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View Full Version : Radiation in New Mexico; Fukishima still on fire

05-21-2014, 03:25 PM
Officials now admit over 500 barrels of nuclear waste at risk of bursting open — AP: 368 already at WIPP dump — “New Mexico sees ‘imminent’ danger” — State orders WIPP to prevent “health or environmental threat”; Must ‘permanently seal’ underground storage areas

KOAT (http://www.koat.com/news/500-wipp-barrels-of-questionable-nuclear-waste-packed-with-kitty-litter/26085874), May 20, 2014: 500 WIPP barrels of questionable nuclear waste packed with kitty litter — New Mexico environment officials said more than 500 barrels of waste from Los Alamos National Laboratory were packed with the kitty litter suspected of causing a chemical reaction and radiation release [...] In addition to 369 containers at the dump, environment officials said 57 more are still at Los Alamos and more than 100 are in storage in West Texas.

AP (http://www.kob.com/article/stories/S3443981.shtml?cat=600#.U3wuIme7J8E), May 20, 2014: New Mexico: 500 barrels of questionable nuke waste [...] packed with the kitty litter suspected of causing a chemical reaction and radiation release at the nation’s underground nuclear waste dump. Environment Secretary Ryan Flynn Tuesday gave the U.S. Department of Energy and the contractor that runs [WIPP] until Friday to detail plans for permanently sealing the underground rooms where more than 300 barrels of the potentially dangerous containers of waste are stored.

KRQE (http://krqe.com/2014/05/20/environment-department-issues-new-order-for-wipp/), May 21, 2014: New Mexico Environment Department issued a new order to WIPP to make sure material suspected of causing February’s radiation leak is secure and not causing a health or environmental threat. The same order was issued to Los Alamos National Lab [...] Tuesday’s order also calls for the feds to come up with an action plan to close the rooms that contain nitrate salt-bearing containers [...]

National Journal (http://www.nti.org/gsn/article/new-mexico-sees-imminent-danger-nuclear-waste-barrels/), May 20, 2014: New Mexico Sees ‘Imminent’ Danger From Nuclear-Waste Barrels [...] New Mexico Environment Secretary Ryan Flynn gave Los Alamos National Laboratory until Wednesday to propose steps for locking down the [...] barrels, which it packed using materials tied to a burst container in an underground area of [WIPP].

lots they havnet and wont say on fukushima

We are by no means experts at identifying instances of fire caught on camera under low illumination conditions, but the following compressed 3 minute video from the official Tepco YouTube feed (https://www.youtube.com/user/fuku1live/videos?sort=dd&view=0&shelf_id=1)(where 1 second of the clip represents 20 seconds in real time) showing the Fukushima nuclear power plant between 8:00pm and 9:00 pm last night, and particularly the segment 1:16 into the clip and continuing for about 30 seconds (or about 6 minutes in the real world), certainly looks disturbing.

That said, we are confident Tepco has a canned and ready for dissemination explanation which soothes away fears that in addition to free gamma rays, the Fukushima sarcophagus is now also in the flambe a la carte business.
