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View Full Version : Morris Catholic high school student sues parents for financial support

Teh One Who Knocks
03-04-2014, 11:57 AM
Written by Peggy Wright - The Daily Record


A Morris Catholic High School honor student and athlete who claims her parents threw her out of their Lincoln Park home when she turned 18 has taken the highly unusual step of suing them for immediate financial support and to force them to pay for her college education.

Private high school senior Rachel Canning, a cheerleader and lacrosse player who has aspirations to be a biomedical engineer, filed a lawsuit last week in the Family Part of state Superior Court in Morristown that seeks a judge’s declaration that she is nonemancipated and dependent as a student on her parents for support.

Judge Peter Bogaard, sitting in Morristown, has scheduled a hearing for Tuesday. Rachel Canning’s lawyer, Tanya N. Helfand, will ask that parents Sean and Elizabeth Canning, who haven’t paid an outstanding $5,306 Morris Catholic tuition bill, be ordered to settle that debt, pay Rachel’s current living and transportation expenses, and commit an existing college fund to their daughter, who has received acceptance letters from several universities and has to make a decision this spring.

Since the alleged “abandonment” by her parents, Rachel has been living in Rockaway Township with the family of her best friend and fellow student Jaime Inglesino, whose father is attorney and former Morris County Freeholder John Inglesino. Inglesino is funding the lawsuit and hired attorney Helfand, who included in the lawsuit a request that the parents pay their daughter’s legal fees that so far total $12,597.

Sean Canning, a retired Lincoln Park police chief who currently works as Mount Olive’s township administrator, said his daughter’s representation of the facts is not accurate and he fears she is being “enabled” by well-intentioned but ill-informed people who include the Inglesinos. Sean Canning said that Rachel voluntarily left home in October and was never thrown out.

“We love our child and miss her. This is terrible. It’s killing me and my wife. We have a child we want home. We’re not Draconian and now we’re getting hauled into court. She’s demanding that we pay her bills but she doesn’t want to live at home and she’s saying, ‘I don’t want to live under your rules,’ ” Sean Canning said.

The father said that he and his wife did stop paying the Morris Catholic tuition and have kept Rachel’s car because they paid for it. The father contended that Rachel moved out because she didn’t want to abide by simple household rules — be respectful, keep a curfew, return “borrowed” items to her two sisters, manage a few chores, and reconsider or end her relationship with a boyfriend the parents believe is a bad influence.

“We’re heartbroken, but what do you do when a child says ‘I don’t want your rules but I want everything under the sun and you to pay for it?’ ” Canning said, adding that his daughter’s college fund is available to her and not withdrawn or re-allocated, as she has alleged.

In New Jersey, emancipation of a child “is a fact-sensitive analysis that looks at whether the child has moved beyond the sphere of influence and responsibility exercised by a parent and has obtained an independent status of his or her own,” Helfand said in court papers.

The mere fact that a child has turned 18 is not an automatic reason to stop financial support, according to Helfand and several longtime family attorneys in Morris County. A key court decision in the state specifies that, “A child’s admittance and attendance at college will overcome the rebuttable presumption that a child may be emancipated at age 18.”

Prominent family-law attorneys Sheldon Simon and William Laufer both called the lawsuit highly unusual and Laufer said he has seen nothing like it in 40 years of practice.

“A child is not emancipated until they’re on their own,” Simon said. “Even if a child and the parents don’t get along, that doesn’t relieve the parents of their responsibility.” Laufer noted that under New Jersey law, a child can still be declared nonemancipated even if there is a hiatus between high school graduation and college.

Rachel Canning filed a certification with the court that contends her parents jointly decided on Oct. 29, 2013 that as of Nov. 1 — her 18th birthday — she would be cut off “from all support both financially and emotionally.” She said in her papers that Morris Catholic advised her not to return home and contacted the state Division of Child Protection and Permanency (known as DCP&P and formerly as DYFS) after Rachel alleged abuse.

“My parents have rationalized their actions by blaming me for not following their rules,” Rachel said in her court papers. “They stopped paying my high school tuition to punish the school and me and have redirected my college fund, indicating their refusal to afford me an education as a punishment.”

Morris Catholic President Michael St. Pierre said in a certification to the court that the school did call DCP&P based upon some allegations by Rachel and “some difficult meetings between Rachel and Mr. Canning.”

The court record also includes a letter from Morris Catholic English instructor and campus minister Kathleen Smith, who wrote that she was a witness to a rough encounter between Rachel and her mother in mid-October 2013 and heard Elizabeth Canning call her daughter a foul name and say she didn’t want to speak to her daughter again.

