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View Full Version : RAF Jet Chases Russian Planes Away From UK

Teh One Who Knocks
04-24-2014, 11:34 AM
Sky News HD


Two Russian bombers which flew close to UK airspace have been chased away by an RAF jet fighter.

The aircraft, believed to be Tupolev Tu-95 Bears, were spotted off the coast of northeast Scotland.

They were turned away from Britain when a Typhoon fighter was scrambled from RAF Leuchars in Fife.

Aircrew stationed at the base are on standby to intercept unidentified aircraft at a moment's notice.

Dutch fighter jets were also dispatched on Wednesday when the two Russian planes entered their airspace.

A pair of Dutch F-16 jets intercepted the Tu-95s at about 4pm after they strayed half a mile into the country's territory.

The incidents come amid heightened international tensions over the situation in Ukraine, following the annexation of Crimea by Russia last month.

It also follows the arrival of a Russian warship, the Vice Admiral Kulakov, in waters off the coast of Britain.

A spokesman for the Ministry of Defence (MoD) said the vessel was met by the Royal Navy destroyer HMS Dragon, which is "keeping an eye" on the ship's movement.

Sky's Defence Correspondent Alistair Bunkall said foreign planes often fly close to UK airspace, with eight similar incidents reported in 2013.

"The RAF Typhoon is one of Britain's quick reaction aircraft and would have gone up, made contact with the Russian planes and ensured they did not plan to fly into British airspace," he said.

"These sorts of events happen quite regularly and that maybe surprising for some people.

"It's all about testing defences and seeing exactly what your 'enemy' is capable of."

The two Russian planes were escorted by the Typhoon, as well as military aircraft from the Netherlands and Denmark, until they flew off towards Scandinavia.

The aircraft - turboprop-powered bombers which also conduct airborne surveillance - have been in service for more than 50 years.

A spokesman for the Ministry of Defence said: "The Russian military aircraft remained in international airspace at all times and they are perfectly entitled to do so.

"Russian military flights have never entered UK sovereign airspace without authorisation."

04-24-2014, 11:38 AM

04-24-2014, 11:57 AM
if certain countries werent in the business of doing certain things, this would never have been news.

04-24-2014, 12:24 PM
it happens a lot nothing ever happens :lol:

04-24-2014, 12:26 PM
A Russian Destroyer neared British waters too. Putin's getting more ballsy by the day.

04-24-2014, 12:50 PM
I just cant bring myself to be pro-usa, nato, eu, or any of that shite on this. Russia's acting normally in my view, and its a pity most of the media wont even report what actually happened with this coup in Ukraine.

Make no mistake this is all about energy and resources and neither side could give two shits about the people in Ukraine, except that Russia will use Russians in Ukraine as an excuse to "protect" them, except that its really protecting the resources with lip service to the people....as usual. My great grumps was from Kyiv and he basically would never even so much as recognize that Ukraine was its own country - lots of Russians feel that way. And plenty of the ones in "Ukraine" too. Its just a pity that "Nation-Builders" tend to draw their lines so freakin arbitrarily that they virtually guarantee issues like this in the future. Consider the asshats that thought it was a good idea to concoct czechoslovakia, when its like every czech or slovak I've met doesnt identify at all with the other group. Same shit with Ukraine and the east vs west part of the country.

Basically, one side has oligarchs that at least recognize there is something that resembles a balance....and the other side has oligarchs that are absolutely corrupted by power and money and are out to fkn dominate the world - screwing russia is on the agenda, but also on the agenda is pouring tons of money into bad paradigms that allow for tons of skimming to take place - and they have a mechanism (world bank, IMF) to "generously" give and give all this money and then tell the people as a whole that they are all responsible for it all. See how well that's worked out for Greece, Cyprus...anyone who has received an IMF bailout or is under the thumb of...hate to use the term, but combine mobster and bank and you get bankster, and getting Ukraine into their "bailout" (soon to be bail-in) scheme is much in the interests of the big international banks, and double bonus if it fucks russia with the resource issue also.

that's the biggest problem with the one world government shit....look who's going to be at the top if it happens in this era of time here.

04-24-2014, 10:05 PM
this isn't news.... they do this to everyone