View Full Version : Are all of the possible GOP contenders Christians?

03-09-2014, 02:51 PM
Are there any non religious contenders? Can a Republican that doesnt embrace god win the popular vote?

03-09-2014, 03:03 PM
Couldn't be any worse than the spawn of satan currently in charge.

03-09-2014, 04:37 PM
Are there any non religious contenders? Can a Republican that doesnt embrace god win the popular vote?

I doubt it. Since the majority of the population in this country believes in God in some form or another, they'll want their political candidates to do the same. And it'll be the same for the Democrats as well. Or at the very least, the candidates will openly claim that they have some Christianity-based or Abrahamic-religion-based faith. What they do behind closed doors is another story entirely.

And for the record, historically speaking, it wasn't such a big issue until Jimmy Carter ran for the Presidency.

03-09-2014, 04:50 PM
So muslim wont be an option again?

03-09-2014, 06:31 PM
I doubt it. Since the majority of the population in this country believes in God in some form or another, they'll want their political candidates to do the same. And it'll be the same for the Democrats as well. Or at the very least, the candidates will openly claim that they have some Christianity-based or Abrahamic-religion-based faith. What they do behind closed doors is another story entirely.

And for the record, historically speaking, it wasn't such a big issue until Jimmy Carter ran for the Presidency.

What did Jimmy Carter do?

03-09-2014, 06:57 PM
The conservative Christian right didn't become a force until Carter's run. They weren't really a political faction until the 70s to begin with. They grew in response to the freewheeling 60s. Back before then, politicians would shrug them off; they just weren't organized enough for politicians to take them seriously. But they started getting organized in the 70s, and Carter saw that their growing numbers could benefit him and he ran with it. And he won because of it. So that's when it became a big deal, about religion and faith being a viable part of a candidate's qualifications. Carter added fuel to the fire. Before him, some people may have been interested in a candidate's moral standing and religious views, and they would vote accordingly, but it wasn't that big of an issue. The politicians wouldn't dignify it in their campaigns. I think it was a line they wouldn't cross, the "I believe in God and go to this type of church regularly, so I'm better than my opponent" idea. It was implicitly regarded as a lowbrow move. But Carter broke that wall and gave the growing political faction steam and they grew in response to it.

03-09-2014, 07:02 PM
So muslim wont be an option again?

I seriously doubt it. Local areas that are predominantly Muslim will vote for a Muslim candidate, but as soon as you consider a larger region with a larger cross-section of religions, that Muslim candidate won't have a leg to stand on. There's just not enough Muslims in this country to make that kind of dent. The same with the Atheists. At this point in time, neither of them will have a chance in hell of getting elected.

03-09-2014, 09:19 PM
So muslim wont be an option again?

Not unless he changes the rules.

Teh One Who Knocks
03-10-2014, 10:38 AM
Are there any non religious contenders? Can a Republican that doesnt embrace god win the popular vote?

As long as the republicans continue to cater to the religious right, we're stuck with a crop of either uber religious idiots or we get centrist candidates that are forced so far to the right during the primaries that they become unelectable during the general election.

03-10-2014, 10:45 AM
As long as the republicans continue to cater to the religious right, we're stuck with a crop of either uber religious idiots or we get centrist candidates that are forced so far to the right during the primaries that they become unelectable during the general election.


03-10-2014, 11:35 AM
As long as the american people are stuck with a fake ass two party system where each side purports to be different than the other but then proceeds basically as if there were only one party, we're stuck with a crop of either uber religious/progressive idiots or we get "centrist candidates" that are forced so far to the out of their element trying to show people they're not a freak that they become an absolute joke upon election.

fixed for ya

I'm not voting any more.

Teh One Who Knocks
03-10-2014, 02:32 PM

03-10-2014, 02:39 PM

The GOP embracing of hard line Christianity makes them the party of intolerance imo.. Not only do they alienate themselves from a more moderate voter, they separate themselves from all kinds of groups.. Gays, pro-choicers, etc.. I dont understand why a candidate cant just endorse a simplified point of view without condemning half the country in the process.. It is not a formula for success in this modern world. Like it or not.

Teh One Who Knocks
03-10-2014, 02:42 PM

The GOP embracing of hard line Christianity makes them the party of intolerance imo.. Not only do they alienate themselves from a more moderate voter, they separate themselves from all kinds of groups.. Gays, pro-choicers, etc.. I dont understand why a candidate cant just endorse a simplified point of view without condemning half the country in the process.. It is not a formula for success in this modern world. Like it or not.

It's the far right's insistence that social issue be a part of the republican platform. Until the republicans realize that trying to legislate and dictate how people should conduct their personal lives, they will keep losing and we will get more and more of what we have now. I personally am a fiscal conservative, but a social liberal. What people do in their own homes/lives is their business, not mine. Unfortunately, the religious right would rather take this country backwards instead of forwards.

03-10-2014, 03:45 PM
It's the far right's insistence that social issue be a part of the republican platform. Until the republicans realize that trying to legislate and dictate how people should conduct their personal lives, they will keep losing and we will get more and more of what we have now. I personally am a fiscal conservative, but a social liberal. What people do in their own homes/lives is their business, not mine. Unfortunately, the religious right would rather take this country backwards instead of forwards.

I would relatively define myself like that as well..

03-10-2014, 07:34 PM
/wonders how long its got to go on before people recognize

besides lance, I live in connecticut. the voting machines they deliver here are pre-programmed democrat.

03-10-2014, 08:01 PM
Does anyone really trust the validity of an electronic voting machine?

03-10-2014, 08:03 PM
I don't think they are Halal friendly.

03-10-2014, 09:04 PM
when they can just create ballot shortages, selective recount via judges, on top of fucking with the voting machines...

its the only reason dick fkn jackoff blumenthal is senator and malloy ct governor, al franken a senator, obama second termer, etc, etc, etc...its beyond fkn ridiculous. I knew this country was rotten as hell years ago but I never realized just how bad until you start finding out all the bullshit behind politics - then you realize that most common folk like you guys here are good people, ruled over by shitty bought ass loser fkwads that make sure the gravy train keeps rolling for those onboard and who the hell cares who actually pays for it.

I do not expect this problem writ large to be resolved without pitchforks and torches.