“Rachel has excellent grades and will not be removed from the school for this nonpayment; however, her parents do have a contractual obligation to pay. Rachel is certainly unable at this time to attend Morris Catholic High School full-time and support herself financially,” St. Pierre said in his certification.

Sean Canning said that a DCP&P representative visited his home for about three hours last fall, found nothing amiss, determined that Rachel was “spoiled” and discontinued the investigation. He said that he and his wife are beside themselves that discord with their daughter has reached this level.

Attorney Laurie Rush-Masuret, who represents the parents, said in court papers that Rachel emancipated herself and removed herself from her parent’s “sphere of influence” by voluntarily moving out of their house “as she did not want to abide by her parents’ rules....”

Rush-Masuret and Sean Canning said that Rachel was seeing a therapist long before moving out and is supposed to take medication. The parents contend she had disciplinary problems at school last term, was suspended twice, ignored her curfew at home and bullied her younger sister.

“Mr. and Mrs. Canning did not tell Rachel to move out; rather they advised her that she is welcome home so long as she abides by their rules under their roof, which is completely reasonable. However, Rachel decided that she does not want to live within her parents’ sphere of influence and voluntarily moved out, essentially emancipating herself. Obviously, she cannot decide she will no longer live within her parents’ sphere of influence and simultaneously seek payment from them for support,” Rush-Masuret wrote the court.

According to letters included with the lawsuit, Rachel has been accepted at the University of Vermont, William Paterson University, Lynn University in Boca Raton, Fla., Wells College in Aurora, N.Y., and has applications pending to other institutions. She has been offered scholarships — including $20,000 a year to study at Wells — but also would be reliant on the college fund established by her parents and other financial aid and grants.

In his court certification, John Inglesino wrote that he believed Rachel’s stay in his home would be short and temporary. He wrote that his attempts to speak to Sean Canning about financial obligations to his daughter have not been fruitful and he and his wife, Amy, believe Rachel is “emotionally distraught by her parents’ sudden rejection of her....”

Inglesino said that he and his wife decided to fund the lawsuit because they fear Rachel will lose opportunities for a strong education and happy future without her parents’ contributions.

“Rachel is likeable, communicates exceptionally well and is highly motivated to attend and excel at a college appropriate for her. That is why my wife and I have decided to fund this lawsuit. We know that if Mr. and Mrs. Canning are not required to fulfill their legal obligations as parents, that Rachel’s ability to fulfill her potential will be greatly diminished,” Inglesino wrote the court.

03-04-2014, 10:31 PM
fulfill their legal obligations? give me a fkn break. I'd send this idiot to jail for a weekend for abusing the courts

03-05-2014, 01:15 AM

03-05-2014, 02:29 AM
The little bad girl doesn't want to live by mommy and daddys rules.. It's that simple.

03-05-2014, 02:39 AM
and she is technically an "adult" so start behaving like it if you want to wear big girl panties :shrug:

03-05-2014, 02:41 AM
Mom and dad do have a contract with that school they absolutely owe though.. After that.. She needs to shape up or ship out.

Teh One Who Knocks
03-05-2014, 12:37 PM
By Will Payne In Morristown, New Jersey - The Daily Mail

A judge today blasted an 18-year-old girl suing her parents for support after she ran away claiming they were behind her bulimia and that her father showed her 'inappropriate affection'

When Judge Peter Bogaard read an expletive-laden and vicious answerphone message left by Rachel Canning, from Lincoln Park, New Jersey, to her mother, Elizabeth, in which the girl said: 'I wanna s*** all over your face', he said: 'Have you ever in your experience seen such gross disrespect for a parent? I don’t see it in my house.’

The judge, sitting at Morris County court added that Rachel had given her mom and dad, Sean: ‘The proverbial f you’. He also warned he must consider the 'slippery slope' where 'we open the gates for a 12-year-old to sue for an Xbox, a 13-year-old to sue for an iPhone… what about a 15-year-old asking for a 60 inch TV?'


Rachel, who is suing her parents for ‘abandoning’ her has made sensational claims that her mom calling her ‘fat’ and ‘porky’ led to her suffering bulimia and that her former police chief father dad used to get her drunk and kiss her inappropriately.

In shocking legal documents submitted to the court, the honor-roll student said her parents’ behavior contributed to her developing an eating disorder at a young age and saw her weight plummet down to 92 pounds.

