang. Kim's uncle was the architect of closer economic ties between the China and North Korea and there is thought to be a lot of anger about his death.

The Washington Post's Max Fisher writes a five-point takedown of the story that almost - almost - settles the question.

"The fact that the Western media have so widely accepted a story they would reject if it came out of any other country tells us a lot about how North Korea is covered - and how it's misunderstood," he writes.

Fisher also says that the Western media have an incentive to cover these kind of bizarre stories, as they generate a lot of attention. He quotes NKNews.org editor Chad O'Carroll as saying, "As you know, NK stories tend to get a lot of hits, so it's easy to see why editors will want to pursue these stories."

It would make things easier, writes Slate's Joshua Keating, if the North Korean government commented publicly on stories like this - but it's called the hermit kingdom for a reason.

"So given the Internet's insatiable appetite for weird North Korea stories, it becomes a bit of a free-for-all," he writes. "The North Korean government does so many bizarre things we can confirm that a few of these dubious rumors must surely be true, right?"

Sure. And hey, it makes for a compelling, albeit macabre, tale.


01-04-2014, 02:30 AM
i assume he did :yum:

01-04-2014, 04:43 PM
"these people will report anything....cripes, saying I fed my uncle to dogs..."


"yeah, I fed that motherfucker to the dogs"

01-04-2014, 05:43 PM
Did they then eat the dogs?

01-04-2014, 05:52 PM
People fed dogs :homer:

01-06-2014, 01:44 PM
Were the dogs hungry again a half-hour later?

01-06-2014, 05:33 PM
Were the dogs hungry again a half-hour later?


Teh One Who Knocks
01-07-2014, 12:40 PM
Adam Weinstein - Gawker


North Korean dear leader Kim Jong Un is a sonofabitch who offed his uncle last month. But he likely didn't strip naked Uncle Jang and slowly feed him alive to a pack of 120 starving dogs, as the media excitedly reported last week. In fact, that entire frenzy may have originated in a tweeter's dark-humored imagination.

Conventional wisdom has it that Jang Song-thaek, once considered the second-most powerful man in North Korea, was ordered to be shot to death by his nephew after a violent dispute over kickbacks from the country's clam and crab fishing industries. Because nothing kicks your ass like bad shellfish.

But last week, news organizations went apeshit over a report that Jang and five associates were tied starkers to posts and devoured over days by a pack of dogs that had been systematically starved for the better part of a week. It got everyone, this outstanding publication included, lots of hits. But it was probably a lot of sheesh.

According to Trevor Powell, a software engineer and blogger raised in Taiwan, all that hubbub may have begun with a bad joke on Twitter. The earliest report of Jang's canine fate appears to have come from this Chinese tweet by a user who claims to be a satirist named Pyongyang Choi Seongho, who is apparently well-known for his irreverent humor. Here's a Google translation—all the usual caveats:


Not long after that tweet on December 11, the story found its way into the Chinese pro-government news site Wen Wei Po, quoting the tweet "word-for-word," Powell says:

A screenshot of the original tweet was included with the article on Wen Wei Po. The article also cites Pyongyang Choi Seongho by name as the original source. In addition to describing how Jang Songtaek and five accomplices were stripped naked, thrown in a cage, and fed to 120 wild dogs.

From Wen Wei Po, the dog myth made its way in English in the Hong Kong-base Straits Times around Christmastime, and everyone in the West subsequently freaked out about it.

What did we learn? "I'm reminded that language is always a barrier," Powell says of the slow-moving hoax. Sure, sure. Also, I still wouldn't fucking piss off Kim Jong Un.