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View Full Version : Healthy mother of three dies days after flu symptoms begin

Teh One Who Knocks
01-14-2014, 11:55 AM


DALLAS — Darrell Jones is spending a lot of time with family right now as he retraces how all it happened.

“She was coughing and had a fever and things like that,” Jones said about his wife, Alice.

On Saturday, doctors at Charlton Methodist Hospital diagnosed Alice with influenza.

“It was strains A and B,” Jones said. “Sunday evening, she started breathing hard."

By Monday morning, feeling worse, Alice ended up at University General Hospital on South Hampton Road, her husband said.

As a technician took Alice to undergo a CT scan, "she coded," Darrell said.

Hours later, the 29-year-old woman, who had no underlying medical conditions, was dead.

Darrell said he didn’t think his wife got a flu shot last fall.

The couple had been married five years, busy raising three children.

“My youngest doesn’t understand. She’s asking ‘When are we bringing mommy home?’” Darrell said.

Alice went back to work last fall so Darrell could go back to school. He is a veteran of Afghanistan, studying criminal justice.

Monday — the day his wife died — was Darrell's 27th birthday.

The Dallas County Medical Examiner's Office confirms it has Alice's body and her husband said an autopsy will be performed.

This latest flu death, when confirmed, would be in addition to 17 others in Dallas County this season. Officials said one person has died from the flu in Tarrant County and two deaths are reported in Denton County, including a child.

More than 95 percent of flu cases in North Texas are H1N1 swine flu. More than 100 people have had to be placed in intensive care in Dallas and Tarrant counties.

Friends of the Joneses have started raising funds online to help the 27-year-old widower begin again.