Rachel, who has two younger sisters moved in with the parents’ of a friend and is now suing for child support, medical bills, college expenses and legal fees.

She states that her parents have a combined yearly income of between $250,000 and $300,000 and she is entitled to $654-a-week in child support. Her parents have also refused to pay $6,000 owed in school fees for her Catholic High School.

Her parents claim their daughter ran off to stay with friends when she turned 18 because she refused to abide by rules they had set down, including to stop dating her boyfriend.

But today the judge clearly took a dim view of the lawsuit. He said: ‘What kind of parents would the Canning’s be if they didn’t try to set down some strict rules?


‘I’m not going to put myself in anyone’s shoes, he’s (father Sean) trying to raise a child. It’s clear to me all the positive qualities Rachel obviously has, in terms of sports and academics, but I’m not going to step on a father for how he tries to get his child on the right tracks when she has obviously come off the tracks, to put it mildly.’

When summing up later he denied all immediate financial claims, including monthly maintenance, private school payments and legal fees.

Summing up, Judge Bogaard said: ‘The court was called upon to find whether immediate financial relief was needed… It is not necessary….

‘We have to ask ourselves, do we want to establish a precedent where parents live in constant fear of enforcing the basic rules of the house. If they set a rule a child doesn’t like, the child can move out, move in with another family, seek child support, cars, cell phone and a few hundred grand to go to college.

‘Counsel, also needs to ask themselves, what is the next step…. Are we going to open the gates for a 12-year-old to sue for an Xbox, a 13-year-old to sue for an iPhone… what about a 15-year-old asking for a 60 inch TV….

‘I want both counsels to think of the potential slippery slope here.’

He added: ‘I think everyone needs to take a step back and realize this family and Rachel in particular is well worth the effort to salvage or attempt to.


‘It appears more energy has been utilized at this point to tear apart this family than try to figure out how this family can somehow be brought back together.

‘I hope we all can realize that despite all the ups and downs, despite the somewhat severe trials and tribulations that have been brought in front of the court, that the basic concept that all the money in the world cannot match the greatest gift you can ever receive, the gift of a child.

‘You should never give up on a child even when they become a young adult.’

He set a date for the secondary hearing, but advised that the plaintiff had not provided sufficient evidence up until now to suggest she would win the case.

Rachel’s attorney Tanya Hefland hit back, saying: ‘They more than have the ability to pay. In the four months she has been with the Inglesino’s they have not called her, they have not offered a penny to her benefactors.

‘Any normal parent would be so embarrassed… they would reach out to the Inglesino’s to sort this situation out.

‘Mr Inglesino reached out twice to try to sort this out father to father and Mr Canning wasn’t interested.

‘They wanted her to move, they wanted her to fail, they wanted her out of that school. They didn’t care, they were more interested in saving their $6,000.

‘They have failed, they are not interested and it is abundantly clear. They call themselves loving parents… but paint the most disgusting image of their daughter. This is a pretty good kid in my opinion, but all they can do is bad mouth their child.’

She added: ‘They met her boyfriend for five minutes and immediately disliked him. When she was at her worst they went to Vegas leaving two minor’s in her care.

‘It is irrelevant who is at fault. When families have the ability to pay they should pay. Our tax dollars should not be used.’

When asked why she didn’t go home, she replied: ‘Because it is an abusive relationship.’

Mr Canning spoke to his daughter after entering the court room. Earlier he addressed reporters outside court, saying, ‘We are good parents, we have nothing to hide’.

At one point during the hearing both he and his wife burst into tears.


'We love Rachel and wish she would wake up': Father of 'spoiled' high school cheerleader, 18, who is suing her parents, claims his daughter ran away because believed she 'could do better on her own'
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Mr and Mrs Cannings have completely dismissed Rachel's stunning allegations and have called their daughter a liar and a thief, who is ‘obsessed’ with alcohol.

They claimed her boyfriend Lucas Kitzmiller is a terrible influence and Rachel ran away from home after getting suspended from high school in an incident that involved him.

And Mrs Canning even accused her daughter of trying to sabotage her relationship with her husband and even ‘attempting to open up a dating profile for him’.

In documents submitted to Morris County Family Court, and seen by MailOnline, Rachel wrote: ‘I have been subjected to severe and excessive verbal and physical abuse by my mother and father.

'As I was growing up my mother was always demeaning to me. She called me "fat" and "porky". My father demanded that I get a basketball scholarship. My father spent a lot of time with me on weekends while I was in basketball tournaments. My mother seemed angry about this. He forbade me to have a boyfriend when I was a high school freshman, and threatened to beat him up.

'In sophomore year i developed an eating disorder and my weight dropped to 105 pounds. In my junior year, I was down to 92 pounds. My mother kept screaming at me, saying I was mentally messed up. My father was angry that I wasn't going to be able to play basketball because I needed to gain weight.'

She went on: ‘My father gave me the sense that he was inappropriately affectionate with me. He mentioned frequently that my relationship in his eyes was not one of a daughter, but more than that.

‘In the summer before my senior year he got me drunk at a wedding and said I was his date. He kept giving me shots and mango martinis. I blacked out that night and woke up at the toilet bowl in our room and he was in bed.


‘He constantly put his arm around me in public and would kiss me on the cheek. When we moved to Hackettstown, he once woke me up at 2am to come down to play beer pong with him. The refrigerator was about 75 per cent full of liquor.’

Rachel then went on to reference an incident at her Homecoming dance, where she was accused of being drunk.

She said: ‘I was found not to be intoxicated. To be readmitted to the dance, I was required to call my mother in the presence of Kathleen Smith, a teacher at Morris Catholic School.

‘My mother who was In Las Vegas for the week with my father, first hung up…. When I called my parents back again, she and my father were screaming obscenities at me.

‘The teacher heard it in speaker phone…. DCP&P was called by my school when I complained of my parent’s behaviour. My parents, to retaliate, refused to pay my high school tuition and have continued to do so, as well as cutting me off financially.

But Elizabeth Canning hit back, saying: ‘Rachel’s allegations that I called her "fat" and "porky" are not factual.… we are big believers in building our daughter’s self-esteem and always telling them how beautiful they are.’

She went on: ‘Rachel’s allegation that there was anything other than a father/daughter relationship is utterly offensive… there was never anything remotely sexual or conduct that could be considered in any way sexual. My husband loves his daughter – as a daughter – nothing more.

‘She was the apple of his eye.’

The couple submitted letters to the court which state a Department of Children and Families investigation cleared them. Mrs Canning added: 'In fact, the case worker told us that it was in her opinion that we spoiled our daughter. We gave her too much'.

Mrs Canning added: 'She also told the worker that she had threatened suicide and my reaction was that I "high-fived" my husband. this was so outrageously offensive that it did not deserve to be addressed, but we gladly addressed it with the caseworker'.

She said: ‘On or about October 30, 2012, two days before her 18th birthday, Rachel ran away from home. Rachel was never ‘kicked’ out of home.

‘Rachel lived in our house, under our supervision, until the morning of October 30, 2013, when she ran away after a disciplinary hearing at Morris Catholic wherein she was suspended for truancy (having previously been suspended due to alcohol involvement at the Homecoming Dance).


‘Between August and October 30, 2013, Rachel routinely (every weekend) would attend parties, become intoxicated, and seek approval from my husband and I.

‘On or about October 5, 2012, Rachel committed a theft on my credit card, which card was given to her for the purpose of purchasing presents for my husband’s birthday.’

Referencing another theft, she said: ‘During at incident in April 2011, Rachel stole $100 from my purse, snuck out of the house, at midnight, attended a party…. And returned home by taxi at 3.30am on a weeknight.’

Mrs Canning then went on to address her daughter's eating disorder in detail, saying she and her husband were not at fault. She said Rachel wanted to go on a diet in preparation for the prom in 2012.

Mrs Canning went on: 'Upon our return from vacation that year, I had realized that Reachel was more than "dieting". I went through Rachel's room and pulled out two extra-large garbage bags filled with vomit.'

She confronted her daughter who admitted it tearfully. 'During this time, I brought her to various therapists, who diagnosed her with anorexia and bulimia. I was and am her biggest supporter in trying to get her treated.

'Because of Rachel's eating disorders and my determination to get her healthy, Rachel developed hatred toward me.'

Rachel is an honors student and cheerleader at Morris Catholic High School in New Jersey.

In court papers, she alleges her parents abandoned her when she turned 18 years old, and are now refusing to pay for her to go to college, despite the fact she has received acceptance letters from several universities.

But her parents say in the court papers that she is now 18 and by her actions has 'emancipated herself'.

Her father, Sean Canning defended his actions online in a Facebook post before today's hearing: 'Late last summer, what started as normal teenage parent conflict and disagreements over life, rules and other things with Rachel suddenly escalated into full blown rebellion.

'Without getting into all of the details, which may or may not be made public, there were many instances where we set limits on Rachel’s behavior, and those limits were far exceeded.

'At the end of October, she decided she could do better on her own and ran away. She is living at her friend’s parents’ home in another town. Since running away from our home, certain people have been 'guiding' her, thinking they are well meaning and advising her, unfortunately, with ill advice.

'While they think they are helping they have not. She has been enabled. Our family has been put through hell.'

Rachel, who has a $20,000 scholarship, says the University of Vermont, a private college is her first choice. She says she didn't run away but was given the option of dumping her boyfriend or moving out.

In the lengthy post, her father continued: 'There was no abuse ever against any of my girls, mentally or physically. Rachel has now instituted a lawsuit against us, which the family that she is living with has fronted the funds for her.

'She is claiming every possible allegation; allegations which are simply not true. These claims are beyond hurtful.

'Although we do not owe anyone an explanation, we did want you all to know that the allegations that Rachel has claimed – amongst which include our abandoning her, as well as emotional and physical abuse – simply never happened.

'She ran away because she didn’t want to follow any rules. She stayed away because she had a place to go. That’s it.

'Bottom line. Rachel has and will always have a place in our home.'

Rachel, who’s already received acceptance letters to several universities and a $20,000 scholarship offer from a New York private college, claims she was forced out of her home on her birthday after her father and mother jointly decided to cut her off ‘from all support both financially and emotionally.’


‘My parents have rationalized their actions by blaming me for not following their rules,’ court papers filed on behalf of the teen claim.

‘They stopped paying my high school tuition to punish the school and me and have redirected my college fund indicating their refusal to afford me an education as a punishment.’

According to DailyRecord.com, Sean and Liz Canning owe Morris Catholic $5,306 in tuition they’ve neglected to pay since the start of the family feud.

And it’s not just because of their missing money that school administrators appear to be backing Rachel.

'Rachel has excellent grades and will not be removed from the school for this non-payment; however her parents do have a contractual obligation to pay. Rachel is certainly unable at this time to attend Morris Catholic High School full-time and support herself financially,' Morris Catholic president Michael St. Pierre wrote in a certification to the court.

St. Pierre said the school called New Jersey Child Protection and Permanency last fall after abuse allegations from Rachel and what he called ‘difficult meetings between Rachel and Mr. Canning.’


'We love our child and miss her. This is terrible. It’s killing me and my wife. We have a child we want home. We’re not draconian and now we’re getting hauled into court. She’s demanding that we pay her bills but she doesn’t want to live at home and she’s saying "I don’t want to live under your rules,"' Mr. Canning said.

'We’re heartbroken but what do you do when a child says "I don’t want your rules but I want everything under the sun and you to pay for it?”'

Mr. Canning was unavailable for comment when a call was made to his office at Mt. Olive Township Monday afternoon.

He admits that he's stopped paying Rachel's high school tuition but says she'll receive her existing college fund.

But that’s just not enough, says John Inglesino, an attorney and former local city official whose already paid $12,597 for Rachel’s lawyer.

Inglesino claims his daughter's friend is ‘emotionally distraught by her parents’ sudden rejection of her.’

‘Rachel is likeable, communicates exceptionally well and is highly motivated to attend and excel at a college appropriate for her. That is why my wife and I have decided to fund this lawsuit. We know that if Mr. and Mrs. Canning are not required to fulfil their legal obligations as parents, that Rachel’s ability to fulfil her potential will be greatly diminished,’ Inglesino wrote to the court.

Her attorney’s argument that these are all reasonable demands rely solely on the fact that 18-year-old Rachel, who says she wants to study biomedical engineering, will be a student.

Helfand says her client has not ‘moved beyond (her parents’) sphere of influence’ and per New Jersey law may be deemed non-emancipated.

‘A child’s admittance and attendance at college will overcome the rebuttable presumption that a child may be emancipated at age 18,’ reads an earlier state court decision.

But the attorney for Mr. and Mrs. Canning Laurie Rush-Masuret is claiming Rachel removed herself from that 'sphere of influence' when she voluntary left her parents' home.

Family law attorneys Sheldon Simon disagrees.

‘A child is not emancipated until they’re on their own…Even if a child and the parents don’t get along that doesn’t relieve the parents of their responsibility,’ Simon told the DailyRecord.

Simon said he's never seen anything like the lawsuit in 40 years of practice.

03-05-2014, 05:01 PM
She's emancipated if she's 18 and decides to leave. Or if the parents kick her out.

My parents kicked my brother out on his 18th birthday. They hated to do it, but that's just how shit fell out. He had a pretty rough go of it at first, but eventually got up on his feet and turned shit around.

She needs to man up and take responsibility for herself.

Yeah, they should pay the Catholic school what they're contracted to pay, but outside of that... she's 18, they're done.

03-05-2014, 05:15 PM
I was kicked out around 16/17 and never looked back.

03-05-2014, 05:24 PM
No offense intended but, why does that not surprise me, Porky?


03-05-2014, 09:38 PM
my parents were always supportive, but if I pulled half the shit this little girl did, they would have said "you're 18, gtfo and good luck because you're not living here like that"

03-05-2014, 09:47 PM
No offense intended but, why does that not surprise me, Porky?


:dance: Im sure a aged my parents by quite a few years, we all get along now. If my son were to pull the shit I was pulling, I may have a heart attack

03-06-2014, 12:07 AM
I got thrown out at 15 and 17 yrs old...deserved it both times. I moved out when I was 19 and returned at 22.

My parents have always been very fair, generous and helpful to all 3 children in their family...allowing them to move back home if necessary at any time in their lives.

But at any time if we didn't follow the house rules (respect, pulling your weight with helping out, paying rent), you were told to leave and there was no argument.

My parents were both raised on farms so if we pulled even a 1/4 of the shit this girl did above....we would be looking for a warm park bench to sleep on :lol:

03-06-2014, 12:14 AM
This kid is a product of our current 'generation of the entitled'..

03-06-2014, 12:21 AM

03-06-2014, 12:57 AM
my parents were always supportive, but if I pulled half the shit this little girl did, they would have said "you're 18, gtfo and good luck because you're not living here like that"

pretty much this for me too.... except my old man would have beatn the shit out of me before he threw me out :lol:

03-06-2014, 12:57 AM

and this

03-06-2014, 01:08 AM
Her attitude will change when she's turning anal tricks for rent money.

Teh One Who Knocks
03-07-2014, 11:38 AM
By Joe Tacopino - NY Post


The man bankrolling a bratty New Jersey teen’s lawsuit against her parents allowed her to get boozed up and throw wild ragers in his home, according to a new *report.

Powerful attorney John Inglesino, who took now-18-year-old runaway Rachel Canning under his wing, let her get drunk on vodka in his Rockaway Township house when she was 15, according to court papers, the Daily Mail reported.

Canning wants her parents to fork over money for tuition, room, board, transportation and other expenses.

Her parents, Sean and Elizabeth Canning, claim that Inglesino provided their daughter with not only a home but a place to drink and party.

Rachel’s dad claims she had once been so hung over from a night of drinking, she puked all over a sidewalk and into a garbage can, according to the Daily Mail.

Rachel’s parents also claim the Inglesino family hosted parties and paid for rides in limousines filled with wine coolers.

“Rachel was angry because we would not host an alcoholic party,” her dad said in court papers.

“Rachel’s first time drinking alcohol was at the Inglesino house.”

Inglesino, whose daughters are friends with Rachel, fired back in court papers that Rachel deserves an opportunity to realize her goals.

“Rachel is likable, communicates exceptionally well and is highly motivated,” Inglesino wrote in a court filing. “That is why my wife and I have decided to fund [her] lawsuit.”

In a response, Rachel’s parents said the politically connected lawyer has helped tear the family apart. “The Inglesinos, while purporting to help, have actually been a tremendous hindrance in family healing,” Elizabeth Canning said in a sworn statement.

In a Morristown court Tuesday, after Rachel filed for an emergency order to get $600 a week from her parents, Judge Peter Bogaard blasted the young woman, referring to an obscene voicemail she left for her mother.

“Have you ever seen a young adult show such gross disrespect to a parent in a voicemail?” he asked. “The child thumbs her nose at her parents, leaves the house and turns around asking, ‘Now you have to pay me money every week.’ ”

Sean and Elizabeth said their eldest daughter refused to obey basic household rules and left on her own.

For Rachel to get money from her parents, she’ll have to show at the next scheduled court hearing that she was thrown out of their Lincoln Park house or feared physical danger, legal experts said.

03-07-2014, 03:46 PM
She'll be good in porn.


03-07-2014, 06:09 PM

03-07-2014, 07:06 PM
She's cute as all hell. It's a damn shame she's a fuckin' idiot. But that's what you get when you deal with Jersey girls.

03-07-2014, 07:27 PM

Acid Trip
03-07-2014, 09:23 PM

Kinda looks like she's about to start her first day at Hogwarts...

03-08-2014, 02:09 AM
I will pay her tuition in exchange for sexual favors